Chapter 1468 Wearing a golden mountain

   Ruan Qi, with the tears of a mermaid, crushed all the big guys on the red carpet.

   However, this is not over yet.

Shortly after    Mermaid Tears was picked up, someone picked up Ruan Qi's clothes and other accessories.

   The purple streamer dress she wears is the latest masterpiece of the world's top fashion designer Caroline, worth tens of millions. The corsages and earrings bracelets worn on the chest are all from the top luxury fragrance family, and they are all treasures that are never loaned. Also, the handbag that Ruan Qi is holding and the shoes on her feet are also private designs of top masters, and it is hard to find gold.

  The price of Ruan Qi's outfit has also been picked up. Everyone looked at the series of zeros behind the price, and felt that their eyes were full of stars.

  【… Ruan Qi is putting a golden mountain on her body, right? 】

  【More than a golden mountain. She adds up to hundreds of millions, and counting the tears of the mermaid, 300 million will definitely not be able to stop her! 】

  【Three hundred million... Are celebrities walking the red carpet like this now? Hundreds of millions for one word? 】

  [I can't move, I can't move, let alone domestic stars, even those bigwigs on the red carpet of the Ramy Awards, can't move Ruan Qi. She's just out of this world! 】

  【Is Jinhua Entertainment so fierce now? Even Mermaid Tears and Xiangjia's treasures can be borrowed? 】

  【Shen Wenqian and Jinhua Entertainment are not so capable, this should be borrowed by Ruan Qi himself? After all, she knew so many academic bigwigs and musicians, and it was normal to have some connections. 】

   Ruan Qi borrowed it himself?

   That's even better!

   Looking at Ruan Qi's outfit in the live broadcast room, which can be called a collection level, Huaguo netizens felt faintly proud.

  Look at how powerful our Chinese female stars are!

   Not only looks good, but also dresses well. Even if you go to the world, it is also a proper beauty and crowd!


  There is a lot of praise for Ruan Qi on the Internet.

   At this time, Ruan Qi had already finished the interview with the host, and walked slowly into the inside of the venue.

   "My God! How could this be? How could you be so careless!"

   As soon as he entered the gate of the infield, Ruan Qi heard an angry questioning voice.

   She stopped and looked at the sound. At the gate of the venue, a few staff members were surrounding two women in Chinese costumes, and they were talking nervously.

Among them, the woman in the white evening dress looked angry, staring at the other blonde woman in a red dress with fiery eyes, and scolded loudly: "Isn't it intentional? Isn't it intentional to solve the problem! There are so many shots at the venue, you Let me show up!"

   The blonde woman in a red dress lowered her head, as if to apologize, her face full of grievances.

But the woman in the white evening dress still insisted, "Damn it! What's the use of saying sorry? I'll be on stage in a moment to give an award! But my dress is dirty! You idiot spilled orange juice on my dress. What do I do now? I don't have spare clothes!"

   The woman in the white dress became more and more angry, and her voice became louder and louder.

   The woman in the red dress who was reprimanded by her kept apologizing and gave in step by step, in stark contrast to the aggressiveness of the woman in the white dress.

   The staff around couldn't help but feel sympathy for the woman in the red dress, and at the same time they were dissatisfied with the unreasonableness of the woman in the white dress.

   But the woman in the white dress did not feel the strange eyes from everyone. She is now full of thoughts that she will wear a dirty skirt to present the awards for a while. What should the media and netizens think of her?

   The more she thought about it, the more impatient her eyes became.

   At this moment, a gentle female voice suddenly came in from outside the crowd, "Use this to block it."

   The woman in the white dress was stunned for a moment, and turned to look with the others.

Ruan Qi faced everyone's gaze, holding the light-colored corsage that she had just taken off her chest, and said to the woman in the white skirt with a smile, "The stains on your skirt are not too big, pin the corsage there, it can block a block."

   (end of this chapter)

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