Chapter 1253 The baby is the best

"Of course I like it!" Xiao Chen was still in excitement, completely ignoring who was talking to him, and only replied excitedly, "I am Dragon God Iron Fan! The kind who sign in at Chaohua every day! Dragon God Super awesome!"

   "How powerful is it?"

"How powerful is the Dragon God? I can't finish talking about the Dragon God's power for three days and three nights!" Xiao Chen stared at the live broadcast of the game excitedly, showing off his idol frantically, "My Dragon God is the first person in the e-sports circle! Four consecutive The strongest mvp of the year! The nightmare of all e-sports players! He is a god! Do you know what the **** of e-sports circle represents?"

  "The **** of e-sports represents—"

   Xiao Chen turned his head as he spoke, until he saw Xi Jiu's face, all the voices stopped abruptly.

  Xiao Chen: "..."

  Xiao Chen: "!!!"

   Lying on a big grass!

  What did he do just now? !

  He was so overwhelmed just now, showing off the little green dragon to the big boss!

  Is his iron rice bowl going to be unsafe? !

  Xiao Chen's face turned pale in shock, and his lips trembled and could not speak.

  "Why didn't you say it?" Xi Jiu, who was listening attentively, couldn't understand why he suddenly silenced, frowning in confusion.

  When Xiao Chen frowned when he saw the boss, his legs suddenly became softer.

   "B, BOSS, I..."

   Before Xiao Chen had time to say the word ‘wrong’, the narrator’s excitement screamed from the computer.

   "myq won so beautifully! Thor and Xiao Qinglong's cooperation is perfect!"

   "It is worthy of being the strongest teacher and apprentice in the e-sports circle, only Thor can keep up with the rhythm of Xiaoqinglong!"

   "Although it's only the opening game, myq is really too strong! Ending the game in ten minutes, this is a spike!"

  The excited voices of the two commentators yelled out. When Xiao Chen heard that myq had won, he immediately ignored anything and threw himself in front of the computer.

  Playing back the slow motion of Thor and Xiaoqinglong’s last blow in the live broadcast room.

  Xiao Chen stared straight at the playback. After a while, he let out a cry of ‘fuck’ with tears in his eyes.

   "Well worthy of being my great dragon god! Worthy of being the strongest mentor and apprentice CP! I really didn't love the wrong person! My dragon **** is always the most hanging!"

  After speaking, he turned around abruptly and looked at Xi Jiu who was sitting aside.

   "BOSS, did you understand the playback just now?"

   Xi Jiu shook his head blankly.

  Xiao Chen's eyes flashed suddenly.

  As Xiao Qinglong’s diehard fan, how could he let go of this opportunity to show off his idol, and immediately proposed: "Then I will explain it to you? Xiao Qinglong's killer moves just now are super awesome!"

  Being able to hear something related to Xiao Qinglong, Xi Jiu certainly would not refuse.

  He tapped his finger on the desk and motioned to Xiao Chen to start explaining.

  Xiao Chen immediately began to explain with words.

  "...It's almost like that. Without the cooperation of Xiaoqinglong, it would be difficult for Raytheon to successfully kill Jiajia's players. Xiaoqinglong's support is particularly good. This level of support, few people in the e-sports circle can do it!"

   "It's just a pity. The last head was given to Thor, but Xiao Qinglong didn't get it."

   Xi Jiu heard this and immediately asked: "Does it affect her?"

"Right? Little Qinglong? That must be no!" Xiao Chen pointed to the computer triumphantly, "Even if my idol gives the last head to Thor, it is also the mvp of this game! Dragon God is the most hanging! "

  Speak with the boss in the word ‘the most hanging’, and if you change to the boss of any company, Xiao Chen will just roll up and go home.

  But Xi Jiu is not an ordinary boss.

  Not only is he not angry, but he is full of joy.

  Even the employees of the company are fans of babies, and his babies are the best.

    Xi Jiu, I'm always in love.



  (End of this chapter)

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