Chapter 1593 I love you (two more)

   The Ruan family, who had been dull all night, seemed to have been injected with the blood of life, and in an instant, it came alive again.

  Baby Damai handed Ruan Qi the washed clothes.

   Ruan Qi quickly dressed and washed, and then rushed down from the second floor with his slippers on.

   Grandpa Ruan, who was watering the flowers, was shocked when he saw the little girl jumping up two steps: "My little ancestor, slow down and be careful of falling!"

   "Can't be slow, Grandpa, I'm going to miss the flight!"

  The little girl rushed into the kitchen like a gust of wind, and happened to collide with Xi Jiu who was carrying breakfast.


   Xijiu let out a 'um' and rubbed her messy long hair: "I bought crab yellow buns and siumai, do you want to eat them?"

   Ruan Xiaoqi subconsciously swallowed his saliva and shook his head again and again, "No, no, I can't catch the flight. Jiujiu, help me put the crab yellow buns and siumai in the insulation box, and I will eat them on the way!"

   After she finished speaking, she stood on tiptoe and gave the man a quick kiss on the face, then grabbed a carton of milk from the refrigerator, turned around and ran.

   Grandma Ruan, who was cooking porridge, saw this and ran out of the kitchen: "Xiao Qi, drink the lean meat porridge before leaving!"

   "It's too late, grandma! Ah ah ah ah, Brother Shen called me again! Dafen Xiaofen, don't bite my skirt, I'm going out to move bricks!"

   An early morning when chickens and dogs dance, and a little girl who dances around chickens and dogs, dispels the haze in the hearts of the Ruan family.

   Ten minutes later, Ruan Qi finally got into Mo Lan's car.

  The car started slowly, Ruan Qi looked at Ruan Fengmian and the others who were standing at the gate of the villa to see him off, and suddenly there was a sense of sourness and loss in his heart.

   She pulled her lower lip, pressed down the car window and gave them a big smile.

   "Grandpa and Grandpa, Mom and Dad, Master, you go back. I'll be back in a few days! Love you!"

   She blew everyone a sweet kiss.

   Ruan Fengmian stretched out his hand like lightning and grabbed in front of everyone, the first to catch his daughter's blowing kiss.

   Ruan Qi's eyes were a little sore, but there was a smile in his eyes. She waved to everyone, then closed the window.

   The car slowly drove away from Yuyuan.

  Ruan Qi looked at the smaller and smaller family members in the rearview mirror, blinked his sour eyes, and finally revealed a warm smile.


   Ruan Qi’s trip today is to go to Strawberry Station in the next city to record a variety show with the creators of the “Blade” crew.

  The plane landed in two hours. By the time Ruan Qi arrived at the TV station, most of the leading actors of "Blade" had already arrived.

  Director Jian Guoqiang, the male lead Zhan Rong, the female second Su Ai, are already Ruan Qi's fellow apprentice brother Wei Jiaming.

  We haven't seen you for a long time. Ruan Qi first greeted each other, and then was pulled aside by his senior brother Wei Jiaming.

   "I saw the foreigners you sent back yesterday. My master studied the toxins in their bodies, and it's really amazing."

  The foreigners mentioned by Wei Jiaming were the camouflage uniforms sent by the X organization to kill Ruan Qi and Simon.

   Those camouflage suits were injected with medicine and now they are puppets. Although Ruan Qi has developed a temporary antidote, it can only make them feel better for a short time, and there is no way to completely detoxify them.

  So, in order to be able to research the drug against the X-organism poison as soon as possible, Ruan Qi brought back those camouflage uniforms.

   These people are now living in the courtyard of the Shimen headquarters, Nie Beilou, Huang Shibo and the others can conduct research on their blood at any time.

   "Brother Jiaming, how is Master Huang's research? Can you develop an antidote?"

"It will take a certain amount of time." Wei Jiaming frowned slightly, "The composition of the poison is very complicated, and there are many psychoactive drugs in it, which need repeated analysis and deliberation. But don't worry, my uncle has already given those foreigners. Needle, they won't have an accident in a short time."

   Ruan Qi knew how powerful the elders of her own division were, otherwise she would not have brought those camouflage uniforms back.

   She nodded at Wei Jiaming: "With my uncle and the others here, I'm naturally relieved. Brother Jiaming, please tell Uncle Huang for me, and I'll treat him to a big dinner after I've been busy for a while!"

   Ruan Qi likes to eat, and Master Huang also likes to eat.

   Wei Jiaming couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and was about to answer her when a deafening scream suddenly exploded outside the lounge.

   "Ruan Qi! Zhanrong! Ruan Qi! Zhanrong!"

   "Wei Jiaming! Ouch Wei Jiaming, I love you!"

   "Suai Suai! The world is cute!"

   Familiar names were introduced into the lounge in the screams, and everyone in the "Blade" crew was taken aback by the battle.

   "What's going on?" Director Jian Guoqiang pushed open the window.

   Outside the window, outside the building of Strawberry TV, countless fans held up banners or light signs and shouted heart-rending.

   They saw Jian Guoqiang sticking his head out of the window, and once again burst into a high octave scream.

   "Briefing! I love your briefing!"

   "Jiangui, where is my Soft Treasure? Where is my heroine Qi Yixuan?!"

   "Brother Zhanrong, are you here?! I'm your long-lost girlfriend!"

   In order to let idols take a look, fans can be said to be very hard.

   Ruan Qi heard these shouts, and immediately trotted to Jian Guoqiang's side, sticking out his little head and looking out.

  Suddenly, the screams shot into the sky.

   "Ah ah ah! Soft treasure! Soft treasure is watching us!"

   "Ruanbao's little head is so cute! It looks like rua!"

   "Ruan Qi, your performance of Qi Yixuan is so **** handsome! I love it!"

  The fans shouted heartbreakingly, with real emotion.

   Ruan Qi smiled and waved at them, then raised his arm and made a big heart.

  Suddenly, everyone screamed more and more enthusiastically.

  Strawberry TV has many stars coming in and out every day. When those stars saw such a huge support, they all envied Ruan Qi and the other leading actors of "Blade" in their hearts.

   Ruan Qi stood by the window for a while, interacting with fans in the air, and then she reluctantly left when the TV station staff asked everyone to record the show.

   But she left, but the fans downstairs did not.

   Everyone lined up neatly, squatting on the side of the road, in order, and at first glance they were high-quality fans.

   The staff in the TV station couldn't help but boast a few words.

   "It is said that the fans of Ruan Qi's family are of high quality, this time I really saw it."

   "Fans follow the master. The main characters of "Blade" are all good, and so are their fans. It's been half an hour, and there's not even a single person throwing garbage everywhere."

   "I think the big fans of Ruan Qi's family even brought garbage bags. It's great to have such fans."

   "Good fans, and the main character is also amazing. How many people in China can win the Ramy Award? Fan Ruan Qi is so happy."

   The voices of several staff members are not small, and they can be heard far away in the empty hall on the first floor.

   They didn't see a woman walking out of the elevator entrance at the corner of the first floor.

  The woman stood at the corner and heard the conversation of several people clearly. Her fists clenched slowly, and through the dim light, the woman revealed half of her face distorted with jealousy.

  ——Yao Xue.

   "About Ruan Xiaoqi is going to lose his vest again".


   Ask for a monthly pass, okay?



   (end of this chapter)

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