Chapter 1224 Selling Contract

  The self-confidence revealed by Ruan Qi's words caused the hanging hearts of everyone in myq to fall back.

  Everyone was eating and chatting, and they talked a lot about the summer games. When things are almost done, the reception banquet comes to an end.

  "The bill has been settled. We walked through the back door. The driver has already passed the car."

  Qian Duo finished speaking, put on a mask and walked out of the box first.

  Ruan Qi armed himself, followed Lei Shen and He Yao, and left with the large group.

  There is a long corridor on the second floor of this private kitchen. On both sides of the corridor are various boxes with antique decorations. The box that Ruan Qi was in just now is located in the deepest part of the corridor. If you want to go to the elevator, you must pass through all the box doors on the second floor to get there.

  Now it’s dinner time. There are a lot of people coming to eat, and people will pass by from time to time in the corridor.

  Ruan Qi didn't want to attract attention, she pressed down the hood of the peaked cap and black sweater, and walked behind Thor with her head hanging down.

   Suddenly, Thor, who was walking in front, stopped.

  Ruan Qi bumped into his back unexpectedly.

  "..." The little girl was stunned.

  She stroked the brim of the peaked cap blankly, and was about to raise her head when a strange sound of Yin and Yang came from the front.

   "Oh, isn't this Thor's deputy captain? Take your teammates out for dinner?"

  Ruan Qi raised his head for a pause.

  This voice...a bit familiar, it seems to be...

   "Manager Ma." Thor, who stood in front of her, spoke lightly.

  Ruan Qi immediately remembered who the owner of this voice was.

  Ma Hong, the manager of the Monarch Club, was also the former ‘boss’ of Thor.

  That was four years ago.

  At that time, the Monarch and myq had not yet been established, and Ma Hong was not the Monarch’s manager, but a pimp.

He likes to search for newcomers who are good-looking or have good game skills, and then rely on the newcomers to know nothing, coax them into signing unfair overlord contracts, sell them to major clubs at high prices, or like to play with e-sports players. Investor.

  At that time, Thor was taken by Ma Hong.

  Thor was only 18 years old four years ago, and entered this circle with a passion for e-sports. He didn't understand anything, and was fooled by Ma Hong a little bit, and he signed a'selling contract'.

After   , there was half a year of training for the devil without human rights.

  Ma Hong took a fancy to Thor's talent and regarded him as a tool for making money. Forced him to train day and night, and would not give him food if he was not satisfied.

  Not only that, he also deducted Thor’s salary and only gave him 200 yuan a month.

  Raytheon has been suffering for half a year. He was admitted to the hospital several times because of overwork. The 18-year-old was as thin as a bamboo pole.

  He also thought about running away, but the contract he signed with Ma Hong said in black and white that once he breached the contract, he would pay a penalty of 10 million yuan.

  The Raytheon’s family is only a working class, and can’t afford that much money at all. So he can only swallow his anger and continue to be enslaved by Mahon.

  This hellish life passed for more than half a year, until one day after half a year, Raytheon fainted on the side of the road again due to overwork, and was rescued by Ruan Qi.

  At that time, Ruan Qi was going around free clinics and happened to pass the Shanghai Stock Exchange. She rescued Lei Shen, checked her pulse, and found that the boy was not in the right condition.

   Malnutrition, overwork, depression, anemia, how can a teenager in adolescence have so many symptoms?

   Ruan Qi was suspicious in his heart, so he kept an eye on him, and after Thor woke up, he whispered his words.

What happened after    was a matter of course.

  Ruan Qi collected some evidence and sent Ma Hong’s actions to relevant departments on the grounds of ‘violation of the contract law’.

  Ma Hongdong had the incident, and he couldn't protect himself, and he no longer had the intention to control Thor.

  Ruan Qi rescued Thor. After that, she became interested in e-sports and established the myq club.

  Ma Hong, who was involved in the Dongchuang incident, used all his connections and barely escaped. After two years of silence, he somehow caught up with the Monarch line and became the manager of the Monarch Club.

  (End of this chapter)

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