Chapter 1425 We are very in love

After    Ruan Qi said these words, Dong Qicheng's brain completely crashed.

   He couldn't believe that a little girl who was only 20 years old actually destroyed the Dong family by herself.

   and the source of all this is himself.

  If he didn't use kk Bitterness to smear Ruan Qi, Ruan Qi would not take revenge on him. If Ruan Qi didn't take revenge on him, she wouldn't have found out so much black stuff about him, and she wouldn't have implicated the entire Dong family and Fengyu.

   So, everything is because of him and Yao Xue.

   At this moment, Dong Qicheng, who had been proud for more than 20 years, finally had an emotion called 'regret'.

   He regretted it.

   He shouldn't listen to Ruan Chunhua's nonsense, blindly thinking that Ruan Qi is just a female star with no background.

   He should not allow Yao Xue to do anything wrong, so as to completely anger Ruan Qi.

  If he didn't provoke Ruan Qi, the Dong family and Fengyu would be fine now, and he would still be the son of the Dong family who would never worry about food and drink all his life.

   Dong Qi really regretted it.

   But there is no medicine for regret, the Dong family is over, and he is about to face ten years in prison.


   Dong Qicheng, whose psychological defense was overwhelmed, quickly signed the equity transfer letter.

   Ruan Qi put the contract in his backpack, got up with his phone and prepared to leave.

   "Wait a minute." Dong Qicheng suddenly shouted.

   Ruan Qi turned around and raised his eyebrows, "Is there anything else Dong Ershao has to do?"

   Dong Qicheng opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "The palace housekeeper who gave you flowers and diamonds in the "Xianqing" crew... Was he sent by the Xi family?"

   "Yes." Ruan Qi nodded.

   Dong Qicheng: "Then you and the head of the Xi family..."

  "?" Ruan Qi wondered, "What happened to me and Jiujiu?"

   Dong Qicheng's expression was obviously dazed when he heard her nickname for Xi Jiu.

   "You and the head of the Xi family..." There was a little disbelief in his voice, "Is it true love?!"

   Ruan Qi: "???"

   The little girl didn't understand what Dong Qicheng meant at first, and was stunned. But soon, she realized what Dong Qicheng was thinking, and immediately became angry.

"Jiujiu and I are of course true love, and we are the kind who have seen each other's parents! What's the matter with you? If you can't find true love, do you think others can't find it?! Not everyone is like you There is no good character, right? Jiu Jiu and I are both people with quality, belief and moral bottom line, so, we! Very! Love!"

  As a senior lover, Ruan Xiaoqi does not allow anyone to doubt her relationship with Xi Jiu.

   She crossed her waist and attacked Dong Qicheng with a face full of anger and accusation.

   Dong Qicheng's face was scolded green by her.

   Not only that, he also faintly felt as if he had been forcibly stuffed with a hundred tons of dog food.

  Dong Qicheng really liked Ruan Qi before, so he doesn't want to hear Ruan Qi say how much he loves his boyfriend now. What's more, Ruan Qi's boyfriend is an unattainable existence in their circle. In front of him, he, the second young master of the Dong family, can only be regarded as a piece of grass.

  So, in all kinds of feelings of inferiority and jealousy, Dong Qigong changed the topic, "Did you stay with the head of the Xi family on the night of the Golden Melody Awards?"

   Ruan Qi, who was about to continue his verbal attack on Dong Qicheng, was stunned for a moment.

   "Golden Melody Award?"

   She recalled that on the night of the Golden Melody Awards, Xi Jiu did appear at the guest table as a guest. Later, she played the violin and the wound on her shoulder was torn. After Shen Wenqian helped her backstage, Xi Jiu also sneaked over.

   She and Xi Jiu did stay in the lounge for a while.

   But how did Dong Qicheng know?

   "I was indeed with Jiujiu that night. But how did you know?"

   Ruan Qi looked at Dong Qicheng suspiciously.

   Dong Qicheng opened his mouth, trying to tell her that Yao Xue took a video of you being picked up by a luxury car.

   However, when he thought that he was so miserable now, and Yao Xue was still happy outside, he swallowed the words again.

   Forget it, let Yao Xue break the news.

  Although I don't know whether the person who picked up Ruan Qi in a luxury car was Xi Jiu or someone else, but at least it is certain that it will never be the gold owner.

   If Yao Xue dared to expose that video and spread rumors, then she must be close to death.

   Everyone is going to die together, so he can't be alone in prison.

   Dong Qicheng: Death also pulls a back.



   (end of this chapter)

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