Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1558: Can't eat Xiaoqi (one more)

   Chapter 1558 Can't eat Xiaoqi (one more)

   He embraced Ruan Qi's shoulders, protecting her in his arms like a calf, and said to Buckley in a cold tone, "Take it easy."

  Buckley: "…"

   This is especially for disinfecting wounds!

  Can it play a sterilizing role if the force is light? !

  Beep, beep, or come by yourself!

  Buckley cursed in his heart, but he didn't dare to put a fart on his mouth.

   Fortunately, Ruan Qi, the injured patient, was very considerate, gritted his teeth and let him finish the disinfection.

   The wound on the upper body was quickly treated. Buckley held the tweezers and stared at Ruan Qi's jeans with an embarrassed expression.

   It stands to reason that there is no male or female defense when a doctor treats a patient's wound. There are a lot of women in the Eagle Department. They went out on missions and got injured, and Barkley dealt with them.

   However, Ruan Qi is Xi Jiu's fiancee.

   And Xi Jiu is his boss, and he is also a very possessive and very careful boss.

  Buckley was worried that if he took off Ruan Qi's pants today, he would be hanged on the roof of the Eagle Department Building by Xi Jiu tomorrow, where he would be exposed to the sun for three days.

  Buckley thought he was still going to die.

  He looked up at Xi Jiu, and said in a tactful tone, "Boss, the injury on Madam's took care of it yourself?"

  Buckley thought Xi Jiu would be very willing to do this.

   But he didn't think about it, Xi Jiu actually rejected his proposal, "You are a professional, you come."

  "?!" Buckley looked incredulous, "I, I'm coming?"

  Xijiu gave a 'um', opened the curtain and pointed out, "You go out first. I'll help Xiaoqi take off his pants before you come in."

  Buckley walked away in a trance.

  Xi Jiu pulled the curtain back up, then walked to the clinic bed, and helped Ruan Qi to lie down on the bed.

   "Baby, take off your pants, okay?"

   Ruan Qi nodded obediently, there was no defense in the beautiful peach blossom eyes, she was full of trust.

   Xi Jiu felt that it was really fatal.

   He took a deep breath, chased away those inappropriate thoughts in his mind, and reached out to grab the waist of Ruan Qi's trousers.

  The little girl's waist is very thin, and the dark blue jeans waist wraps her skin, so loose, it seems that it can be pulled off.

   Xi Jiu tried to focus on his pants. He quickly unbuttoned the button, then lifted the little girl's leg and pulled down the pants a little bit.

   The snow-white and attractive skin was gradually exposed to the air, and along with it, there were two terrifying gunshot wounds on the outside of the thigh.

   These two gunshot wounds were more terrifying than all the wounds on Ruan Qi's upper body. The bright red flesh turned out and the blood had solidified into a dark red color. If the open wound was a few centimeters deeper, it might be possible to see bones.

   Xi Jiu suddenly lost all his thoughts.

   He hung up the jeans he took off, then took his coat and put it on Ruan Qi's waist, covering all the places that shouldn't be exposed.

   After finishing all this, Xi Jiu opened the curtain and called Barkley in.

  Buckley walked to the clinic bed and saw the coat covering Ruan Qi, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

   That's great, you don't have to be hung on the roof by the boss tomorrow to be exposed to the sun.

   He said 'Amen' in his heart, and when he turned his eyes, he saw the injury on Ruan Qi's leg.

   "My God!" Barkley started again, "This injury may need stitches."

  Xi Jiu's face suddenly became extremely difficult to see.

   The little girl is so delicate and her skin is so tender, how can she bear such a sin?

   "There is no other way?" he asked.

   "No." Buckley shook his head, "Even the best surgeon in the world needs stitches to treat this kind of wound."

  Buckley is right, such a deep wound, only stitches can heal faster.

   But Ruan Qi has other methods. Her teacher has a special trauma medicine. After applying it on the wound, it does not require stitches, and it will heal within 24 hours.

   But her big medicine box was blown up on Third Avenue, and the trauma medicine was turned to ashes along with the medicine box.

   So, now there is only one option for stitches.

   Xi Jiu was reluctant to let the little girl suffer, and was still hesitating. But Ruan Qi made the decision directly.

   "Let's sew. A little more anesthesia won't hurt."

   Buckley didn't expect the little girl to look so delicate, she was even more decisive than Xi Jiu, and couldn't help but look at her admiringly.

   "Beautiful lady, I have to remind you that there is a high chance of scarring after stitches."

   "It's okay." Ruan Qi waved his hand indifferently, "I have the best scar removal cream, so I'm not afraid of this. You can sew as much as you want, and make it look better for me."

  Buckley turned his head to look at Xi Jiu, Xi Jiu nodded coldly.

   Tools for suturing the wound are ready soon.

  Buckley gave Ruan Qi anesthesia, his hand with sterile gloves pinched the curved needle, and the needle tip landed on Ruan Qi's skin.

   Xijiu immediately covered Ruan Qi's eyes and pressed her face into her arms.

  The tip of the needle pierces the white and tender skin and pulls out a long thread. Although she had been treated with anesthesia, the numbness still made Ruan Qi uncomfortable.

  She tightly grasped the corner of Xi Jiu's clothes, biting her lip without saying a word.

   Xijiu patted her back, silently comforting the little girl. But his eyes were fixed on the needle, and his thin lips collapsed nervously into a straight line.

  Buckley's suture technique was very good, and the wound was sutured in a few strokes.

He cut the surgical thread and threw the equipment into the sterilization tank, "Don't get water on the wound, and avoid spicy and irritating food. Come to me tomorrow morning to sterilize it again. By the way," Buckley looked at Xi Jiu with a meaningful tone. "Don't do strenuous exercise until the stitches are removed. Especially if it will cause a leg injury, don't do it."


After    left Barkley's office, Xi Jiu carried Ruan Qi back to his resting place.

   It was already more than three o'clock in the morning, and it would be dawn in a few hours. Ruan Qi tossed for a day and was extremely exhausted. Before she returned to the room, her eyelids couldn't help but stick down.

   Xi Jiu saw that she was sleepy, so she accelerated and carried her back to the bedroom.

   As soon as Ruan Qi touched the bed, he immediately lay down on the bed. But soon, she seemed to remember something, and sat up again with a 'bass'.

   "I haven't showered yet, so I can't go to bed."

   Xi Jiu, who was taking off her shoes, raised her head: "Baby, you are injured, so you can't touch the water."

When Ruan Qi heard   , his brows suddenly twisted into a small pimple.

   "Jiujiu, I'm full of dirt. If I don't take a bath tonight, I'll turn into a stinky tofu pickled kid tomorrow. Can you bear me being so stinky?"

   The little girl had a look of 'I despise myself'.

   Xijiu laughed softly and teased her: "Stinky tofu is delicious. If the baby turns into stinky tofu, I will eat it."

  "!" Ruan Qi Taohua's eyes widened, looking at him in disbelief.

   "Jiujiu, you have changed! You are no longer that righteous dog!"

   Xi Jiu was not ashamed, but proud, her thin lips hooked, and said, "An upright dog can't eat Xiao Qi."

   (end of this chapter)

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