Chapter 1499 I am Seven Kills

  Simon gave him a cold glance, too lazy to speak.

Thomson only thought he was jealous, and he raised his eyebrows even more proudly, showing off: "M16 is our company's killer. With its performance, I believe that no other heavy machine gun can match. Mr. Austin, what do you think? ?"

  Simon Austin continued to look at him blankly.

Thomson thought he was being slapped by himself and had nothing to say. He was very happy, patted his beer belly and pretended to say, "Mr. Austin don't have to be too discouraged. Although Solomon's R7 is not as good as my M16, I have never been a Thomson. It's not the people who kill them. BC makes meat, and Solomon can at least drink a few mouthfuls of soup. Mr. Austin, you just wait for the soup, haha!"

   Thomson smiled grimly.

  Ruan Qi looked at him and only thought that Thomson could become the boss of BC Manufacturing purely because he would be reincarnated.

   As long as his two older brothers are still alive, this fool is not even qualified to be a doorman made by BC.

   is too stupid.

   is too stupid to see.

   Ruan Qi pressed the cap down, too lazy to look at Thomson's smug face again.

   Thomson showed off to Simon for a while. But Simon kept a dead face and didn't even say a word. Thomson babbled for a long time by himself, and finally left with no interest.

   An hour passed quickly, and the exhibition time of M16 was over.

  As all the performances of the M16 were revealed, the atmosphere in the exhibition hall became more and more enthusiastic.

   When the next exhibit comes on stage, no one is in the mood to pay attention to it. Everyone crowded in front of Thomson, wanting to chat and cooperate with him.

   Only Solomon and his party stood quietly in the corner, patiently listening to the explanation of the fourth exhibit.

  Because there is M16 pearl in front, the fourth exhibit did not get much attention.

  The designer of the exhibits stood alone on the commentary stage, introduced the performance of the exhibits step by step, and then stepped off the stage with a few applause.

   The fourth exhibit has ended.

   The next player to play is Solomon's R7.

   However, at this time, there were very few people around the commentary.

  Most of the guests were surrounded by Thomson and the designers of M16, and few people paid attention to the commentary.

   Simon frowned tightly when he saw this scene.

   He turned to look at Thomson in the distance. Thomson, who was talking to someone, seemed to sense his gaze, turned his head suddenly, and gave him a smug and successful smile.

  Simon's face sank.

   It was Thomson's fault that Solomon was put on display today.

   Now everyone is attracted by the M16 made by BC. Solomon comes to the stage at this time. I am afraid that it will be the same as the fourth exhibit just displayed, and no one will pay attention.

  Simon's eyes flashed with anger, but soon, he let out a sneer.

   Thomson is a really good idea.

   But unfortunately, his plan was going to fall through.

  Simon turned to look at Ruan Qi, "Are you ready?"

   Ruan Qi nodded.

   She handed the pad in her hand to the person beside her, then took out a voice changer and clipped it to the mask, put both hands in the pockets of the sweater, and walked slowly to the explanation stage.

   She stood on the commentary stage, took the microphone on the shelf, and tapped on it with her hand.

   "Hello?" Ruan Qi called into the microphone twice.

  The metallic sound modified by the voice changer is transmitted through the microphone throughout the exhibition hall.

   Before everyone could react, the people on the commentary stage spoke again, detonating the entire exhibition center with one sentence——

   "I am the Seven Kills, from Solomon."

   Thomson: All the hard work Ben Gong has done over the years has been in vain! All in vain!


   Babies, announcing good news - the physical book of "Master Xi" is tentatively scheduled for pre-sale on the 28th of this month, and the purchase link will be sent to the scarf in a few days. Babies who like soft treasures can get a copy. In addition, in order to celebrate the publication of "Master Xi", there will be more sons who are addicted to old age these days. I hope you will enjoy reading it, and I hope you will support the physical book a lot, thank you!



   (end of this chapter)

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