Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1296: Disclosing the identity of Xiao Qinglong

   Chapter 1296 Disclosing the identity of Xiaoqinglong

   "Now all major forums are exploded. This photo is basically equivalent to a real hammer, and the whole network is scolding Xiaoqi."

  Shen Wenqian heard Manager Tang’s words and cursed "Fart" in a dark face.

   "Aren't these people brains? The woman in the photo can't even see her face. She is judged to be Xiao Qi by her figure and clothes alone?!"

"No way." Manager Tang sighed helplessly, "There is a navy team leading the rhythm, and netizens don't know the truth, so they will naturally be led. Miao Mengmeng's trick is too ruthless, Lao Shen, what are you going to do? "

  Shen Wenqian did not speak with a calm face.

  The woman in this photo is indeed too similar to Ruan Qi. Even if they clarify that this is not Ruan Qi, the netizens may not believe it.

  Unless...can come up with conclusive evidence.

  Shen Wenqian thought for a while, and reopened the Weibo of Mei Thirteen.

   "This thirteen sister said, the photo was taken last night?"

   "Yes." Manager Tang zoomed in on the photo and clicked the lower right corner. "Isn't there a time for taking pictures on this photo? It was 7:47 last night."


  Shen Wenqian muttered in a low voice, and his eyes narrowed thoughtfully, "As long as Xiaoqi can prove that he was not in the imperial capital last night, all rumors will not be broken."

  Manager Tang was taken aback when he heard this.

   "Old Shen, do you want to..." He paused, looked around vigilantly, approached Shen Wenqian and lowered his voice, "Are you going to expose the identity of Xiaoqi Xiaoqinglong?"

  Shen Wenqian: "I have this idea."

   Manager Tang frowned upon hearing this, "Would you like to discuss with Xiaoqi first?"

  Shen Wenqian: "She is playing a game, how can I discuss it?"

   "..." Manager Tang thought this was a bit tricky.

   Exposing the identity of Ruan Qi Xiaoqinglong can indeed clear all suspicions.

  But... can Ruan Qi agree?

  Manager Tang felt that since Ruan Qi had concealed the identity of Xiao Qinglong for four years, it showed that she was unwilling to expose it.

  Little girls don’t want to be exposed, they are always hard to come by, right?

  Manager Tang looked at Shen Wenqian with a look of embarrassment. Shen Wenqian felt his gaze and said silently, "What kind of eyes are you? I am the kind of unreasonable person in your heart?"

   "You said that you want to expose the identity of Xiao Qinglong..." Manager Tang beeped quietly.

  Shen Wenqian rolled his eyes speechlessly, “I just have this idea. But whether it is exposed or not, Xiao Qi has to make his own decision.”

  Manager Tang: "But Xiaoqi is playing now. By the way, which game is she in?"

  Shen Wenqian took a look at the live broadcast of the Rong Yao League.

  "The fifth game with FG, the deciding game. It just started, and it will take at least 20 minutes to end."

  Manager Tang: "Then what should I do now? The Internet has been so noisy. If public opinion is fermented for another 20 minutes, it is estimated that even the rumor that Xiaoqi and Jinzhu have a son can be spread!"

  People in the entertainment industry know how fast the rumors ferment.

  Shen Wenqian treats Ruan Qi like a cub, naturally it is impossible for him to wait for twenty minutes and do nothing.

  He thought for a while, and said calmly, “We don’t need to disclose the identity of Xiaoqi Xiaoqinglong. We only need to prove that she is not in the Imperial Capital.”

  "What do you want to do?" Manager Tang asked.

  Shen Wenqian did not speak.

  He opened WeChat and fiddled with it for a while.

  It didn’t take long for netizens to see a fresh and hot Weibo on Shen Wenqian’s homepage, with a screenshot of a ticket attached to the back.

    One more today. I'm going to make a detailed outline, and tomorrow will be changed four times.



  (End of this chapter)

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