Chapter 1414 Why did you hurt me

   The agent surnamed Shen, who was troubled by baldness every day, was decisively bought by the 3.0 invincible enhanced version of Hair Growth Pill.

   "This is what you said, version 3.0, I want five, no, ten boxes!"

   Ruan Qi: "...Brother Shen, Hair Growth Pill is a medicine, not a sugar ball. You can't eat it as a snack."

"I don't care!" Shen Da's agent was very willful, "Ruan Xiaoqi, half of your reason for my hair loss is so bad. If you hadn't been doing hot searches every day, I wouldn't have eaten Hair Growth Pill as a snack. I don't care. , you are responsible for me!"

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  What should I do if the agent is too embarrassing?

   Of course you can only pet!

   After all, every bald person deserves pity from everyone.


   Ruan Qi comforted Shen Wenqian, and the two walked out of the car wearing masks.

  The matter of coming to visit Dong Wei was arranged yesterday. Ruan Qi and Shen Wenqian were taken to the visiting room by the police as soon as they entered the detention center.

   Not long after the two sat in the visiting room, heavy footsteps sounded outside the door.

   Immediately afterwards, the door to the visiting room slowly opened, and Dong Wei, who was wearing a prison uniform, walked in with his head down.

   "Mr. Dong." The girl's soft voice sounded in the visiting room.

   Dong Wei suddenly stopped.

   He raised his head quickly, and when he saw Ruan Qi sitting on the chair, a layer of blood instantly filled his eyes.

   "Ruan! Qi!"

  Dong Wei gritted his teeth and squeezed these two words out of his throat, his fierce appearance seemed to want to eat Ruan Qi's flesh and drink Ruan Qi's blood.

   Shen Wenqian was taken aback by his hideous appearance.

But Ruan Qi did not panic at all, and even smiled without caring, and said, "Mr. Dong, this is not Dong's house, you can't be too presumptuous. I suggest you to be more restrained, otherwise the police brother's baton will be It's going to fall on you."

   Dong Wei's ferocious expression instantly froze.

   He glanced at the policeman standing beside him and the baton on his waist. His anger was instantly quenched by cold water.

   Ruan Qi is right.

  This is not the Dong family, and he is no longer the owner of the glorious Dong family.

  Here, no one will take his face into account and listen to his words.

   Wanting to understand this, Dong Wei's rationality returned to the cage. He walked across the table and sat down, then raised his head and looked at Ruan Qi gloomily.

   Ruan Qi also looked at him lightly.

  Speaking of which, Ruan Qi has been in the imperial capital for more than a year, and he has accumulated a lot of grievances with Dong Qicheng. But Dong Wei, she saw it for the first time today.

  Different from Dong Qicheng's flowing air, Dong Wei is full of the majesty of a superior. Especially those eyes, as sharp and shrewd as an eagle staring at its prey, will pounce on anyone at any time.

   Ruan Qi scrutinized Dong Wei without a trace, and then spoke calmly.

   "I've heard about the name of Patriarch Dong for a long time, and I finally saw it today. It's just that this occasion is a bit embarrassing."

  Dong Wei: "..."

   The little girl was so mad that she didn't pay for her life.

   In one sentence, the anger that Dong Wei had finally endured was hooked out again.

   He stared at Ruan Qi with a dark face, and a stern voice came out of his teeth, "Why did you want to hurt me?"

   "I have no enmity with you, why did you want to hurt me!!!"

   Dong Wei's questioning was almost hysterical.

   Ruan Qi looked at his hateful eyes and raised his eyebrows.

   "Master Dong is a good question."

She chuckled lightly, and suddenly her tone sank. She looked straight at Dong Wei with a sharp gaze, and said slowly, word by word, "I was also about to ask Patriarch Dong. Brother Shen had no grievances with you back then. Why did you kill him?"

   (end of this chapter)

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