Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1518: Take it back and get a good education (one more)

   Chapter 1518 Bring it back to educate (one more)

   Aisha Hawk's reserved and slightly smug smile suddenly froze on her face.

   She looked at Simon in disbelief.

   Why is this man so rude? To say she is a married woman? !

   "...Mr. Austin, how can you say I'm a married woman? I'm only twenty-three!"

   "Ah, twenty-three years old." Simon nodded solemnly, "It's the legal age for marriage in the country. Besides, what happened to married women? Miss Aisha looks down on married women?"

   Aisha Hawk choked: "No, I..."

   "I also don't think Miss Aisha looks down on married women. My mother is married and your mother is married. They are both very great and the most beautiful goddesses in the world. What do you think, Miss Aisha?"

  On the skill of choking, Simon Austin is the eternal king level.

   He carried Aisha Hawke's mother out. If Aisha Hawke dared to say no, it would be a great disobedience.

   Aisha Hawke's face was ashen, and she was so full of fire that she couldn't express it.

But Simon said again at this time: "Since Miss Aisha is not yet married, the kissing ceremony is not suitable for us. Come back when you get married, then I will give you some money and a kissing ceremony. "

   Aisha Hawke: "..."

   Ruan Qi: "..."

   Based on what she knew about Simon, although this man was a bit venomous, he was by no means an uneducated character who would hate him when he saw him.

   His aggressiveness towards Aisha Hawke today was beyond his normal social etiquette.

   He did it on purpose.

   Ruan Qi didn't know why Simon deliberately targeted Aisha Hawke, but seeing Aisha Hawke's green face, she couldn't help but praise Simon in her heart.

   Aisha Hawke was half choked to death, and the scene was awkward for a while.

  Demonhawk didn't expect Simon to have such a style of painting, and the decent smile on his face almost couldn't hold up.

   He glanced at his daughter vaguely, tried his best to smooth things out and said with a smile: "Mr. Austin is quick to talk, my Elsa is young and ignorant, don't know her in the same way."

   When a normal person hears this, they may go down the stairs and say "it's okay" and get fooled.

   Ke Simon is not an ordinary person.

   He put one hand in the pocket of his trousers, and said with an expressionless face, "It doesn't matter, the child is ignorant and can be brought back for a good education."

  Demonhawk: "..."

   Ruan Qi couldn't bear it anymore, he turned his head aside and his shoulders were shaking wildly.

  Demonhawk was half choked to death by Simon, and a bit of anger appeared in his eyes. But soon, he thought of the purpose of coming to the Armory Show today, and had to try his best to suppress his anger.

   He turned to look at Ruan Qi, who was standing beside him and snickered, and changed the subject: "Is this the designer Miss Seven Kills?"

   Caught off guard, the little girl who was giggling didn't react for a while.

  Demonhawk had already walked up to her and stretched out his right hand towards her.

   "Miss Seven Kills, it's an honor to meet you. I'm Dermon Hawke, from the Hawke family, a noble of country Y. Beautiful lady, you are better than I thought."

   Ruan Qi didn't know how she was wearing a black mask, how Demenhawk saw her beauty.

   But with the ability to blow with his eyes closed, the old man, Demon, is 18,000 times stronger than his daughter Aisha Hawke.

   Ruan Qi politely shook hands with Demon, but did not speak.

Demenhawk is only a genius designer who is withdrawn by nature and doesn't care. He continued with a smile: "Beautiful Miss Seven Kills, the R7 heavy machine gun you designed is nothing short of a miracle. I really hope to be friends with you and work together. Discuss R7."

  Demonhawk went around in a big circle and finally revealed his purpose.

  Ruan Qi's eyes flashed, and he deliberately lowered his voice, and said, "Thank you Mr. Demon for your attention to me. But I'm sorry, I'm not good at words, I just like to stay in the laboratory by myself, and I don't like to interact with people."

When Demon Hawke heard this, his tone became a little anxious, "Miss Seven Kills is the number one designer in the ordnance world, so many people come here, how can you not interact with people? Miss Seven Kills, I like R7 very much, Huo The Ke family would also very much like to be friends with you and Mr. Austin."

  Demon played the trump card of the Hawke family, and his intention to cooperate with Solomon was obvious.

   But Ruan Qi was even more puzzled at this time.

  Old Hawke has loved his eldest son for so many years, why did he suddenly turn his attention to the third son, Demon?

   If this Demon is really good, that’s all. But after her observation, this man is smart, but if he wants to be the patriarch of the Hawke family, he is still far from it.

  Demon is not good, even a little mediocre treacherous. In the eyes of old Hawke, it is impossible not to see.

   But he still wanted Damon to be his heir.

  Old Hawk valued De Meng, but what he valued was not De Meng himself, but the mysterious ally behind De Meng - Jiang Chunian.

  What kind of trump card did Jiang Chunian have in his hand that deserves such attention from Old Hawk?

   Ruan Qi's confusion deepened.

   But when Jiang didn't come in the early years, she couldn't find out what the **** he and the Hawke family were doing.

   The Demon father and daughter are just two cannon fodders, and even if you ask, you may not be able to ask too much information.

   Still have to force Jiang Chunian out.

Ruan Qi's heart turned back and forth, but she calmly said to Demon: "I have already felt Mr. Demon's heart. Solomon likes sincere partners and strong friends very much. But Mr. Demon is very fond of strong friends. You should be aware that there are not many R7s, but there are a lot of people who want it."

  Demonhawk responded quickly: "R7's technology has subverted the current level of technology. Of course, it is hard to find a lot of money. Miss Seven Kills, I am willing to pay a high price."

"High price?" Ruan Qi raised her eyebrows, her tone skeptical, "Mr. Demon, the unit price of R7 is very expensive. Although you are from the Hawke family, you are not the head of the family. With all due respect, you buy R7 in bulk. You may not be able to bear the price.”

The words    are euphemistically and implicitly, but the translation means - you are too poor to buy it, and I don't want to sell it to you.

  Demonhawk's expression stiffened.

Although the meaning of    Ruan Qi's words is not very pleasant, it has to be said that most people think so.

Although   Demon is the third son of old Hawke, he was not taken seriously before and could not call the family assets at all. And he himself is not very capable, and he can't make much money, so although he is nearly fifty years old, he is still an old man who depends on his parents for food.

  R7 is so expensive, if you want to buy it in bulk, the previous Demonhawk really couldn't do it.

   But now it is different.

Demon Hawke thought of the person behind him, and a smile appeared on his stiff face, "Miss Seven Kills, I really can't buy R7 in bulk with my personal ability. But you know something, my father, Old Hawke, is ready to let I am the heir to the family."

   (end of this chapter)

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