Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1568: Kind little girl (one more)

   Chapter 1568 Kind Little Girl (One More)

  Although Ruan Qi really wanted to fly back to China right away, there are still some things to deal with on the Y side, so she has to wait patiently for a few more days.

Those people in the   X organization who should be tried have already been judged. After a short sobriety, they turned into zombie-like puppets.

   In order to delay their death, Ruan Qi fed them some medicine. But the antidote that can really unlock the toxin is still under development.

   The next morning, Ruan Qi stayed in the laboratory for a few more hours. When it was time for lunch, there was good news from Yingbu Hospital——

   Simon woke up.

   Ruan Qi immediately rushed over with Xi Jiu.

  Simon suffered serious gunshot wounds and spent a day in the intensive care unit before being transferred to the general ward. When Ruan Qi rushed over, the doctor had just finished examining him. The man who had just woken up looked a little weak, and his pale face was no longer arrogant and arrogant.

  But when he opened his mouth to speak—

   "Seven kills, your leg is lame? The distance between going up and down the stairs, and still having someone carry you over? Is it a waste?"

   Ruan Qi: "..."

   Ruan Qi really wanted to give him a scoop with the big apple in his hand.

   The little girl rolled her eyes angrily, patted Xi Jiu's hand and told him to put herself down.

   Xi Jiu frowned, hooked her foot over the chair beside her, and carefully placed her on the chair.

   Simon saw Xi Jiu's actions like offering sacrifices to his ancestors, and only felt that his head hurts and his eyes hurt.

   He rubbed his forehead speechlessly, and complained, "I said you..."

   "I have a few stitches on my leg, so I can't walk." Ruan Qi suddenly said.

  Simon's rant suddenly stopped, and then his face changed.

"Needle?! What's the matter? Is it serious? Has the medicine been given? The doctor said will there be scars? After all the stitches, why are you running around? Don't you know how to rest? I'm not dead, someday Come and see me!"

  The arrogant and arrogant ghost turned into a long-winded male mother in a second.

Ruan Qi was hurt by his long-winded ears, and quickly explained: "It's just a few stitches, it's not serious. It's okay to walk occasionally, but it hurts a little bit if you walk too much. Jiu Jiu was afraid that I would pull the wound, so she hugged me. I It's all right."

   Simon might as well not listen to this explanation, his brows furrowed even more.

He pursed his lips and wanted to babble a few more words, but Ruan Qi quickly changed the subject: "Simon, Demon Hawke and Thomson made by BC are still lying in the hospital. There is news from there that Thomson was shot. Too much, the situation is not very good. Demonhawk is awake, but the leg is injured, and he may not be able to get out of bed in a short time."

  Simon didn't care whether the two were dead or alive, and only gave a faint "um".

"And that X organization," Ruan Qi looked a little guilty, "I was afraid that you would get into trouble if you knew too much, so I kept it from you. Simon, the person who almost killed my parents back then was this organization. I want to kill you and me, and take the opportunity to control Solomon."

   Simon heard the words with a sneer on his face.

   "Control Solomon? Do they think Solomon is so easy to control? These people look down on me Simon Austin too much!"

  The reason why Solomon has grown to where it is today in just a few years is that, in addition to the ordnance drawings of the Seven Kills, Simon Austin's management methods are another important factor.

   He integrated all the core members of Solomon, all militarized management, and deeply engraved the concept of 'loyal to Solomon' in everyone's DNA.

  Simon and the Seven Kills are there, Solomon is an iron barrel.

  If they die, then all the core members of Solomon will be disbanded on the spot, and everyone will disappear into the sea with a part of the core technology.

  So, no one can take Solomon, and neither can the X organization.

  Simon had an arrogant look on his face, and sneered at the unruly thoughts of the X organization.

   Ruan Qi listened patiently for a while, but Simon was so capable of scolding that she could not bear to interrupt his taunting skills.

   "Simon, I have something to tell you."

  Simon was forced to stop taunting, and asked with a displeased face: "What's the matter?"

   "It's Jiujiu." Ruan Qi grabbed Xi Jiu's hand and shook it, "Jiujiu wants to discuss cooperation with Solomon."

   Xijiu came to Y country mainly to do two things.

  The first is to arrest Pan Feng, and the second is to go to the Armory Show to find Solomon and seek cooperation.

   Simon raised his eyebrows in surprise and looked up at Xi Jiu: "Do you want to buy an R7?"

   Xi Jiu let out a faint 'um'.

  Simon glanced at him, "How much do you want to buy?"

   "A lot." Xi Jiu stood beside Ruan Qi and put her hand on her shoulder, "Buying in bulk, money is not a problem."

  Simon naturally knew that Xi Jiu was not short of money.

   He squinted his eyes meaningfully, and suddenly asked: "Did you buy the R7 for yourself, or for your official?"

   "All." Xi Jiu told the truth, "Q Base, Eagle Department, and related official departments all need R7."

   Ruan Qi hurriedly tugged at him when he heard this: "Jiujiu, in addition to Solomon, I also gave the design drawing of R7 to Cao Zhixing, Dean of the Imperial Academy of Ordnance Manufacturing. His design institute will produce according to the drawings."

   As early as a few years ago, when she started a company with Simon Austin, Ruan Qi said that she was from Huaguo, and the weapons she designed Huaguo must enjoy the same benefits as Solomon.

   However, because of Ruan Fengmian's relationship with Yangliu, Ruan Qi was inconvenient to reveal her identity, so she came to cooperate with Huaguo Design Institute through Cao Zhixing.

   In the past few years, she has designed a lot of drawings, some of which were handed over to Solomon, and the other part was given to the Design Institute by Cao Zhixing.

   Of course, Ruan Qi also protected Solomon's interests. The drawings she gave to both sides were not repeated, and the styles of ordnance produced by both sides were also very different.

   There is only R7. She really can't make major changes in the performance of R7's subversive technology, so she has to hand over the drawings to Cao Zhixing.

  Cao Zhixing should not have had time to submit the drawings to the design institute, otherwise Xi Jiu would not have come all the way to find Simon for cooperation.

   Xijiu did not expect that Ruan Qi would hand over the R7 drawings to Hua Guo, he was stunned for a moment, and his heart was filled with infinite distress and pride.

   By handing over the drawings of R7 to the Design Institute, Solomon's interests will not be greatly affected. After all, the weapons designed by Huaguo Design Institute will only be used by Huaguo and will not be sold to the outside world.

   But Ruan Qi has concealed his identity for many years, and it may be exposed because of this incident.

   But even so, she still handed over the R7 that subverted the entire ordnance world.

  Because that is China, her country, she will always put its interests first.

   Xi Jiu's heart was full of pride, his little girl was always so kind.

   But at the same time, he felt distressed.

He lowered his eyes, touched the little girl's head distressedly, and said to Simon in a deep voice: "Since Huaguo Design Institute has R7's drawings, the official cooperation with Solomon will be over. Next, we can talk about myself and you. Cooperation."

   (end of this chapter)

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