Chapter 1587 Death comes (two more)

   She raised her hand with difficulty, trying to pick off the dog that weighed more than 100 pounds. But someone is faster than her.

   Xijiu locked the car just now and came in half a minute later than Ruan Qi. As a result, in just half a minute, the little girl was bullied by the dog who stood up taller than her.

  Xi Jiu's face immediately turned cold, he hugged the little girl with one hand, grabbed the back of Dafen's neck with the other, and ripped it off the little girl with the hair.

  The hill that weighed more than 100 pounds finally left his face. Ruan Qi took a deep breath and regained his new life.

  Da An was dragged to the ground by Xi Jiu.

   Nie Heng, who came slowly, immediately raised his hand and gave it a slap.

   "Little bastard, how deep are you, do you have no points in your heart? Senior sister is more than 80 jins, and you dare to jump up even if you are more than 100 jins?! You have no snacks for tonight!"

  Dani immediately cried out in grievance.

  Nie Heng ruthlessly pushed it behind him, then raised his head, showing his signature little puppy smile: "Senior sister! I miss you so much!~"

   followed by Baby Barley: "Dad! I miss you too!"

   Ruan Qi looked at Puppy Zi and Damai who kept coquettish and gave them a hug with a smile.

  At this time, the adults who were busy in the kitchen also heard the movement.

   Grandma Ruan immediately handed the spatula to Ruan Fengmian, and she ran out in a hurry before she could even take off her apron.

   "My granddaughter is back?!"

   Ruan Qi's eyes lit up when she heard Grandma Ruan's voice.

   She pushed Nie Heng and Baby Damai away, raised her feet and was about to run into the house.

   Xi Jiu quickly grabbed her.

   "Baby, you have an injury on your leg."

   Ruan Qi then remembered that he was still injured. She didn't dare to run anymore, she tried to slow down as much as possible, and went straight to Grandma Ruan.

   "Grandma! Xiaoqi misses you so much!"

   The little girl hugged Grandma Ruan and slid into her arms.

   Grandma Ruan hugged her little granddaughter, smiling until the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes deepened a bit. She touched the little girl's head, dug her out of her arms, and looked at it carefully.

   "Why is your face so pale? It's only been a week since you haven't seen him, and you've lost weight." Grandma Ruan touched the little girl's face distressedly, "Is it bad to eat abroad?"

   Ruan Qi didn't dare to talk about the fact that he was shot and injured, and just smiled and said, "I'm too busy at work, so I don't have time to eat well. Grandma, what are you doing tonight? I want to have a good meal!"

When Grandma Ruan heard this, her attention was immediately diverted, and she said like a treasure: "Tonight's cooking is all your favorite food. Squirrel fish, spicy chicken, and Buddha jumps over the wall. My granddaughter, you are too thin, you need to make up for it. repair."

   Ruan Qi responded with a smile and raised his head at the same time, just in time to meet Yang Liu's meaningful gaze.

   "..." Ruan Qi's heart suddenly felt empty.

The excuse of    being too tired from work can deceive Grandma Ruan, but not Yang Liu.

  Yangliu and Wanteng have always been in contact, and the hotel where Ruan Qi stayed abroad was arranged by Wanteng. After the shootout that night, Ruan Qi didn't go back to the hotel for several days, and it was impossible for Wan Teng to not know.

  Wanteng knew, which meant Yang Liu and Ruan Fengmian also knew.

   Yang Liu and Ruan Fengmian should be able to find out what happened to Ruan Qi with a little investigation.

  Ruan Qi looked away with a guilty conscience, but when he turned his head, he happened to see Nie Beilou coming down from the second floor.

  The monstrous and fierce man was wearing a dark red long gown, his hands were on the stairs, and a pair of slightly raised long eyes were looking at her coldly.

   Ruan Qi: "..."

   Ruan Qi suddenly remembered that Xi Jiu told her that Nie Beilou already knew about her memory recovery, and her body suddenly shivered.

   "Master, Master..." The little girl shouted shiveringly.

  Nie Beilou glanced at her, but he couldn't see his emotions, he just nodded lightly.

   "Just come back safely." He walked downstairs slowly, neither happy nor angry, "Let's eat first. If there is anything else, we can talk about it after dinner."

   Ruan Qi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

  It's okay, she still has one more meal to live.


The return of    Ruan Qi made the Yuyuan Villa, which had been silent for a whole week, lively again.

  The three chefs of the Ruan family made a large table of dishes. Ruan Qi ate in darkness, her belly was round, and if Xi Jiu hadn't stopped her, she would still be able to cook two more bowls.

   After dinner, it was exactly eight o'clock in the evening.

   Ruan Qi immediately posted a Weibo, and then opened the live broadcast room.

   This is Ruan Qi's first live broadcast after winning the Lemmy Award. Coupled with the explosion of the TV series "Blade", the number of people who came to watch the live broadcast directly broke the record.

   Countless tips blew up the live broadcast screen into fireworks, and the barrage took off, making it impossible to see what everyone was talking about.

   Ruan Qi tried hard to identify everyone's messages on the barrage, and then chose a few to reply.

   "The new song has been arranged, and I have invited teachers Leng Yi and Wei Song. It will be online within a month."

"What are your plans after winning the award? Keep working. Make TV, make movies, and release new songs. The next drama? I have two movies and one TV series after October. The movie is not a starring role, but a supporting role. "

   "The variety show is also coming. I'm going to record a variety show tomorrow."

   "The Rong Yao League playoffs will also participate. Are you tired? It's okay, I have good physical strength and will not fall ill! Don't worry, I will definitely come back with the championship."

  Ruan Qi chatted with the fans for more than half an hour, and finally sang two songs acapella at everyone's request.

   "One Thought" and the theme song of the TV series "Blade", "Sharp Blade".

   One of these two songs is mournful and soft, the other is full of blood. Ruan Qi sang the different emotions vividly.

   She was holding an acoustic guitar, wearing warm white home clothes, with a rabbit-eared hood over her head, and her posture was relaxed and casual.

   But her singing is not at all casual, and it makes everyone scream.

  The barrage in the live broadcast room was full of praises of 'opening and kneeling', and the topic of #楊柒Live Cappella# also instantly climbed the hot search.

  Those in the circle who are racking their brains to get on the hot search but can't get on: "..."


  Ruan Qi's live broadcast lasted for nearly an hour.

   An hour later, she turned off her phone amid the reluctance of fans to keep her.

   Xi Jiu, who was sitting on the single-seater sofa, immediately brought her a glass of warm water.

   Ruan Qi took a few sips and just put down the water glass when Nie Beilou came out of the study on the first floor.

  "!" Ruan Qi hiccupped in fright, her hands trembled, and the cup almost fell.

   "Master, Master..." The little girl shivered.

  Nie Beilou glanced at the apprentice who looked like a quail, and let out a sneer with a blank face.

   "What are you afraid of? Aren't you very courageous? You dare to hide so many things from me."

   Ruan Qi: "..."

   The little girl had soft legs and wanted to kneel a little.

  Nie Beilou didn't give her a chance to kneel. He threw off his robe and threw a sentence: "Come with me to the study. Kid Xi, go and call Xiaoqi's parents and ask them to come too."

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  Dark clouds cover the top, lightning and thunder.

  The storm is coming, and the **** of death is coming.

   Those who should come can’t hide, those who want to run can’t escape.

   Ruan Xiaoqi, you will become a warrior facing the bleak life!

   Ruan Xiaoqi was a decent person during his lifetime.



   (end of this chapter)

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