Chapter 1451 The Hand of Thanos

   Ruan Qi's face instantly turned cold.

   She looked at the triangular-eyed man with a malicious smile, pinched her fingertips, and was about to make a move when a loud crack of glass shattered at the entrance of the convention center.

  Everyone immediately looked towards the gate.

"What happened?"

   "I don't know, it seems that he was catching someone and smashed the glass when he escaped."

   "Arrest someone? Arrest who? Who's arresting someone?"

   "I don't know. What the hell, isn't he a dangerous fugitive?"

   "What's all the fuss about? Every armory exhibition will have an accident, and it's not that you don't know who is attending the exhibition."

  The people around were whispering, Ruan Qi heard a few words, and her little eyebrows suddenly wrinkled.

   The figure that flashed past the gate of the Convention and Exhibition Center just now, why does it look like Jiujiu?

   Ruan Qi raised his feet subconsciously and wanted to go to the door to have a look. At this moment, a fat hand stretched out in front of her unexpectedly.

  Ruan Qi didn't have time to think, he raised his hand and slapped him.

The people around    only heard a crisp 'pop', followed by a tragic cry of pain.

   That fat, triangular-eyed man was slapped to the ground by this slap!

   He clutched his right hand in pain, his face flushed with pain. And his right hand was turning red and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally swollen into a steamed bun!

   Everyone was shocked by this exaggeratedly swollen right hand.

  Everyone looked at Ruan Qi in shock, completely unable to believe that this slender and thin person could slap the triangular-eyed man's hand like this.

  Is this Popeye's spinach?

   The Hand of Thanos is just like that, right? !

  Everyone was deeply shocked by Ruan Qi's power. Even Simon, who had known her for many years, twitched his forehead twice without a trace when he saw the triangular-eyed man's hand.

   But then, his face sank.

   "Ron Smith, do you want your claws in front of my friend?"

   Ron Smith's claws may really be gone.

   Ruan Qi's slap was made of steel bars, and his hand was hurting even between the bones.

  Ron Smith was in so much pain that he could only scream. When his subordinates saw this, they quickly helped him and yelled at Ruan Qi, "Damn it! You hurt the boss, I'm going to sue you!"

   "Then go and sue," Ruan Qi said without fear, "I just want to sue your boss for doing me a favor. Simon, how long can you be sentenced for sex/harassment in country Y?"

  Simon: "Six months to ten years, in addition to jail time, he will also compensate you for high damages."

   "That's it," Ruan Qi looked at Ron Smith's subordinates with a smile, "Do you still want to sue me?"

   Ron Smith's subordinates looked like they had eaten shit.

   Ruan Qi saw that he didn't speak, and he didn't bother to entangle any more, so he raised his feet and left with Simon.

   But she didn't take two steps before she turned her head and looked at the gate of the Convention and Exhibition Center.

   The riot just now has subsided, a staff member is replacing the broken glass, and the flashing figure she saw just now has long since disappeared.

   But the doubts in Ruan Qi's heart have not disappeared.

   That figure looks like Jiujiu no matter what.

   Ke Jiujiu came to Y country for a meeting? How could it show up at the Armory Show?

   Was she wrong?

   Ruan Qi stared at the gate and thought for a while, then shook his head and left with Simon.

   And this time.

   The man who came to Y country for a meeting was slowly taking off his jacket, and then carefully took off the watch on his wrist.

   After doing all this, he rolled up his sleeves, and his big knuckles lifted the blond man who was paralyzed by his feet, grabbed his hair and slammed his head against the wall.

   (end of this chapter)

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