Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1537: In exchange for everything (one more)

   Chapter 1537 Use everything in exchange (one more)

  Old Davis predicts De Monhawk's future out of curiosity. It's really that Demon Hawke's performance was too snarky before, and the old gentleman couldn't hold back, and secretly gave him a divination.

   But he didn't think about it, but he saw the scene of Demon Hawke and Thomson made by BC teaming up to do things.

  If it were someone else, old Davis would definitely not mind this business. But the person Demenhawk wanted to engage was Ruan Qi, who was also the savior of old Davis' wife, so he had to remind Ruan Qi about this.

   Of course, before saying this, Davis Sr. prepared for the worst.

  The ability to predict the future is not acceptable to everyone. Maybe he reminded Ruan Qi out of good intentions, but Ruan Qi may not be able to accept his terrifying ability. After all, being able to casually see a person's future sounds pretty cool, but you will only know how terrifying it is after you have experienced it yourself.

  Old Davis was ready to be rejected and feared by Ruan Qi.

   But Ruan Qi's reaction was beyond his expectations.

   She only raised her eyebrows in surprise, gave an understated "Oh", and then disappeared.

  Old Davis couldn't be cured by her, "Miss Seven Kills, don't you have any other ideas?"

"Thinking?" Ruan Qi thought about it for a while and nodded, "There are indeed other ideas." After saying that, she looked at Old Davis and bowed solemnly, "Old sir, thank you for your reminder, I am grateful."

  Old Davis: "..."

  The old duke rarely encountered someone like Ruan Qi who did not play cards according to the routine.

   He was in a trance and couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

   Ruan Qi blinked in surprise: "Afraid? Why should I be afraid of you? You didn't harm me, but helped me."

   The little girl's brain circuit is very simple. She should be grateful for someone who helped her. When a person kills her, she kills the person.

   Old Davis had the ability to predict the future, but he helped her, so she was grateful. If one day, he uses this ability to harm her, then he is her enemy.

   The logic of the little girl is so simple and straightforward, but sincere and candid makes people feel soft. Old Davis looked at her clear peach eyes, and the smile on his face became more gentle.

   "Miss Seven Kills is a very lovely person." The old gentleman did not hesitate to praise and love himself, "My wife is also such a person, you must be able to talk."

   Ruan Qi nodded his head: "I'm looking forward to meeting Ms. Jennifer."

   The smile in the eyes of old Davis was even greater. But soon, he reminded in a dignified tone: "BC Manufacturing and Demenhawk want to join forces to deal with Solomon, Miss Seven Kills, You and Mr. Austin better prepare early."

   Ruan Qi turned his head and glanced at Simon, Simon nodded lightly and said in a light tone: "Thank you old Duke, Solomon will be more careful."

  Old Davis saw him say this, he stopped talking, and brought the topic back to the matter of treating his wife's illness.

   "Miss Seven Kills, I wonder if you can agree to my request? My wife, Jennifer, she... has been suffering all these years."

  Heart disease and asthma, these two intractable diseases will be very tormenting for anyone.

   What's more, Jennifer is over sixty years old, and her body is even more vulnerable.

   Thinking of the hardships his wife has endured over the years, Old Duke Davis' face showed a sad look. He suddenly stood up, faced Ruan Qi, and bent down deeply towards her.

   "Miss Seven Kills, please promise me to help a bunch of Jennifer. I am willing to exchange everything I have with you."

   Old Duke Davis bowed deeply.

   But how could Ruan Qi accept the big gift of an old man in sixties, jumped up from the sofa with a 'whoosh', and hid behind Simon Austin in a few steps.

   Old Duke Davis was taken aback by her flexible posture, and his waist, which was already bent halfway, was stiff in the air.

   "Sir, you don't have to do this." The little girl hiding behind Simon stuck her head out, "It is the duty of a doctor to treat and save people. I agree to your request, get up quickly!"

  Old Davis didn't expect Ruan Qi to be so good at talking, and immediately stood up excitedly: "Miss Seven Kills, are you really willing to treat my wife?!"

The little girl nodded again and again: "I am willing. But I have to give her a detailed examination first, and you have to be mentally prepared. Heart disease and asthma are not easy to cure. You can't give me 100 percent. Hundreds of expectations, if I can't cure it, you can't blame me."

   Ruan Qi could accept his request so quickly, old Davis was already very grateful, how could he blame her?

   He expressed his attitude excitedly: "Miss Seven Kills, please rest assured, no matter what the result is, you will always be a distinguished guest of the Davis family! The door of the Davis family will always be open to you!"

   Ruan Qi likes a reasonable person like old Davis.

She thought for a moment and said to him, "I don't necessarily have time in these two days. You first prepare Ms. Jennifer's examination reports over the years, and when I have time, I will go to the hospital to examine her. But you have to do Be prepared, she is so sick that she needs long-term treatment. You may have to fly to China frequently in the future."

  Old Davis loves his wife like his life, as long as he can cure his wife's body, let alone Feihua, even if he moves to Mars overnight, he can build a spaceship right away.

   "Jennifer and I have already retired and we have plenty of time. As long as we can cure her, we are very happy to go to China."

   So, things settled down like this.

   Ruan Qi and Old Davis negotiated the time to go to the hospital, and Old Davis picked up the Civilization Stick and got up to leave.

But before going out, he remembered another thing, "By the way, I almost forgot." He turned to look at Ruan Qi and Simon, and said a little embarrassedly, "I heard that Miss Seven Kills has newly designed the power of R7. It's huge, and the technology is very subversive. To be honest, I'm actually an ordnance enthusiast, I want to buy an R7 for collection, I wonder if you two are willing to do this business?"


  Finally, Solomon reached the first sale since the advent of R7, and the number of R7s sold was - one.

  Old Davis also knew that it was a bit too much to buy one, so he generously paid 30% more of the market price.

   After the payment was completed, the nearly 70-year-old old ordnance enthusiast walked away happily holding the purchase contract, and his cheerful back seemed to be a 200-pound child.


After   Old Davis left, the lounge fell silent again.

  Simon Austin's face was dyed cold again: "BC Manufacturing wants to join forces with Demon Hawke?"

   "Well," Ruan Qi nodded, "Old Duke Davis has no reason to lie to us. Since he predicted it, it should be true."

   (end of this chapter)

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