Chapter 1465 Thousands of elegance!

   Bai Li's words shocked Ruan Qi's heart.

   Yes, as long as she walks on this red carpet, she will be seen by the whole world.

   At that time, the Faith value will also roll in.

   And her lifespan will be extended accordingly.

   Ruan Qi's blood began to boil when he thought that he could live longer.

   She closed her eyes and listened to the screams outside the car window, her fists on her knees clenched slowly.

The    red carpet has begun.

On the    star lane, the car is slowly moving forward.

  Shen Wenqian opened the live broadcast, and the first person to walk on the red carpet was the hall-level music queen who had already been conferred a god.

Although    Tianhou is forty years old, her beauty and aura are more dazzling than anyone else. She walked casually on the red carpet alone, and the screams and cries around her were overwhelming, almost drowning the entire venue.

   Shen Wenqian looked out the car window while watching the live broadcast, with a hint of envy in his eyes.

   "As expected of a palace-level music queen, look at this aura, look at this appeal! Ruan Xiaoqi, if one day you can reach her level, I'd be willing to lose all my hair!"

   In order to make his cubs work hard, Shen Da's agent also worked very hard.

   The makeup artist and the others couldn't help but laugh.

   But Ruan Qi did not smile.

   She turned her head and silently looked at the bright starlight and the sea of ​​people outside the car window, with fighting intent and anticipation faintly emerging in her eyes.


   The car continued to move forward slowly.

   One star after another walked on the red carpet, dressed in costumes, the stars were shining, and everyone was watching.

  The ratings of the live broadcast channels of the Lemmy Awards have already exploded, and the data of broadcast platforms in various countries are also rising.

   At this time, it was after twelve o'clock in the country of China.

  The office workers and student party members who were taking a lunch break all started the live broadcast one after another, anxiously waiting for Ruan Qi to appear.

  Weibo and forums are full of topics related to the Lemy Awards and Ruan Qi.

   This is the first time that the Chinese music scene has been withering for ten years to go abroad. Everyone is looking forward to it, and everyone is waiting.

   Time goes by minute by minute.

   More than half of the stars have already walked on the red carpet.

   Huaguo netizens who were waiting for Ruan Qi to appear began to get restless.

  【Where's Ruan Qi? The red carpet is over in 20 minutes, why hasn't she appeared yet? 】

  【Will Ruan Qi really walk the red carpet? We're not going to wait in vain, are we? 】

  【What's the hurry? Isn't there twenty minutes left? 】

  [The second half of the show is all big shots, Ruan Qi is a newcomer, if he walks the red carpet, he should be in the front, right? Will she stop walking the red carpet? 】

   [Shen Wenqian said on Weibo long ago that Ruan Qi would walk the red carpet, so stop shouting, just wait patiently. 】

   In the skeptical wait of netizens, another male singer took to the red carpet.

   This male singer has become very famous in recent years, and several rock songs released have been on the charts, and the popularity is very high. Although he has not yet reached the level of the king and queen, but among the newcomers who have risen in the past few years, he is already a leader.

  As soon as the male singer appeared on the stage, it attracted enthusiastic shouts from countless fans, and the live broadcast rooms of various countries were also frantically swiping the screen.

   The Chinese netizens who were watching the live broadcast couldn't help but sighed at his popularity, and at this moment, the host who sent the male singer away suddenly spoke in English——

   "Next, is a beautiful lady from the East China. She is the singer of "One Thought", Ruan Qi!"

   Countless cameras instantly turned to the entrance of the red carpet.

  The elongated black Lincoln, like a gentleman, stopped there elegantly and quietly.

  The door opens.

   The slender purple skirt fell to the ground, causing ripples.

  The girl who came in full costume slowly got out of the car while everyone was watching.

   At this moment, no matter how bright the lights in the venue are, it can’t hold back the splendor.

   (end of this chapter)

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