Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1218: Robbing his wife with Xi Jiu

   Chapter 1218 and Xi Jiu grabbing his wife

  As the most sought-after ace team in China, the strength of the myq club has always been an unattainable presence for players in the e-sports circle.

  In addition to the enviable strength, the myq club has another point that makes everyone envious and jealous, that is-the location of the club base.

  Myq club base, located by the Huangpu River in Shanghai Stock Exchange, is a four-story super large villa.

  The villa is extremely luxurious, with 180-degree floor-to-ceiling windows and river-view rooms, a fully enclosed park, one-to-one butler service, and all kinds of facilities for life, fitness, work, and leisure, which are thoughtful to all e-sports teams.

  And what makes them even more enthusiastic is the price of this villa——

  The current market price is more than 300 million yuan.

  It is rumored that this villa is a gift from the mysterious big boss of the club after the myq team won the first national match.

  It is also rumored that several members of the myq team are currently the property owners of this villa.

  Although these rumors have not been confirmed, the local tyrant-level treatment of myq club is obvious to all, and it also makes everyone more and more curious about the mysterious big boss.

  However, the myq club was established for four years, and no one has been able to dig out the true identity of the club owner.

  Some people speculate that the boss is a mysterious rich businessman, and some speculate that it is a rich second generation who is keen on e-sports. In short, there are different opinions, and there are all kinds of guesses.

  And now, the mysterious big boss among the crowd, after being scolded all the way by manager Qian Duo, finally arrived at the gate of the club in a lingering car.

  Qian Duo parked the car and opened the door first to go down.

   "There are always paparazzi outside the park these days. Cover your face when you get out of the car and be careful to reveal your identity."

  Ruan Qi responded, skillfully put on a peaked cap, mask and sunglasses, and then covered the big white hoodie on his head.

  After she was fully armed, she opened the door with her mobile phone and walked out of the car.

  As soon as he stood firm, a fragrant breeze pounced on his face.

   "My treasure!"

   Liu Wanwan in a flaming red dress was like a ball of flames, rushing over and hugging Ruan Qi.

  Ruan Qi had no time to hide. When she reacted, her face had been pressed into the mountains of Liu Wanwan 36D.

   Ruan Qi: "..." Good breasts.

  The little girl was almost suffocated by the plump mountains.

  She rolled her eyes in pain, and when she was about to struggle, Liu Wanwan, who was holding her tightly, was pulled away.

"Liu Wanwan, do you want to suffocate Xiao Qi?" Liu Nanfeng forcefully pulled Liu Wanwan aside, then turned to look at Ruan Qi, and said to Liu Wanwan with an unhappy expression, "Her face It's all red!"

Liu Wanwan has long been accustomed to the virtue of turning his brother's elbow out.

  She rolled her eyes indifferently, and said perfunctorily: "Ok, ok, my fault. Hey, my brother couldn't help but my elbow was turned to the base of my thigh!"

   Liu Nanfeng blushed at the handsome Liu Wanwan said, and glanced at Ruan Qi in a flustered expression.

  While Ruan Qi was helping Qian Duo unload his luggage, he didn't notice Liu Nanfeng's strangeness at all.

  The light in Liu Nanfeng's eyes quickly dissipated, and he lowered his eyes sadly, his heart full of bitterness.

   Liu Wanwan sighed deeply in her heart when she saw the appearance of her younger brother.

   Liu Nanfeng’s thoughts Liu Wanwan knew about it a few years ago, but Wang Xiang had a dream, and the goddess had no intentions, and she couldn’t make a forcible match.

   And now, Ruan Qi has opened up, but Xi Jiu, who protects his wife like his life, is beside him.

  With Xi Jiu’s rank, Liu Nanfeng wanted to steal his wife from him, but there were only two results——

   Either die, or life is better than death.

  (End of this chapter)

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