Chapter 1282 People are sitting at home

  【Fuck! Brother Cheng is back in the arena again! The visual inspection must be shocking! 】

  【I was played by the owner and went to the hospital? This is so fierce! As expected of Brother Cheng! 】

  【Curious about which actress, wait to eat melon. 】

   [The photo released by Brother Cheng, the gold master from the back is over 50 years old, right? Being played by a fifty-year-old gold master into the hospital, it's disgusting! 】

  Countless people have heard the news, and the comment area of ​​Chengge's Weibo quickly exploded.

   And the back photo of the actress and the gold master he released was also taken away by various netizens, and began to analyze with an eight-fold mirror.

  Ruan Qi didn’t know about it, and when she woke up after sleeping all night, she discovered that Weibo had been swiped by #成哥爆料#.

  Out of curiosity, she clicked into the topic. Ruan Qi's hand shook abruptly when he saw the back photo of the actress Jinzhu released by Cheng Ge.

  She sat up ‘teng’ from the bed, staring at the photo with wide eyes, her eyes full of shock.

  This actress is...

  Ruan Qi opened his mouth in shock, and after reacting, he quickly went to a video call with Shen Wenqian.

  Shen Wenqian picked it up quickly.

   "Brother Shen, have you seen the hot searches on Weibo?"

  Shen Wenqian at the end of the video nodded, "I see it. Brother Cheng broke the news, right?"

   "Hmm." The little girl opened her eyes roundly, "Brother Shen, the actress in that photo is Miao Mengmeng, right?"

Although    is an interrogative sentence, Ruan Qi uses a positive tone.

  She is a primary school doctor and has an incomparable understanding of human bones and shapes. As long as it is someone she has met, even if it is from behind, she can recognize it.

  As soon as she saw the photo sent by Cheng brother, she knew it was Mengmeng Miao.

  The actress in the photo is Miao Mengmeng. If Cheng's revelation is true, then this thing... is too fierce.

   "Brother Shen, is this material true to life?"

"Nine in ten." Shen Wenqian gave an affirmative answer, "Brother Cheng's method is very powerful, he can explode, basically it is a stone hammer. And I also inquired about this morning, Miao Mengmeng before a few Tian did go to the hospital, it is said that it was because of a tear."

  Speaking of this, Shen Wenqian paused, and continued with some difficulty, "I also heard that the doctor took out a large metal ball from her, it should be a prop for the letter circle."


  Ruan Xiaoqi, who had never seen the world before, immediately took a breath.

  She was a primary school doctor, read a lot of medical books, and read a lot of medical records. Among the patients I've seen before, there are also some injured as a result of intercourse.

  But how old is Mengmeng Miao?

  Should be less than twenty-five years old, right?

  The girl who was less than twenty-five years old was sent to the hospital directly because of a tear caused by that kind of thing!

  Is the person who hurt her crazy? !

  Ruan Qi felt a strong psychological discomfort, she pursed her lips, and asked Shen Wenqian, “Brother Shen, are you sure it’s Miao Mengmeng’s golden chief?”

"I'm not sure." Shen Wenqian shook his head, "I don't know who did it. The gold master Mengmeng hides very deeply. I didn't find out who he is. But it's definitely not a serious boyfriend. Who can be a boyfriend? You got your girlfriend into the hospital because of this?"

  Ruan Qi deeply felt that Shen Wenqian made sense.

  Her family Jiujiu is still a master of Guwu, and one punch can kill a cow. But when he was ashamed with her, he was cautious for fear of hurting her.

  If you are really a boyfriend or girlfriend, how could you be willing to suffer such a serious injury?

  Ruan Qi sighed, and suddenly remembered another thing.

"...Brother Shen," she looked at Shen Wenqian, "Miao Mengmeng always thought that we both knew something. Now that Cheng brother broke this kind of information, do you think Miao Mengmeng thinks we are selling it to Cheng brother? News?"



  The air is suddenly quiet.

  The smile on Shen Wenqian's face gradually disappeared.

   Ruan Qi: "..."


  Things are big.

   The pot comes from the sky.

     I ran in the hospital for a day today, and I don’t have the energy to update. Three shifts will be normal tomorrow.



  (End of this chapter)

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