Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1269: I want to make it public (two more)

  Chapter 1269 I want to make it public (two more)

  Neither Shen Wenqian nor Shilan Jewelry is a persimmon, and the lawyer's letter is not to scare people. It is clear that they are going to sue Yuji Lemon.

  This time, Yuji Lemon panicked.

  He happened to meet Ruan Qi and Cheng Jinyan at that hotel today, knowing that they were not going on a date, but simply going to have a meal. However, in order to attract people's attention and traffic, Yuji Lemon only sent a separate photo of Ruan Qi and Cheng Jinyan, but without thinking, it angered Shen Wenqian and Shilan Jewelry.

  Yuji Lemon didn't dare to let the rumors continue to ferment. In panic, he directly deleted the rumored Weibo and went into hiding in a desperate manner.

  But how can netizens allow him to run away like this?

  Everyone rushed to his Weibo, and the comment area instantly built over 10,000 floors.

  【If you have the courage to spread rumors, don't delete Weibo! It's really a rumors, a mouth, and a broken leg to refute the rumors. Dare to edit anything for the sake of red! 】

  【Are you troubled? Are you scared? Shen Wenqian is a well-known guardian in the circle, and the number of paparazzi who have sued Ruan Qi is not one thousand but eight hundred. Where did you have the courage to make Ruan Qi's rumor? 】

  【You dare to make the rumors about the heirs of the Cheng family, believe it or not, I will invite you to have tea tomorrow? 】

  【It's good now, Jinhua Entertainment and World Blue Jewelry are going to sue you. My friend, the pinnacle of life! 】

  【If you really know that you are wrong, get out and apologize to Ruan Qi and Cheng Jinyan. I was so capable when spreading rumors, now I don’t even dare to put a fart! 】

  Yuji Lemon was scolded as a dog by netizens, and Shen Wenqian also took advantage of this popularity to directly send #阮柒准谣# on the hot search.

  A scandal was quickly resolved, and the Weibo gradually subsided, but Ruan Qi's mood at this time was not very beautiful.

  Because Xi Jiu has not answered the phone yet!

  Not only did he not answer the phone, he also turned off the phone!

   "Jiu Jiu must be angry, he even turned off his mobile phone." The little girl wanted to cry without tears, her sad eyes were red.

   Seeing this, Bai Li quickly comforted: "Don't think too much. The Xi family boy loves you so much, it is impossible to be angry with you. He should be delayed by something. Maybe the phone is out of power?"

   "Impossible!" Ruan Qi was aggrieved and squashed his mouth, "Jiu Jiu has two mobile phones, and it is impossible to run out of power at the same time. But now he has both phones turned off."

  After she finished speaking, she thought for a while and got up from the bed ‘teng’.

  Bai Li was startled, "What are you going to do?"

  "Return to the capital!" Ruan Qi put on a cap and a mask, and then took out his ID from the drawer, "I will buy a ticket now, and I will take the high-speed rail without a ticket. I want to go back to coax Jiujiu!"

  The world is not as big as the boyfriend.

  Boyfriend is angry, even if she is at the end of the world, she has to crawl back to coax people.

  Never let Jiujiu a life sulking!

  The little girl covered her face, holding her ID and mobile phone, she was about to leave the club.

  At this moment, the phone suddenly rang the sound of a video call.

  Ruan Qi paused, she looked down at the phone, and after seeing the person sending the video call, her peachy eyes lit up.

   "Jiu Jiu!" The little girl quickly picked up the call, and looked at the man in the video with scorching eyes, "Jiu Jiu, are you not angry?"


  Xi Jiu was asked, "Angry?"

"Yeah." The little girl took off her mask and showed a pitiful little expression, "Jiu Jiu, I shouldn't have dinner with Cheng Jinyan, or be photographed by the paparazzi. Don't be sulking yourself, I'll look for the emperor. you!"

  After speaking, she opened the door and was about to leave.

  Xi Jiu on the other end of the phone understood the girl's brain circuit as quickly as possible, and called her dumbfounded.

   "Baby, I'm not angry."

Ruan Qi paused, "Really? Then why didn't you answer the phone and turned it off?"

  "I was on the plane just now." Seeing her disbelief, Xi Jiu pointed the camera of the phone out the window, "Baby, I'm at the airport now."

  Ruan Qi looked at the airport in the video, and felt a little familiar.

  She blinked, "This airport seems to be..."

  "Shanghai International Airport." Xi Jiu said with a deep smile, "Baby, I'm looking for you."


  An hour later, a sneaky figure came out from the myq club.

  She was dressed in black, covered her face tightly, walked out of the club gate with her waist down, and saw a commercial car parked across the road at a glance.

   "Jiu Jiu!" The sneaky little girl waved strongly at the commercial car, and then ran over like a gust of wind.

  The rear door of the commercial vehicle opens at this time.

  The little girl stepped on the soles of her feet and got into the car with a stride.

   "Jiu Jiu!" She hugged the man in the car with a bear.

  Xi Jiu immediately slammed the door of the car and reached out to hold the little girl tightly.

  Ruan Qi leaned against the man's arms, smelling the familiar smell on his body, his heart pounding.

  She rubbed his chest, raised her head, and gazed at him with bright peachy eyes, "Jiu Jiu, why are you here?"

   "I miss you." Xi Jiu lowered his head and kissed the corner of the girl's mouth, "I can't help it, so I came to see you by plane."

  Ruan Qi's face immediately showed a big smile.

   "I want to go to bed, too!"

  After speaking, she raised her head and kissed Xi Jiu's face.

  Xi Jiu allowed the little girl to mess around on her face, her right hand was protecting her waist, and a slight smile appeared in her eyes.

  Ruan Qi kissed the man seven or eight times on the face, and after stopping, he raised his head and asked him: "Jiujiu, have you seen the hot search on Weibo?"

  Hearing this question, the smile in Xi Jiu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he nodded faintly.

  Ruan Qi saw his reaction and knew that the man was jealous.

  She immediately grabbed his neck and dropped a kiss on his mouth.

  "Jiujiu, I have already clarified. Brother Shen also sent a lawyer's letter to the paparazzi. Don't be angry, okay? I won't have dinner with Cheng Jinyan in the future."

   "I'm not angry." Xi Jiu raised her hand and squeezed her face, "Baby, I will never be angry with you."

   Ruan Qi: "Then you..."

   "I'm just uncomfortable." Xi Jiu looked down at her, "I also want to gossip with the baby."

  The man’s voice was low and faintly lonely.

   Ruan Qi felt a sudden pain in his heart, as if a needle was stuck on the tip of his heart.

  Xi Jiu and her are obviously lovers, but he can only watch her gossiping with others.

  In front of the public, she may have a relationship with any opposite sex. But unfortunately, she and her real boyfriend have nothing to do with each other.

  No one knew that Xi Jiu was her real boyfriend, and no one had even passed on the scandal between them.

   "Jiu Jiu..."

  A deep guilt rose in Ruan Qi's heart. With red eyes, she said to Bai Li in her heart: "Uncle Bai Li, I want to make it public."

  Bai Li suddenly frightened that the melons in her hand were no longer fragrant.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi, calm down, don't be impulsive. You have only saved 20 years of life, and you can only live to 40 years old. Are you sure you want to make it public?"

  (End of this chapter)

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