Chapter 1431 Seven Kills, R7

  Bai Yuchen: "R7? Brother Jiu, are you talking about the new weapon designed by Solomon's genius designer Seven Kills?"

   "Not bad." Xi Jiu held the phone in one hand and opened a computer file in the other. There are dense numbers and English in the document, all of which are related data of R7.

   Xi Jiu slid the data from beginning to end and said to Bai Yuchen, "This R7 is very scary, Simon Austin said, it can change the world."

"Changing the world?" Bai Yuchen felt that this bull was a bit big, and couldn't help laughing, "Simon Austin is also very good at marketing. That designer's seven kills are indeed powerful, but they won't change the world, right? Why doesn't he say anything? Change the whole universe?"

   Xi Jiu was noncommittal about Bai Yuchen's complaints.

  If he didn't see the relevant data of R7, he would also think that Simon Austin's words were exaggerated. But if this data is true, then this R7 really has the potential to change the entire ordnance industry.

   "No matter how powerful R7 is, this time I go to country Y, I have to meet Simon Austin."

  Bai Yuchen: "Ninth Brother, do you want to cooperate with him?"

   "No." Xi Jiu turned off the computer and said in a low voice, "The person I want to cooperate with is Seven Kills."


   The plane from Imperial China to L city in Y country has already taken off for thirty minutes.

   In the first class cabin, Ruan Qi looked at Wang Leke who was sitting next to him with a speechless expression.

   "Hey, Sister Ruan, are you surprised? Are you surprised? I'm on the same flight as you!"

  Wang Le is ridiculous like a husky, and the fluorescent pink hair color on his head is shining in the whole cabin.

   Ruan Qi's eyes hurt from being shaken.

   She silently covered her eyes with her hands, and asked with a hint of disgust, "Why did you change your hair color? It was **** yellow last month."

"Sister Ruan, it's not called **** yellow, it's called rotten banana color. I went to the temple again a few days ago, and the master said that my lucky color this month is pink, so I dyed it with fluorescent powder. How about Sister Ruan? ? Look good, right?"


   Ruan Qi really can't praise others without conscience.

   She put down her hands, showed a polite but embarrassing smile, and changed the subject decisively, "You went to Country Y to attend the Lemy Awards?"

   "Yeah, take my singers to meet the world. This time my dad will go too, and by the way, pull resources."

   Ruan Qi: "Wang Dong is also on the plane?"

   "Of course." Wang Leke said, turned around and called "Dad" to the back rows of seats.

   Wang Mingliang, who was sitting in the back, immediately stuck his head out. When he saw Ruan Qi sitting beside Wang Leke, his eyes lit up.

   "Miss Ruan!"

   As someone who has seen how powerful Ruan Qi is, Wang Mingliang has always held a deep awe for her.

   At this time, seeing Ruan Qi also on the plane, he immediately wanted to get up and come over to say hello.

   Ruan Qi waved at him.

   "Wang Dong, let's talk after landing. Don't walk back and forth on the plane."

  Wang Mingliang responded quickly, "Yes, yes, Miss Ruan is right. Wang Leke, please accompany Miss Ruan well, and don't be negligent!"

   Wang Leke couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this.

   "Dad, Sister Ruan is my idol, and I don't dare to ignore her if I neglect anyone! You can handle official affairs with peace of mind, and don't interfere with my chat with Sister Ruan."

After he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Wang Mingliang to reply, he turned around and said to Ruan Qi with a smile, "Sister Ruan, do you have the confidence to win the Lemy Awards this time? I have prepared the support fee, five million, before you. One second to win the prize, the next second I'll pay the Marshmallow Support Club!"

   Wang Leke: I, the rich second generation, make money!



   (end of this chapter)

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