Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1251: Xi Jiu's Sao Operation

  Chapter 1251 Xi Jiu's Sao Operation

  The wooden assistant did not speak.

  He lowered his head expressionlessly and looked at the phone that fell at his feet. A game match is being broadcast live on the phone screen. The scene of the game just turned to the game area, and the figure of Xiaoqinglong in black clothes and black hat appeared on the screen.

  Assistant Mu looked at the figure and frowned.

  This figure...Why do you look familiar?

  Has he met somewhere?

  Assistant Mu thought about it for a while, and never remembered when he had met someone in the e-sports circle. Xiao Chen, who was standing next to him, waited and waited. After waiting for a long time, he didn't wait for the boss in front of him to speak, and suddenly both his legs became soft.

   "Boss Mu, Mu..." Xiao Chen let out a dying and struggling cry weakly.

  Assistant Mu recovered, pushed down his glasses, glanced at him, gave a faint ‘um’, and said, "You pick yourself up."

   "?" A question mark appeared on Xiao Chen's head.

  Wooden assistant: "Then follow me to see the boss."

  Xiao Chen: "..."

  Xiao Chen: "!!!"

  Who to see? !

  BOSS? ! !

  Not so much, right? !

  Isn’t he just watching the game live for a while while working? !

  This level of error needs the big boss to deal with him personally? !

  Xiao Chen's soul flies away. Especially when he thought of Xi Jiu's terrifying aura, he couldn't wait to throw his body to the ground immediately, crying bitterly and begging Assistant Mu for forgiveness.

   Assistant Mu looked at Xiao Chen's horrified expression, and knew that he was thinking of something wrong.

  But he didn't explain, he turned around and walked outside the secretarial department.

   Seeing this, Xiao Chen had to tidy up his clothes, and followed him tremblingly.

  The two soon came to Xi Jiu’s office.

  The wooden assistant knocked on the door and waited for the sound of ‘in’ from inside, then opened the door and walked in.

  Xiao Chen dragged two soft legs behind Assistant Wooden, and while walking, he meditated in his heart the last words that he had just thought of.

  At this moment, there was a sudden burst of cheers in the office.

   Immediately afterwards, a familiar voice from Xiao Chen came from the desktop computer speaker at Xi Jiu's desk.

  "Beautiful! Little Qinglong's shot is so beautiful! Lucifer is dangerous now!"

  Xiao Chen: "?"

  This voice is...

  Before Xiao Chen could react, the sound familiar to him came from the computer speakers.

"The youngest of Team Jiajia is here! Myq's goddess Wanwan is here too! Goddess Wanwan is a meat shield warrior, and the youngest is probably difficult to shake her. Who wins and loses in this duel depends mainly on Xiao Qinglong and Xiao Qinglong. Lucifer, who will die first?"

  There are so many distinctive game codes, one after another from the computer speakers.

  If Xiao Chen can't guess it anymore, then he has been in the e-sports circle all these years.

  It was broadcasted on the computer speakers of his big boss. It was obviously a live broadcast of the special Rong Yao League game! ! !

  Xiao Chen felt that he was completely confused.

  He stared blankly at the computer on his desk, and then blankly at Xi Jiu, who was sitting in the boss chair, he didn't know for a moment whether he should be shocked or shocked?

  Furthermore, should he first shock the Xi’s helm watching the game live broadcast, or should he first shock his big boss, known for his ‘workaholic’, to run a run during work?

  The young Xiao Chen was very distressed, and his small brain was on the verge of death.

  The wooden assistant saw him staying where he was, so he simply grabbed his arm and pulled him to the desk.

   "BOSS, I brought Chen Xu."

   Sitting in front of the computer, Xi Jiu let out a faint ‘um’, and his gaze on the computer screen shifted slightly to look at Xiao Chen who was still in a daze.

   "The wooden assistant said, will you play Rong Yao League?"

  "..." Xiao Chen, who was startled, was still disconnecting.

   Seeing this, the wooden assistant on the side gave him an expressionless elbow.

  The painful Xiao Chen regained his senses.

  "Ah! Ah...I, I..." He tried to think about Xi Jiu's question, and stuttered, "BOSS, I, I will indeed play Rong Yao League for several years."

   Xi Jiu nodded faintly.

"You move a chair and sit here," he pointed to Xiao Chen, and then pointed to the position beside him, "From today, until the end of the Rong Yao League Summer Games, your task is to explain to me the myq team. All games."

  "This counts as extra overtime, three times the salary, and bonuses are paid separately."

    Xiao Chen: Did I post it? ? ?



  (End of this chapter)

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