Chapter 1235 No one can bully you

  The cute call message was sent, and within two seconds, her boyfriend answered.

  [Jiujiu: [兔兔亲亲.jpg]]

  Ruan Qi looked at the little rabbit expression sent by Xi Jiu, and a warm smile was dyed in the beautiful peach blossom eyes.

  She returned to the man for a kiss.

  【It’s Xiaoqi: Did Jiujiu have dinner? 】

  【Jiu Jiu: I ate it. 】

  【Jiu Jiu: I miss my baby. 】

  【Jiujiu: I want to eat with my baby. 】

  Outside, the iron-blooded and indifferent Master Xi seemed to be worn by a human soul. When it comes to love, there is no idol baggage at all, and he is a clingy large dog.

   Ruan Qi thought about the man's clingy appearance, and couldn't help but laugh slightly.

  【It's Xiaoqi: I want to go to Jiu Jiu~】

  【It's Xiaoqi: Jiujiu, you are waiting for me in the Imperial Capital. I will go back after the match! 】

  The man on WeChat seemed to have been comforted, and sent another [兔兔亲亲.jpg].

  Ruan Qi hooked his lips and brought the topic to business.

  【It’s Xiaoqi: Jiujiu, did you handle things on Weibo? 】

  【Jiu Jiu: Cheng Yan? 】

  【It's Xiaoqi: Hmm. 】

  【Jiujiu: Xi’s Public Relations Department is handling it. 】

  Ruan Qi’s guess was not wrong.

  Can push public opinion to a climax in such a short period of time, this kind of terrifying public relations ability, indeed only the level of Xi's public relations department can achieve.

   Ruan Qi showed such an expression on his face, and at the same time, a warm current rushed from the bottom of his heart to the limbs.

  Her Jiujiu will always be like this, silently doing everything behind her back to keep her out of wind and rain.

  The little girl was so sweet in her heart that she couldn’t wait to fly back to the imperial capital immediately and hug the man and kiss her hard.

  【It’s Xiaoqi: Jiujiu, why are you so good? 】

  【It’s Xiaoqi: Oh, let’s give you a kiss! 】

  The man in the imperial capital successfully received the sweet kiss from the little girl, and the low air pressure all over his body instantly turned into pink bubbles.

  【Jiujiu: Baby, I am your boyfriend, and I should do to protect you. 】

  【Jiujiu: Baby, no one can bully you. 】

  The sweetness in Ruan Qi's heart almost overflowed, and the invisible rabbit ears dangling happily above his head.

  The man on WeChat sent another message at this time.

  【Jiujiu: Baby feels at ease the game, and the public opinion on the Internet will be handed over to me. 】

  Xi Jiu wanted to take care of this, so Ruan Qi stopped asking more questions. The summer games will start right away, and she doesn't want to be distracted by Cheng Yan.

  The two chatted again, and Ruan Qi reinvested in training.

  At this time, on Weibo, the Xi’s public relations team had already made the incident of Cheng Yan beating people known to everyone.

  Xi’s not only put Cheng Yan’s video of beating people on top of the hot search, but also re-excavated the video of her promiscuity and the news of deliberate crash and escape.

  This time, the netizens were completely angry.


  The Monarch Club.

  In the lounge on the first floor, the atmosphere is depressing and dull.

  Manager Ma Hong and Captain Arthur sat on the sofa, smoking one by one.

  Suddenly, the door of the lounge opened, and Deputy Captain Yang Qi walked in.

   Arthur looked up at him and asked, "Where is Dragon Slash?"

   "It's in her bedroom." Yang Qi sat down on the sofa and curled his lips dejectedly. "After persuading for a long time, I just didn't open the door. She seemed to have smashed everything in the house."

  Ma Hong, who was lighting a cigarette, heard this, his hand trembled, and the lighter almost caught his eyebrows.

  He put down the lighter in a hurry, and asked with a look of horror: "Everything in the house is broken?! The new computer is also broken?!!!"

"...It should be." Yang Qi shrugged, "You don't know the temper of that eldest lady. She is not happy, so don't even think about being happy. What's the matter of smashing a computer? I didn't beat us to vent our anger. , She has been regarded as kind."

  Yang Qi's remarks were full of strong sarcasm, and Arthur couldn't help frowning.

   "Yang Qi, when is the time, you are still weird."

"I'm so yin and yang?" Yang Qi sneered, "Which lie did I say? Last time the Cheng family kicked her out of the genealogy. She was upset with us, and Arthur, you were almost smashed into the hospital by her. , You have forgotten all this?!"

It won’t be long before Cheng Yan jumps.



  (End of this chapter)

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