Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1612: Because I am her brother (one more)

   Chapter 1612 I am her brother (one more)

   Ruan Munan never thought that he would put a Mercedes-Benz in the name of Yan Gang, and it would cause such a big disturbance and affect Ruan Qi.

   Seeing the overwhelming insults against Ruan Qi on the Internet, Ruan Munan was angry and distressed. He asked his assistant to work overtime to sort out the surveillance footage, and then he drove to the game in person.

   Ruan Munan wanted to see Ruan Qi for the first time, but he didn't expect that as soon as he got out of the car, someone threw a glass bottle on the little girl.

   Ruan Munan's head was buzzing at that time, and her eyes were full of only one thought, that is, she couldn't hurt her sister.

   This is the first time the young man, who has always been warm and calm, is so impatient and impulsive. He roughly pushed the crowd away, rushed to Ruan Qi without any hesitation, and hugged her into his arms.

  Boom - boom!

The    glass bottle slammed heavily on his back, and the unknown liquid splashed all over his body.

   But Ruan Munan didn't care about his body at all. He dug the little girl out of his arms and looked up and down nervously.

   "Are you injured? Did it hit you?"

   Ruan Qi's reaction was more nervous than his, "How are you, brother? Turn around and let me see!"

   The little girl hurriedly grabbed her brother's arm and turned his back.

   Ruan Munan's light-colored windbreaker was completely wet, and the liquid in the glass bottle dripped down his collar, giving off a pungent smell.

   is alcohol.

   Ruan Qi heaved a sigh of relief and broke out in a cold sweat with lingering fears.

   "What are you doing, brother, standing in front of me? What if it is sulfuric acid?!" The little girl widened her eyes in fear.

   Ruan Munan patted the top of her head soothingly: "If it's sulfuric acid, I'll block it even more. How can a brother not protect his sister?"

   said, he took the little girl's shoulders and pressed her into his arms.

"elder brother?"

   "Leave the rest to me." Ruan Munan patted her, "Just be patient."

   After Ruan Munan finished speaking, she raised her head to see if there was a hint of warmth in her warm eyes.

   He looked at the crowd expressionlessly, swept his eyes sharply, and finally landed precisely on the person who smashed the bottle.

   "That person," he gestured to the bodyguard who came with him, his voice cold, "catch it up and send it to the police station."

   Several bodyguards in black immediately rushed up and held the man firmly.

   The man struggled violently.

   "Let go of me! Why do you arrest me! It's illegal, I'll sue you!"

"Then go and sue." Ruan Munan protected Ruan Qi and looked at him coldly, "It's just that before you sue me, you'd better check the crime of intentional wounding and libel and you will be sentenced for a few years. Because tomorrow I will prosecute you on both counts."

  The man didn't expect Ruan Munan to be so real, and his face turned pale with fright.

   "I didn't slander! It's true that Ruan Qi was a mistress, I just vented my anger on behalf of the victim!" He struggled to defend himself.

   When Ruan Munan heard this, a sneer appeared on Jun's face.

   "Exporting bad anger on behalf of the victim? Do you really want justice, or just vent your negative emotions through justice, you know best in your own heart!"

   That person was struck by Ruan Munan's words, and his guilty conscience turned pale again.

Ruan Munan looked at him coldly: "I don't know anything about the inside story, I just convict someone with just a few photos. In the name of justice, I want to vent my ugliness and unbearableness in my heart. People like you have received nine years of compulsory education. , I really feel sorry for the country's educational resources."

   Ruan Munan usually speaks softly and politely, but when he scolds people, he is not at all merciful.

   He didn't use a dirty word, but he turned the man's face red and white, and you couldn't hold back a single rebuttal for a long time.

   Ruan Munan finished scolding the person who smashed the bottle, and then turned his attention to the fans and the media who were looking around.

  The media and fans were all shocked when Ruan Munan rushed over to block the bottle for Ruan Qi.

   They looked at this handsome man with outstanding temperament in front of them, and they all thought about his relationship with Ruan Qi in their hearts.

   Several media outlets were the first to react and rushed to Ruan Munan with long guns and short cannons.

   "Sir, what is your relationship with Ruan Qi?"

   "Sir, what do you mean by what you just said? Are you denying that Ruan Qi is a mistress? Who are you? Why do you deny it for her?"

   "Ruan Qi seduces a married man, do you also have an improper relationship with her? How far have you guys progressed? Do you know the existence of Yan Gang?"

   Numerous shots came to Ruan Munan.

   Ruan Munan put Ruan Qi in her arms, and her warm eyes swept over the reporters who were questioning.

   Those reporters felt chills when they saw them, and closed their mouths subconsciously.

The crowd around    also quieted down.

   Numerous eyes fell on Ruan Munan.

   Ruan Munan lowered her eyes to herself, and gently rubbed the little girl's hair in her arms, making sure that her emotions were comforted, so she spoke slowly.

   "Xiao Qi is not a third party. She has no improper relationship with Yan Gang."

   "Why do you say that?!" A reporter asked.

   Ruan Munan glanced at him, squinted her eyes, and opened her thin lips lightly: "I am her own brother."

   I am her brother!

   Ruan Munan's words were like thunder on the ground, making everyone dizzy.

  The scene was quiet for a moment, and then there was an uproar.

   Everyone looked at Ruan Munan in shock.

Ruan Munan continued in a calm tone, "That black Mercedes-Benz is indeed in Yan Gang's name, but the real owner is me. Whether it's the night of the Golden Melody Awards or the last half month, I drove to meet Xiao Qi. Xiao Qi went in and out of the Yun Qi Group, and he was also looking for me."


   The amount of information in this paragraph is too large, and the brains of fans and the media are all dead.

Ruan Munan didn't give them time to relax, "The evidence about Yan Gang will be announced on Weibo later by Jinhua Entertainment. The Yunqi Group will sue all those who caused damage to my sister's reputation in this incident. Not a single one will be spared."

   After saying that, he hugged the little girl in his arms, and escorted by the bodyguard, he quickly left the venue.

   The black car started slowly.

  The stunned fans and media finally noticed its license plate number——

   is the Mercedes-Benz whose registration information is named Yan Gang.


  The black Mercedes-Benz drove onto the road, but Ruan Qi was still a little unresponsive.

   She sat blankly on the seat until a chuckle came from beside her.

   "Little girl was scared stupid?" Ruan Munan stretched out her long fingers and scratched her nose.

   Ruan Qi quickly returned to his senses.

   She covered her little nose, frowning slightly: "Brother, don't scratch my nose! If you scratch it again, it will collapse!"

   "It looks good even if it's collapsed." Ruan Munan shaves it again maliciously, and then it's not enough, so she squeezes it hard.

   Ruan Qi immediately shook her head vigorously like a kitten with blown fur, and threw away the big hand that was messing with her nose.

   I came back from the hospital, and the test results were good. Put a chapter first, and the second correction is being written~



   (end of this chapter)

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