Chapter 1495 Xi Jiu's Doubt

   "Everything is normal." Gu Feiyang's lazy voice sounded on the walkie-talkie, "There is no suspicious person, and Pan Feng did not appear."

   Xi Jiu turned his attention to the surveillance screen in the exhibition hall.

  In the exhibition hall, after receiving the order, the two people from the third group of the Eagle Department slowly approached a suspicious woman wearing a white sweater, black cap and mask with wine glasses.

   They looked around unintentionally, and their eyes fell on her.

   "Someone is watching me." Ruan Qi said to Bai Li inwardly, looking at the gun model in the showcase.

  Bai Li scanned the exhibition hall through the virtual screen, but couldn't find anyone watching her.

   "...Are you feeling wrong? I didn't notice anyone looking at you."

"You won't feel wrong. The other party's detection ability is very strong and professional." Ruan Qi said, turned around, leaned her back on the long table, and quickly scanned the exhibition hall, "I didn't feel the other party. malicious, they should just be testing my identity."

  Bai Li: "Why are you testing you?"

   Ruan Qi sighed: "Maybe it's because my outfit is too suspicious."

  Others come to the exhibition with suits and leather shoes and long skirts fluttering. Only she can't wait to arm her teeth.

   Anyone who sees her in this outfit will find it strange, and the act of staring at the monitor just now, the person on the other end of the monitor should be suspicious of her.

   But the other party was not malicious, and Ruan Qi didn't want to make trouble for himself.

   She raised her foot and walked towards Simon Austin.

   The two Eagles who were staring at her immediately moved closer to Solomon and his party.

   "It's lunch break time, shouldn't it be time for lunch?" Ruan Qi's voice drifted into the ears of the two of them.

   Simon, who was standing beside her, nodded, "What do you want to eat?"

   "It's all right." Ruan Qi looked at the Solomon crowd, "I've been in Solomon for several years, and this is the first time I've met you. I'll invite you for lunch today. You can order whatever you like. Don't be polite to me."

   All Solomon were flattered and declined.

  Ruan Qi saw that they were being cautious, so he made the decision by himself, and with a small hand, he led everyone out of the exhibition hall.

The   Eagle Department watched her leaving back, and dialed the Bluetooth headset in their ears, "BOSS, the target person should be someone from Solomon. She went to dinner with Simon Austin."

   Xi Jiu in the monitoring room frowned slightly when he heard the words.

   Solomon's people?

   He looked at the monitor screen again.

   On the big screen, Solomon and his party left the exhibition hall talking and laughing. Simon Austin was surrounded by all the stars, and beside him, a mysterious woman in a white sweater and a black cap walked side by side with him.

   Xi Jiu looked at the woman's back, and a strange feeling crossed her heart.

  Why does this woman's back look so similar...

   "Ninth brother, the person who helped Pan Feng to smuggle to country Y has been caught!" Bo Ye's voice suddenly sounded on the walkie-talkie.

   Xi Jiu's thoughts were interrupted.

   He glanced at the surveillance screen, looked away, and said to the walkie-talkie, "Take the person to the base, and I'll go back right away. Gu Feiyang, come up and watch for me."


   Ruan Qi knew nothing about the conversation that took place in the monitoring room.

   She spent a lot of money to invite Solomon's colleagues to have a big meal, and when they had enough rest, the group returned to the exhibition center.

   Starting this afternoon, the top exhibits will be explained one by one.

  Solomon's R7 was seventh.

   The one who interprets it is the person who created it - the genius designer, Seven Kills.

   (end of this chapter)

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