Chapter 1255 Can Only Live To Fifty Years Old

  Ruan Qi didn't expect his figure to appear in the live broadcast room.

  She was stunned, and after reacting, her face blushed inexplicably.

  I didn’t think it just now, but now seeing this photo, Ruan Qi has a sense of shame in secretly falling in love with Xi Jiu under the noses of audiences across the country.

  Especially the way she sent a message to Xi Jiu was seen by all the fans in the live broadcast room. That kind of sneaky but upright feeling is very blushing.

  The little girl bit her lower lip shyly. Although she was ashamed, the corners of her mouth rose.

   "In front of everyone, it feels good to be open and honest with Jiujiu." She whispered, "I don't know when I can open the relationship."

   Bai Li in the system heard this, raised her eyes and looked at the crystal pillar with faith value.

   "Almost." He took a sip of the apple and said lazily, "You have saved 20 years of life before, and if you save another 10 years, you will be able to live to fifty."

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  According to statistics, the average life expectancy of Chinese in recent years is 77 years.

  ...She couldn't even survive the average life span.

  For a while, Ruan Qi didn't know whether he should feel guilty for dragging the country behind, or should he cry for his short fifty-year-old first.

  The little girl's mood was complicated, as if she had eaten a pile of shit.

Seeing her bad expression, Bai Li comforted her: "You have only one year since your debut, and it’s already amazing to save so much life. Isn’t your starring TV series "Blade" coming out in October? There will be a big wave of popularity. In addition to this summer season, there will also be a global tournament at the end of this year. As long as myq can win the championship, do you still worry about not having faith?"

  Bai Li's words make sense.

  Rong Yao League Global Competition, China has not had a championship for many years.

  If myq can win the championship, then the faith value must skyrocket. Coupled with the belief value of the entertainment industry, breaking through the fifty-year-old life expectancy is just around the corner.

  Ruan Qi thinks this way, and feels a little better.

  But she still sighed slightly.

  "It’s too short to live to be fifty years old. There is no way to accompany Jiu Jiu to grow old."

  The life expectancy of ancient warriors is a bit longer than that of ordinary people. Even if Ruan Qi lived to the average age of 77 for the Chinese to die, Xi Jiu would have to live alone in the world for several decades.

  When he thought that Xi Jiu, who was nearly a hundred years old, would stay alone in the world, Ruan Qi's eyes instantly turned red.

"I can't leave Jiujiu alone." The little girl sniffed, her voice was crying, "He is seven years older than me. If I die at 77, he will be in his eighties by then. Eighty. The year-old man is lonely and has no wife. It's too miserable!"

   "..." Bai Li imagined the scene for a moment, but at the same time feeling sad, she wanted to laugh a little.

  He tried to hold back his smile, coughed, and said, "So you have to work hard to accumulate faith points. As long as you can accumulate to a hundred years old, you will be completely free."

  Ruan Qi heard this, not only was he not happy, but a deep horror appeared on his face.

   "So, I can only live to be a hundred years old?! The life span of ancient warriors is so long, I can only live to be a hundred years old?!"

  Jiujiu still have to die alone? !

  The little girl who accepts the incompetence has red eyes and looks like she is about to cry again.

  Bai Li was frightened and shook her head quickly: "No! Oh, don't cry, listen to me!"

  "..." Ruan Qi looked at him aggrieved with red eyes.

Bai Li's head became cold when he was seen, and he quickly explained: "When I bound you, I said that you should have died naturally in your sleep on your twentieth birthday. But because of my existence, your lifespan will be possible. Extend. But I don’t have enough spiritual power now. You must accumulate enough faith points before I can regain spiritual power. Only when I regain spiritual power can you continue to live."

   "And when my spiritual power returns to its peak state, you can completely solve your lifespan problem. By then, you will be completely free."

  "Uncle Bai Li, when will your spiritual power be restored to its peak?" the little girl asked anxiously.

  "Well, according to the conversion formula of belief value and lifespan value..." Bai Li pinched and calculated, "When you save up to a hundred years of life, my spiritual power can completely return to its peak."

   Ruan Qi: "..."

    Ruan Xiaoqi: Let's die together! ! !



  (End of this chapter)

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