Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1570: Blocking the back road of Jiang Chunian (one more)

   Chapter 1570 Blocking the back road of Jiang Chunian (one more)

If you can't contact Ruan Yan today, he may spend the third day of "pleasant" in the basement.

   Ruan Qi didn't know that old Davis had suffered so much because of himself, but she could hear the concern in the old gentleman's tone.

   She said politely: "Simon has some injuries, but his life is not in danger. Mr. Davis, thank you for your concern."

   "Lovely little girl, you don't have to thank me." Old Davis laughed heartily, "My wife Jennifer is more worried about you than me. She will be very happy knowing that you are fine."

   Ruan Qi remembered the old lady he rescued in the bathroom at the Armory Show, smiled and said softly, "I'm very grateful to Mrs. Jennifer for caring about me. Mr. Davis, please convey my thanks to her."

   Old Duke Davis readily agreed.

   "By the way, sir," Ruan Qi said again, "I still have some things to deal with in the past two days. The day after tomorrow, I will go to check on Mrs. Jennifer's body. Do you think it's okay?"

   Old Duke Davis has been thinking about this matter for the past few days, and now Ruan Qi took the initiative to mention it, of course he can do 10,000.

   "Then I will send a car to pick you up the day after tomorrow?"

"No need." Ruan Yan declined euphemistically, "You tell me the address, someone sent me over."

  Old Davis saw that the little girl was given away, so he no longer insisted.

He said the address of Davis Manor again, and then said worriedly: "Miss Seven Kills, I registered a WeChat account a few days ago. I'll add you later. We will contact you on WeChat, and I will send a shared location to you."

Don't look at the old man in his 70s, but people are also an online addicted elderly.

Not only is INS Facebook proficient, but also the social software of Hua Guo has also played thief.

   Ruan Qi exchanged WeChat accounts with old Davis.

After the exchange, she said: "Mr. Davis, in fact, I have another request for you today. I want to trouble you to help me with something. You still remember Solomon and Demon on the day of the Arms Fair. Hawke's conflict in the lounge?"

   Old Duke Davis certainly remembers. It was precisely that he saw the contradiction between the two parties that Dimon Hock and Thomson were not good for Simon Ruan Yan.

"I remember. What do you want me to do for Miss Seven Kills? It is related to the Hawk family?"

"Yes." Ruan Qi sat in front of the experimental bench and said slowly, "The reason why the Hawke family suddenly decided to make Demon the heir is because Mr. Jiang beside Demon manipulated old Hawke's thinking. Now that Mr. Jiang's sorcery is useless, and old Hawke will no longer be controlled by him."

   "But because old Hawke is an ordinary person, the manipulation of mental power has done too much damage to his brain, and he may become a vegetative person in the future."

Old Duke Davis didn't expect the Hawke family to have so many troubles, and couldn't help but be surprised: "Become a vegetable? If Old Hawke becomes a vegetable, then the Hawke family will not be leaderless? No, their family And the eldest son Harman Hawk. Harman he..."

"Mr. Harman was placed under house arrest by Demon." Ruan Yan suddenly threw a bomb.

The Duke David took a sigh of breath: "Have you been placed under house arrest?! When did it happen?"

   "A week ago." Ruan Qi replied, "I went to the Hawke Manor that night and happened to see Haman in the abandoned tower. His legs and arms were broken, which was very miserable."

The old Duke Davis consciously ignored the question of why Ruan Qi went to the Hawke Manor at night, and said in shock: "Demon broke the limbs of my brother? Is he crazy? If this matter If it spreads out, he won't be afraid of being yelled at by everyone?!"

Demon Hawke is certainly not afraid. Ruan Yan said, what is he afraid of in the early years of Jiang, what?

   If she and X organization hadn't intervened midway this time, Demenhawk might have become the next patriarch with the help of Jiang Chunian. And Harman Hawke and Old Hawke may have already set foot on Huangquan Road.

Ruan Qi's heart turned back and forth, and politely said to old Davis: "Sir, I promised Harman Hawke before that he would help him escape. Now Demon Hawke is seriously injured and hospitalized, and that Mr. Jiang is also missing. Now is a good time for Harmanhawk to turn around."

   Old Duke Davis: "You want to..."

"I want to trouble you to go to Hawke's Manor." Ruan Qi stated his purpose, "You are Taishan among the nobles of the Y country, I want to use your influence to make Demon Hawke and that Mr. Jiang's The conspiracy spreads."

  Demon Hawke was seriously injured and hospitalized, but Jiang Chunian's whereabouts were unknown. In order to prevent Jiang Chunian from using the aristocratic wealthy family as a demon again, Ruan Qi decided to act first and make him stink in this circle.

David David is the head of the nobleman of the country, with high authority and influence. As long as he goes around Hawke Manor and rescues Harman Hawke who was locked in the tower by the way, then what Jiang Chunian and Demon Hawke did will spread throughout the aristocratic circle.

   By then, Jiang Chunian will not even think about finding any allies in the upper class of country Y.

  Because no one wants to be the second old Hawk, and no one wants to be manipulated inexplicably, they can only lie in bed and be a vegetative person in the end.

   Ruan Qi told Old Davis about his plan, and Old Davis agreed without saying a word.

   "I'm willing to do this." The old man was enthusiastic, "Isn't it just to stop by the door, eat a melon by the way, and then gossip with everyone? I like this kind of thing!"

   Ruan Qi: "..."

   This old man summed it up really brilliantly.

   Ruan Qi smiled helplessly, and expressed his gratitude to old Davis: "Sir, if you have trouble, please help me run this trip. I have written down your favor."

  Old Davis shouted and refused:

"Oh dear girl, you are so polite to me! You saved Jennifer's life, but I only did you a small favor. I should remember your favor! Don't worry, this I will help you with the matter. I will go to Hawke Manor in a while, you wait for my good news! "

  Old Davis is very efficient. Not long after hanging up the phone, he went to Hawke Manor with a few good friends.

   By the time Ruan Qi came out of the laboratory that night, what happened to the Hawke family had swept the entire high society like a tornado.

  Everyone knew about the conspiracy of Demenhawk and Jiang Chunian.

  These conspiracies are so bizarre that many people can't believe them. But when everyone saw the old Hawk, who couldn't sleep in bed, and Prince Haman who was carried down from the tower, everyone was silent.

After    silence, he was frightened.

   Everyone was shocked by Demenhawk's ruthlessness, and even more terrified of Jiang's strange and unpredictable methods in the early years of Jiang.

  No one wants to be manipulated, no one wants to be the second old Hawk and become a vegetable.

  So, from today, the two names Jiang Chunian will be listed on the blacklist of all the nobles of the Y country.

   (end of this chapter)

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