Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1506: "Blade" airs! (one more)

   Chapter 1506 "Blade" broadcasts! (one more)

After   Simon sent Ruan Qi back to the hotel, he left with Arfate.

   Ruan Qi went back to the room and changed his clothes. Before he could catch his breath, Shen Wenqian pulled him out of the hotel and hurried to announce.

   The exclusive interview to be done tonight is from a magazine called MK. This magazine is very famous abroad, and popular stars above the second tier in Europe and the United States have been interviewed by them.

   For this exclusive interview, MK directly gave Ruan Qi a full page inside. This is enough to prove Ruan Qi's popularity abroad.

  The interview is scheduled on the fifth floor of the MK headquarters.

After    Ruan Qi arrived, he went to do makeup and took a set of photos, and then was taken to the next door and began to be interviewed.

  The interview went on for more than an hour, and it was past nine o'clock in the evening when Ruan Qi came out of the room.

   She said goodbye to the MK staff one by one, then followed Shen Wenqian into the car and left the magazine.

"MK's inner page interview will be released next week. You have a small announcement at seven o'clock tomorrow morning, which can be finished in half an hour." Shen Wenqian flipped through the schedule, "By the way, tomorrow's 'Blade' will be broadcast, remember to post it later. Promote it on Weibo."

  Ruan Qi immediately took out his mobile phone and opened Weibo.

   Today is the second day after Ruan Qi won the Lemy Award, and domestic netizens are still immersed in this joy.

   "Blade" director Jian Guoqiang also gained popularity early on, and the topic of #楊柒 Blade# has been on Weibo's hot search list for a whole day.

   And the official Weibo of the TV series "Blade" is also very good at playing, and every three or five minutes, a short video of Ruan Qi on the set is released, which makes the curiosity of fans and netizens high.

  Ruan Qi took a look around on Weibo, first gave a few likes to the official Weibo of "Blade", and then edited a Weibo and sent it out.

  【Ruan Ruan Qi: Tomorrow night at 8 o'clock in China TV, "Blade" is with you! 】

  Weibo received more than 10,000 likes in less than five minutes.

  # RuanQibo# The four words are like sitting on a rocket, and '嗖' jumped to the first place in the hot search list.

  Passers-by were stunned by the speed of this hot search.

  【Is this the popularity of the Rammy Award winners? Are you sure you didn't buy this hot search? 】

  【Ruan Qi's popularity is terrible. When I saw her Weibo, the number of likes was 101. After refreshing it, the number of likes became more than 10,000! 】

  【I have taken it. Ruan Qi is a popular devil, no one in the entertainment industry should be able to match him, right? 】

  【Who dares to compare? If I want to compete with Ruan Qi, I need to win a Lemy Award first! 】

  [It turned out to be a passerby who was fanned by Ruan Qi for winning the award. Fan Ruan Qi is so cool, I will be chasing "Blade" tomorrow! 】

  【Chase "Blade" +1! Hope this drama doesn't disappoint me! 】

  Ruan Qi posted a Weibo post, and the popularity of "Blade" instantly soared.

   Director Jian Guoqiang laughed so hard that he couldn't see his teeth, he personally used the official Weibo of "Blade" to post a preview——

  【TV series "Blade": Do you want to hear Ruan Qi sing? At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, the opening song "Sharp Blade" of "Blade" is waiting for you! 】

   Netizens and fans: ! ! ! ! !

  Play or Jian Guoqiang will play.

   Ruan Qi just won the Ramy Award, everyone is looking forward to her new song. Jian Guoqiang accurately grasped the public's psychology, and directly released the opening song sung by Ruan Qi.

   This time, the popularity of "Blade" exploded.

  # Ruan Qi's opening song "Sharp Blade"# successfully squeezed out this topic # Ruan Qi 发博# and topped the hot search list!

   Ruan Qi held his mobile phone and was amazed by Jian Guoqiang's series of salacious manipulations.

   "Has Jiandao really never been an agent? This marketing method is too awesome!"

  Shen Wenqian was also on Weibo, and couldn't help laughing: "Who said that national directors can't do marketing? The popularity of brief introductions is soaring."

   Ruan Qi also laughed.

   She used WeChat to send Jian Guoqiang a [Tricky Smile.jpg], and when she was about to turn off her phone, WeChat suddenly vibrated.

  【Annie Dylan: Soft treasure, I saw your TV series on Huaguo’s Weibo. Did you star in "Blade"? 】

  Annie Dylan, the glamorous lady who was splashed with orange juice at the Ramy Awards.

   Ruan Qi saw the message she sent, her eyes lit up, and she replied with a sweet emoji.

   [It's Xiao Qi: Yes, I starred in "Blade". Miss Annie, you haven't slept so late? 】

  【Annie Dylan: Baby, it’s only nine o’clock in the evening, and the nightlife has just begun. 】

  【Annie Dylan: I also want to follow "Blade", I want to recommend this TV series to my fans. 】

  Annie Dylan is an activist. She recommended the TV series "Blade" on ins just after posting the message.

   Ruan Qi quickly thanked her when she saw her post on ins.

  【It's Xiao Qi: Thank you Sister Annie! [Give you a refill.jpg]]

  【Annie Dylan: You're welcome, we are friends. Little Ruanbao, when will you come to my studio to play? I will take pictures of you. 】

   Ruan Qi counted the days in his heart. The exhibition time of the Armory Show is still tomorrow, and the next three days will be the exchange meeting.

  The exchange meeting is very important. If X organization and Jiang Chunian want to make an idea of ​​R7, they will definitely show up at the exchange meeting.

  So, she couldn't leave the three-day exchange meeting.

  Then there is only tomorrow left.

   "Brother Shen, I want to go to a friend's studio to take pictures tomorrow."

   "What friend?" Shen Wenqian asked casually.

   Ruan Qi: "A friend I met at the awards ceremony, a young lady, took pictures for people."

   Shen Wenqian immediately raised his head when he heard the words, "Who took pictures for people? What kind of pictures? Are you wearing clothes?"


   Ruan Qi's mouth twitched when Shen Wenqian asked.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Shen Wenqian immediately said seriously: "Ruan Xiaoqi, let me tell you, this society is very chaotic, and you can't trust everyone. Especially in the foreign entertainment industry, there are all kinds of dirty things, you are not allowed to do anything. Make friends."

   Ruan Qi: "...I didn't hand it in casually, I did it seriously."

   "It's even worse if you are serious! Do you know who the other party is? Do you know the details of the other party? What if they trick you into taking that kind of photo?!"

   Ruan Qi: "...Sister Anne is a serious person."

   "A serious person? You know her and think she is a serious person. Sister Annie? Her name is Annie?"

   Ruan Qi: "...Well, her full name is Anne Dylan."

"Annie Dylan? It's a nice name, but you have to be careful..." Shen Wenqian babbled for a long time, then his voice suddenly stopped and his eyes widened, "Ruan Xiaoqi, what did you say her name was?! Anne Dylan? !!!”

   Ruan Qi nodded inexplicably.

   Shen Wenqian let out a 'Fuck' on the spot!

"Annie Dylan! Anne Dylan!" He screamed twice, turned on his phone and took a picture of his mother, and ran in front of Ruan Qi, "Is it this person? The Anne Dylan you said, is this person? ?!"

   Ruan Qi glanced at the photo and nodded again.

   "She is Sister Annie. Brother Shen, is there any problem?"

   There are two more



   (end of this chapter)

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