Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1293: The four big brothers and Ruan Qi (two more)

  Chapter 1293 The Four Big Brothers and Ruan Qi (two more)

  Shen Wenqian’s proposal was quickly agreed to by Feng Qin.

  It didn’t take long for Shen Wenqian and Feng Qin to issue a lawyer’s letter to kk Xiaotiantian at the same time.

  And less than two minutes after the two lawyers' letter was issued, Cheng Jinyan also used his authentication account to contact kk Xiaotiantian.

  【Cheng Jinyan: See you at the court. @kk小甜甜[Lawyer's Letter Picture]]

  Cheng Jinyan, like Xi Jiu, rarely posts Weibo on weekdays, and occasionally there is a dynamic, either meeting content or financial news.

  However, he is the heir of the top family, and he is handsome. Although he does not post on Weibo, he does not delay everyone from following him.

  So, as soon as this Weibo was posted, fans were excited to directly send Cheng Jinyan to the hot search.

This is just great.

  Weibo hot search list first-#阮柒金主#.

  The second to fifth in the hot search list are firmly dominated by Xi Jiu, Feng Qin, Gu Feiyang, and Cheng Jinyan, respectively.

  Netizens are almost laughing when they see this hot search list.

  【Regardless of whether Ruan Qi has a funder or not, I now persuade her in particular. In the entertainment industry, is there any actress who can be ranked first in the hot search list by four big names like Ruan Qi? This is simply a living Mary Su! 】

  【Four big family members are on the hot search at the same time, all because of Ruan Qi. Has this turmoil sublimated to this level of compulsion? 】

  【...I now believe that the photo that Cheng brother broke the news is not Ruan Qi. With Cheng Jinyan like Xi Jiu by his side, how could Ruan Qi look like that kind of bald man of forty to fifty years old? 】

  【Agree upstairs. Wang Leke is right in saying that if Ruan Qi wants to marry a wealthy family, there are some candidates. Looking at Shen Shi's attitude, she was afraid that Ruan Qi could marry Feng Zong. 】

  【Feng Qin's attitude is also very intriguing. His ‘agree’ seems to be really interesting to Ruan Qi. 】

  【How did the topic become four big bosses? Can anyone tell me whether Ruan Qi was taken care of by the owner? 】

  【It should be fake. If it is really like what kk Xiao Tiantian said, Ruan Qi and Feng Qincheng Jinyan have a money relationship at the same time, then Feng Qin and Shen Shi cannot speak for her. 】

  [With Ruan Qi's achievements, is it not easy to marry a rich family? Why bother to serve a forty or fifty-year-old man and still be played into the hospital? This scandal is very fake at first glance. 】

  【I always think that this storm is a rhythm. Maybe it is the real unknown actress who is making Ruan Qi hold the pot. 】

  I have to say that netizens have a very sensitive sense of smell. After Xi Jiu and Gu Feiyang's troubles, more and more people felt that Ruan Qi should not be fostered, and the man behind the rumor that she was fostered should be the real unknown actress.

  Mengmeng saw the speculations of netizens, and started to panic.

   "Sister Zhang, everyone doesn't believe that Ruan Qi is being raised, what should we do now? Will they dig out a rumor made by me?"

  Zhang Yu was also a little panicked at this time.

  She originally wanted to use public opinion to make Ruan Qi have to recognize this incident. Unexpectedly, a kk Xiaotian would come out unexpectedly.

  Kk Xiao Tiantian rumors that Ruan Qi and Feng Qincheng have an affair, this kind of slanderous slander is too fake. Netizens originally thought that Ruan Qi was indeed nurtured, but when they saw kk Xiaotiantian's fake material, they began to feel that Ruan Qi was slandered.

  "This kk Xiaotiantian is really stealing chicken and not loosing rice." Zhang Yu couldn't help but yelled, "He is stupid, and indirectly ruined my plan!"

  (End of this chapter)

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