Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1572: God-level king fried, perfect match! (one more)

   Chapter 1572 God-level king fried, perfect match! (one more)

   Ten minutes later, Ruan Qi was in a wheelchair and was pushed out of the Eagle Building by Xi Jiu.

  Today is the day to meet with the old Duke Davis, and the meeting place is set at Davis Manor.

   Originally, Ruan Qi wanted to go alone, but Xi Jiu was worried that she would go out alone. Ruan Qi asked for the consent of old Davis and brought her fiance.

  Black Ghost slowly drove out of the Eagle Department. On the way, Ruan Qi and Shen Wenqian made a video and set a date for returning to China.

   "Uncle Hee Hee's body has recovered. I have discussed with Sister Lan and the others, and they will be able to return to China the day after tomorrow."

"The day after tomorrow?" Shen Wenqian glanced at the itinerary, thought for a moment, and nodded, "Okay, then I'll book a flight ticket in a while. There are a lot of jobs in the country, and your notices are full after the explosion of "Blade". Ruan Xiaoqi , you will send me a copy of the Rongyao League playoff schedule in a while, and I will arrange a time for you to announce it."

   The 15-day playoffs of the Rong Yao League are about to begin. As the ace player of the myq team, Ruan Qi is bound to play.

   And the TV series "Blade" starring her, after four days of broadcast, the ratings have successfully broken 6.

   This achievement is a miracle in today's entertainment circle.

  Ruan Qi has been in the lab from morning to night these days, and has no time to pay attention to the Internet. She doesn't particularly understand how popular "Blade" is. If she opens Weibo at this time, she will find that her name has been nailed to the top of the hot search list for four consecutive days.

   And her Weibo followers are also growing at a terrifying speed.

   "Blade" really exploded into a phenomenal TV series. All the actors who participated in this drama, ranging from male and female, down to the male and female supporting roles outside the 18th, are all in a mess.

  As the heroine, Ruan Qi has become a popular actress. She has jumped from a popular little flower to a popular actress in the acting school.

  Because of her explosion, Shen Wenqian has been soft on invitations these days. Numerous announcements have been arranged, and as soon as Ruan Qi returns to China, the series will begin.

   Ruan Qi didn't know that he was about to become a miserable brick-moving animal.

   She and Shen Wenqian set a time to return to China and hung up the phone. Before long, Davis Manor arrived.

  As the oldest and most mysterious noble in country Y, the Davis family's manor is a huge medieval castle.

  The gate of the manor opened, and the waiters on both sides of the road, dressed in black and white court-style costumes, all bent down and bowed gracefully to the black Gust where Ruan Qi was sitting.

   The car continued to drive forward, and after walking for about ten minutes, the main mansion of the old castle finally arrived.

   Old Duke Davis, who had been waiting outside for a long time, saw the car stop, and immediately went up to say hello. But before he could speak, Gust's car door opened, and it was not Ruan Qi who walked down, but a handsome man he had never seen before.

   Old Duke Davis stopped suddenly.

  As a psychic who can predict the future, old Davis is extremely sensitive to danger. The young man who got out of the car was obviously so handsome, but his first reaction was cold feet.

   The aura of this man is terrible.

  He just stood there with an expressionless face, and old Davis could feel the terrifying power contained in his body.

  Old Davis dared not go any further.

   He stood where he was, his slightly wary gaze fell on the young man. The man seemed to sense his gaze, raised his head and looked over here.

   The man's eyes were too deep and cold, and Old Davis' scalp was numb when he was looked at.

   He was hesitating whether to say hello, but the young man took the initiative to give him a nod.

   "..." Old Davis didn't expect the other party to be so friendly.

   He was stunned for a moment, and was about to speak when the young man suddenly turned around and took out a wheelchair from Gust's trunk.

   He put the wheelchair on the ground, then bent over and got into the car. When he came out again, he was holding a person in his arms.

  Old Davis saw the man's face clearly, took a breath, and exclaimed.

   "Miss Seven Kills?! What happened?!"

   Xijiu put Ruan Qi on the wheelchair.

   Ruan Qi smiled and waved at Old Davis, "I'm fine, but I was shot twice in the leg. Mr. Davis, we meet again."

  "..." Old Davis really couldn't understand how the soft little girl said that she was shot twice so lightly.

   He glanced at her helplessly, and said, "Miss Seven Kills is young, you should take care of your body."

   said, his eyes turned to Xi Jiu, "I don't know who this gentleman is?"

   Ruan Qi: "He is my fiancé, Xi Jiu."

  Old Davis was stunned when he heard the name.

   "Xi Jiu? Why is this name so..."

   Before he could finish speaking, an aura suddenly flashed across his mind.


  Huaguo, surname Xi! ! !

  Old Davis' pupils shrank suddenly, and he said in shock: "The helm of the Hua Guoxi family?! That mysterious ancient martial family?!"

   Xijiu nodded lightly.

   "Hello, Old Duke Davis."

   Xi Jiu's words are equivalent to tacitly acknowledging his own identity.

  Old Davis was stunned, too shocked to speak.

   There is no one who does not know the Huaguo Xi family.

   If the Davis family is still standing in the Y country, it is relying on the predictive ability that has been passed down for hundreds of years. The ancient Wuxi family, which was passed down a few years ago, is incomparable to several Davis families combined.

   Not only money and power are not comparable, but also the ability of special arts.

  Old Davis didn't expect Ruan Qi's fiancé to be such a terrifying existence.

   He looked at Xi Jiu, then at Ruan Qi...

  The helm of the Xi family plus a talented designer, ancient martial arts with modern hot weapons, this combination... a god-level king who rides a horse!

  Old Davis was shocked.

   He always felt that Xi Jiu and Ruan Qi standing together could destroy the world in minutes.

   "...I didn't expect Miss Seven Killing's fiancé to be Mr. Xi." Old Davis's voice was a little fluttering, "The two... They are really talented and beautiful, and they are a perfect match."

   Ruan Qi didn't expect old Davis to see Xi Jiu so big. She hooked her lips and said with a smile: "You don't have to be nervous, Mr. Jiu Jiu, he is very easy to get along with."

  Old Davis: "..."

  The old man was not comforted. On the contrary, he was even more frightened when he heard the sound of 'Jiujiu'.

   But he is a well-informed noble inheritor, and even if he is frightened, his manners and etiquette are stable.

  Old Davis quickly adjusted his mood. He glanced at Xi Jiu with a slightly complicated look, then bent over to give a gentleman's salute to the two of them.

   "It's a great honor for Miss Seven Kills and Mr. Xi to be guests at Davis Manor. My wife Jennifer is in the conservatory, and she is looking forward to meeting the two of you. Miss Seven Kills, let's chat as we walk?"

   (end of this chapter)

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