Chapter 1472 Refused to sell miserably

  Maybe many people think that the woman in the red dress has already apologized, and Anne Dylan shouldn't be arrogant.

   But Ruan Qi doesn't think so.

   If it was her who stained other people's skirts on this occasion, she would definitely take off her own skirts for the other party to put on. If the size is not right, she will also find ways to cover up the stains on the dress for the other party.

   But the woman in the red dress who stained Anne Dylan's clothes only knew how to cry.

   As if she could get everyone's forgiveness as soon as she cried.

   Ruan Qi didn't agree with this kind of behavior. She shook her head and muttered softly, "No one is weak or justified in this world. Everyone is an adult. It's embarrassing to cry when you do something wrong."

  Anne Dylan looked at Ruan Qi in amazement, her beautiful eyes brimming with brilliance.

   Ruan Qi turned his head to look at her, opened his mouth, and seemed to have something to say.

   "What do you want to say?" Anne Dylan asked.

  Ruan Qi pursed her lips, hesitated for a moment, and asked in a low voice, "Do you really think that woman stained your skirt, did you mean it?"

   Ruan Qi never likes to speculate on people with malice, nor does he like to speak ill of people behind their backs. However, before she watched the dispute between Annie Dylan and the woman with a cold eye, she faintly noticed that something was wrong.

   That woman was crying too fake.

   shed two tears symbolically, without even putting on makeup.

   Although it seems that he is constantly apologizing, the corners of his mouth can't wait to rise to the sky.

   Ruan Qi is an actress, she is very familiar with the difference between real crying and fake crying. Just by looking at the woman's micro-expression when she cried bitterly, she knew that she was fake crying.

  Since crying is fake and apology is fake, then she said that it was careless to stain Anne Dylan's skirt, so it should be fake too.

   Ruan Qi has been in the entertainment industry for more than a year and is used to seeing various intrigue routines. That woman's little tricks are not advanced at all, and anyone with a little eyesight can see it.

   But she is not familiar with Annie Dylan, and it is not easy to tell people directly 'You were tricked, that woman did it on purpose', so I can only remind you politely.

  Annie Dylan smiled when she heard the little girl's words.

   "So you saw it too." She said with a smile.

   Ruan Qi was stunned for a moment, and then, her beautiful peach blossom eyes widened in surprise.

   "You already knew she did it on purpose?!"

   "Of course." Anne Dylan raised her eyebrows, "Her little tricks are **** in my eyes. That idiot can only think of such a low-level way to harm me."

   Ruan Qi: "Then you are still arguing with her in front of so many people? Many people sympathize with her."

  Anne Dylan shrugged indifferently.

   "It doesn't matter. Even if people all over the world sympathize with her, she still won't become popular? The entertainment industry relies on ability and connections, and only idiots rely on sympathy to gain popularity."

   Ruan Qi felt that this was a good word, raised her little paw and patted it twice, "You are right. Work hard to improve your business ability and refuse to sell badly!"

  Anne Dylan felt that this little girl had something in common with herself.

   She smiled and looked at her peach blossom eyes, and asked in a good mood, "Are you the singer of "One Thought"?"

   "Yes." Ruan Xiaoqi nodded obediently, "Have you heard my song?"

   "Of course I've heard it. "One Thought" is very good, and I've been looping the single in the studio for a long time." Anne Dylan complimented her, and her eyes were full of appreciation for Ruan Qi.

   Ruan Qi was praised so that her face was flushed, and her watery peach eyes looked softer.

  Anne Dylan suddenly felt a little itchy in the palm of her hand.

   She tried hard to control the urge to touch her head, and took out her mobile phone from her handbag, "Let's add contact information? If you have a chance, you can come to my studio and play, and I'll take pictures for you."

   (end of this chapter)

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