Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1539: Ruan Qi, her name is Ruan Qi (one more)

   Chapter 1539 Ruan Qi, her name is Ruan Qi (one more)

   Xi Jiu recorded the surveillance footage of the smoking room.

   On the other side, Ruan Qi put her ear against the wall of the terrace, the window of the smoking room next door was open, and there was a faint quarrel wafting out of the window.

   Ruan Qi heard that it was Aisha Hawke's voice.

"Damn it! That Solomon's Seven Kills dared to refuse us! My father and I will never let her go!" Aisha Hawke scolded for a while, and suddenly raised his voice, "Did that Thomson made by BC just want to take him away? My sister introduced it to you? Why didn't you refuse! Are you tempted?!"

   Ruan Qi was thinking about which man Aisha Hawke was jealous of when a male voice came from the smoking room.

   "I just don't want to **** off Thomson."

   Ruan Qi: ! ! !

   This voice is...

Ruan Qi slowly opened her eyes, and before she could react, the male voice said again: "Solomon refuses to cooperate with us, we need a strong cannon fodder to suppress Solomon for us. BC Manufacturing is the most suitable candidate. ."

"You really just do it for this purpose?" Aisha Hawke was dubious, "that Thomson's sister is very beautiful, you really have no heart? Jiang, don't forget how you got into the Hawke family. If Without me, you can't even see my grandfather's face."


   Aisha Hawk called the man in the smoking room 'Jiang'!

   Ruan Qi was shocked, no wonder she thought the man's voice was familiar, it was Jiang Chunian!

   But, why did Jiang Chunian talk to Aisha Hokla?

   And what Aisha Hawke said, the vinegar smell is so strong, she... does she like Jiang Chunian? !

   But Jiang Chunian must be at least forty years old now, right?

   How old is Elsa Hawke? Twenty-two or three? Jiang Chunian is a lot older than her!

"Your circle is really messed up!" Bai Li couldn't help sighing in the system, "Is this Aisha Hawke a little squeamish? Jiang Chunian maimed a few servants at Hawke's Manor. ? Dare to like this kind of person, Aisha Hawk? She is not worried about domestic violence after marriage?"

   Ruan Qi: "..."

   Ruan Qi also doesn't understand Aisha Hawke's brain circuit.

   She pressed her ears against the wall, and Jiang Chunian's low, hoarse voice floated out from the window.

   "How could I like that woman?" His voice was slow, and his low voice murmured a bit like a lover, "I always remember your kindness to me, and I won't be attracted to others."

   Ruan Qi heard such a gentle murmur, and suddenly felt a strong sense of disgust and rejection.

   In her terrifying dreams, Jiang Chunian was also like that, speaking gracefully and gently, but doing disgusting and cruel things.

   He would use a gentle tone to praise a child for being beautiful, then turn around and have the child's neck be twisted off.

   He would also murmur in a whisper, and then stab him in the chest while the other party was off his guard.

   He always likes this, graceful and polite, gentle and gentle, using the most benevolent appearance to cover up that twisted heart.

   And now, he used the same method to confuse the brainless Aisha Hawke.

   "Really? You really don't like that woman?"

   "Elsa, I'll never lie to you."

   Aisha Hawk was really coaxed.

   She snorted with satisfaction and asked again, "But I heard from my father that you are investigating a woman."

   Ruan Qi suddenly remembered what he overheard outside Old Hawke's study last night. Demon Hawke was indeed helping Jiang Chunian investigate a person's information.

   It turns out that Jiang Chunian was investigating a woman?

   Who would that woman be?

   Ruan Qi was thinking, when Aisha Hawk's voice suddenly rang again: "You want to investigate female stars in the entertainment industry, why don't you come to me for help?"

   Ruan Qi raised his head sharply.

Aisha Hawke's voice continued: "Although I am not familiar with the entertainment industry in Huaguo, I can ask friends in the circle to help me check. By the way, which female star in Huaguo do you want to investigate? You check her out. what?"

   The person Jiang wanted to investigate in the early years was actually a female star in China?

   Ruan Qi's heart started beating wildly.

   She clutched the railing beside the wall tightly, waiting for Jiang Chunian's answer with bated breath.

  Jiang Chunian's voice sounded faintly: "I have some grievances with her to resolve."

   "She's your enemy?" Aisha Hawke asked.

Jiang Chunian didn't say yes or no, just said in a hoarse voice: "I've been looking for her. But I can't go back to China, and I have no channel to investigate her information. Your father has been helping me with this matter. , but the Hawke family has no connections in China, so it is a bit difficult to investigate."

When Aisha Hawk heard this, she immediately snorted proudly: "It's just a female star, I'll check it for you! My agent knows a lot of people in the circle of Huaguo, and he has a lot of connections. The female star you want to check. What's it called? Tell me your name and I'll tell my agent."

   Ruan Qi held her breath.

  Jiang Chunian was silent for two seconds, then laughed abruptly.

   "Ruan Qi." He bit the words lightly, his gentle voice was like a venomous snake in disguise, "Her name is Ruan Qi."

  Boom——In an instant, there seemed to be a volcanic eruption in Ruan Qi's mind, and the whole person was dizzy due to the impact.

   She leaned against the wall tightly, her hand holding the railing slightly pale.

  Is she the female star that Jiang is looking for in early years?

  Why did he check her?

  Has he recognized her already?

   Thinking of this possibility, Ruan Qi's blood was chilled. Her body began to tremble uncontrollably again, and her face turned pale.

   The conversation in the smoking room continued.

  Aisha Hawk screamed when she heard the name 'Ruan Qi': "What did you say? The female star you want to check is Ruan Qi? Ruan Qi who just won the Lemy Award?!"

  Jiang Chunian said 'yes', with a little doubt in his tone, "You know her?"

   "Of course I know!" Aisha Hawke gritted her teeth, "She is an uneducated and uneducated yellow race! She is a humble yellowbanana!"

   Aisha Hawke's words touched Jiang Chunian at some point, and his voice suddenly became cold.

   "Aisha, I am also a yellow race."

Aisha Hawke was startled by Jiang Chunian's sudden change of attitude, and quickly quibble with a guilty conscience: "I'm just angry for a while. That Ruan Qi is really too much, and several of my endorsements were lost by her. She And mocking me at the Rammys, I..."

   Aisha Hawke wanted to complain, but Jiang Chunian interrupted her: "Do you have her contact information?"

   "I didn't!" Aisha Hawke reacted very fiercely, "How could I add the contact information of that kind of person! She is not qualified! Jiang, why are you investigating Ruan Qi? Do you really have a grudge against her?!"

   Jiang Chunian did not answer.

   He was silent for two seconds before he said, "If I want to return home smoothly, Ruan Qi is a very important part. Aisha, I must find out the details of Ruan Qi and meet her in person."

   (end of this chapter)

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