Chapter 1215 You guys wait for me

  The impulse of the two fat dogs was too strong, and Shen Wenqian, who was unsuspecting, was so dragged that his mouth almost hit the ground.

   "Brother Shen!"

  Ruan Qi was startled, he grabbed Shen Wenqian's clothes quickly with his hands, while the other hand helped him grab the dog leash of Dian Xiaofen.

  Don't look at the little girl who is slender, but she is surprisingly strong, and she stabilized two dogs and a big man with her hands.

  Shen Wenqian was able to escape the fate of gnawing on the mud, and let out a sigh of fear.

  "My mother scared me to death!" He patted his chest with lingering fear, "Fortunately, Xiaoqi, you shot in time, otherwise my front teeth will be knocked off. These two dogs are too strong!"

   "It's a Husky after all, people are crazy."

  Ruan Qi said while taking the dog leash, and at the same time moved his eyes slightly to look at the woman who sprang out of the grass.

  The woman also seemed to be frightened, her eyes were staring straight at the fennel with her tongue out, her body stiff and she dared not move.

  Ruan Qi saw this and took the fennel and fennel to move a few steps out.

   "Sorry, the dog scared you." She apologized to the woman.

  The woman pursed her lips, did not speak, as if she hadn't been relieved from the shock just now.

  Ruan Qi looked at the woman’s reaction, thinking that she was the kind of person who was particularly afraid of dogs, and the guilt in her heart could not help but become stronger.

  She thought about apologizing to the woman again, but just as she was about to speak, her eyes swept over the woman's collarbone inadvertently.

  ...There seems to be a bruise there.

  Women are wearing round-necked dresses with loose collars, and occasionally the scenery below the collarbone will appear with the movements. And Ruan Qi just happened to see her under the collarbone, there was a big bruise.

  Ruan Qi has practiced medicine for many years, and she can tell at a glance that it was beaten out, and the person who did it should be strong.

  Combined with the woman's panic and panic when she sprang out of the grass just now...

  Ruan Qi reasonably suspected that this woman might be in trouble.

  As an enthusiastic girl who likes to help others since she was a child, Ruan Xiaoqi will naturally not stand idly by such situations.

  She thought about it, and tried her best to speak softly: "Miss Sister, are you having any trouble?"

  When the woman heard this, she couldn't help but froze for a while, as if she was a little dazed.

Seeing that she didn't understand, Ruan Qi raised her finger on her collarbone.

  Women naturally cannot see their collarbone. She took the phone out of her bag, brought up the camera mode, and glanced at the camera.

  At this time, I just saw the bruise under the collarbone.

  The woman's face changed suddenly.

  Ruan Qi saw that her face was not good, so he asked gently: "Miss Sister, do I need me to call the police for you?"

  Just after saying this, the woman suddenly became emotional as if she had been stepped on a minefield.

   "No need! No need! It's up to you whether I can bear the injury or not!"

  The woman's voice was sharp and thin, and her tone was full of aggressiveness.

Both Ruan Qi and Shen Wenqian were taken aback by her sudden screams.

  Shen Wenqian felt that the woman's mood was a little abnormal, and for fear that she would hurt Ruan Qi, he quickly stepped forward and blocked Ruan Qi.

  "This lady, don't get excited. If you don't need to call the police, we will not make our own decisions. My sister is just kind..."

   "Do I need your kindness?!"

  The woman roughly interrupted Shen Wenqian's words, then opened her shoulder bag, took out a wad of hundred yuan bills from it and stuffed it into Shen Wenqian's arms.

  "Give you the money, stay away from me, and be more nosy!" There was a strong warning in her tone, "You haven't seen me today, dare to say one more word, you wait for me!"

  (End of this chapter)

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