Chapter 1247 Give you a monkey

The passionate and passionate melody of the theme song of   Rong Yao Alliance sounded amidst the cheers of countless fans.

  The door at the entrance opened, and six young men and women in black team uniforms stepped into everyone’s field of vision against the light.

  The screams in the studio became more intense.

  On the big screen of the stage, the information of the six members of the myq team appeared one after another.

  Gold ingot, the strongest nanny.

   Yaori, the Jedi spear god.

  South wind, fiercely fierce Master.

   Wanwan goddess, hot warrior.

  Thor, the iceberg assassin.

as well as……

  Little Qinglong, captain of myq, all-around player, the strongest mvp in the summer games for three consecutive years.

  The information of six people was displayed one after another, and then, a large string of text appeared on the big screen——

   is all the results of the myq team.

  The xth spring championship.

  The xth summer championship.

  The xth national championship.

  The xth Asian Championship.

  ...Countless honours, the championship titles occupying the entire big screen, make all e-sports fans excited again.

  【Ahhhhhhhh! myq is invincible! myq God forever! 】

  【This record full of screens makes the people scalp numb. 】

  【My fan team can have half of myq's results, and I can wake up in my dreams. 】

  【Now myq is only one global champion. Looking forward to this year's global competition! Looking forward to myq! 】

  There were so many barrage in the live broadcast room that filled the entire screen, and the atmosphere in the studio was also brought to a new climax due to the appearance of the myq team.

  In the cheers and screams of everyone, Ruan Qi led his teammates onto the stage steadily, raising his arms and waving to the audience.

   Suddenly, the screams of the fans rose by several octaves.

   "The Dragon God waved to me! Ah, ah, the Dragon God greeted me!"

   "Dragon God just looked here, right? Did he see my cheer card?!"

   "Woo woo woo... Dragon God! I love you! I want to give you a monkey!!!"

Ruan Qi, who was about to step down, almost staggered when he heard the monkey's declaration.

  She stopped, raised her head, turned her eyes around the auditorium, and finally settled on a position.

  In that position, a man stood.

  The man's clothes are very familiar, and his figure is very familiar. Ruan Qi is very familiar with his voice when he called for the birth of a monkey just now.

  And the man who can make her so familiar and so keen on e-sports competitions, there is only one man Ruan Qi knows——

  Her family's gold broker.

  Shen Wenqian.

  "..." Ruan Qi's mood at this moment is very complicated.

  Manager Tang, who came with Shen Wenqian, also has a black line on his face.

   He tugged at his overly excited old friend, leaned to his ear and lowered his voice, “Old Shen, do you want to give birth to a monkey for Xiao Qi? Have you asked Master Xi’s opinion?”

   "Don't ask!"

  The agent surnamed Shen, who is usually timid as a chicken, is already on top at this time.

  He vigorously waved the support stick in his hand, and shouted excitedly at the stage: "There is only the little green dragon! Only my big dragon god! What Lord Xi, all stand aside!!!"

  Manager Tang: "……"

  What the **** is this gold broker?

  This is a stubborn fan, and it's still poisonous!


  Seventeen participating teams have all debuted.

  The melody of the theme song of the Rong Yao Alliance stopped, and the host in a suit stepped onto the stage and began to announce the rules of the game.

  A total of thirty-five days in the Rong Yao League Summer Season.

  The first twenty days are the regular season. According to the points ranking, the team ranked in the top eight in total points will enter the next round of the playoffs.

  The playoffs last for fifteen days, with a five-game three-win system, and the final champion is divided into groups.

  Ruan Qi sat in the rest area, listening to the host in a different way.

  She already knew the rules of the game by heart. Compared with these, she cares more about which two teams will compete in the opening game.

  Maybe after hearing the little girl’s voice, the host finished reading the rules and began to draw places for the opening game.

  On the big screen, the names of seventeen teams turned frantically.

  Everyone held their breath nervously.

  Until the host yelled--


  The picture on the screen stops momentarily.

  The names of the two teams appeared in everyone’s sights——

  Jiajia vsmyq!

  (End of this chapter)

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