Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1614: Yao Xue's conspiracy (one more)

   Chapter 1614 Yao Xue's Conspiracy (One More)

   A public hospital in the imperial capital.

   In the single ward, Tang Ru was lying on the bed with a pale face, her empty eyes staring at the miserable white ceiling.


   The phone on the cabinet suddenly rang.

  Tang Ru's eyes slowly rolled, and just as she was about to get up, her younger sister Tang Fang, who was sitting beside the hospital bed, picked up her phone one step ahead of her.

   "Who?" Tang Ru asked in a hoarse voice.

  Tang Fang glanced at the caller ID, frowning slightly: "It's brother-in-law."

  Tang Ru's face changed slightly.

  Tang Fang hung up Yan Gang's call, but after a few seconds, the phone rang again.

  Yan Gang seemed determined to let Tang Ru answer the phone, calling over and over again. The harsh phone ringing kept looping in the ward, making people annoyed.

  Tang Ru stared at the constantly ringing phone, looking a little scared.

   "Your brother-in-law...isn't he angry?"

"You don't mind him." Little sister Tang Fang sneered, "He wants to divorce you regardless of his relationship over the years, isn't it because he made a mistake in bringing up the child? Who hasn't made a mistake? He is someone outside, I don't want you anymore!"

  Tang Ru was a little worried that if she did too much, Yan Gang would be angry. But when her sister said this, she felt that it was Yan Gang's fault, she was just a victim.

  Yeah, Yan Gang raised a mistress outside, and it was his fault.

   She just accidentally made her sick while taking her granddaughter. Yan Gang slapped her and divorced her despite all the years of love.

   He went too far.

   Tang Ru, who has been tolerated by Yan Gang for many years, can no longer distinguish right from wrong, and her younger sister Tang Fang is good at instigating and provoking. Tang Ru's original guilt towards Yan Gang instantly vanished.

   At this moment, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open.

   Tang Ru immediately sat up from the bed when she saw the woman walking in.

   "Yao, Miss Yao..."

  Yao Xueai ignored the answer and said "um", "Have all the videos you posted been posted?"

"...Send it out." Tang Ru has been taken care of by Yan Gang for decades, and she has never seen someone like Yao Xue who is arrogant and difficult to approach, so she couldn't help but be a little cautious when she spoke, "Miss Yao, I do this. Can you really make Yan Gang change his mind?"

Yao Xue: "Of course I can. Isn't the reason why Yan Gang wants to divorce you because someone is outside? Now that the third party has been exposed, Yan Gang's reputation has been discredited, and he will even lose his job. When he is completely left with nothing, except to return to With you, he has no choice."

   Tang Ru's pale face immediately showed joy after hearing her say that.

   But soon, she said worriedly: "Yan Gang lost his job because of me, will he blame me?"

   Yao Xue looked at Tang Ru's stupid appearance, and couldn't help but scolded a pig's brain in her heart.

She sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, and coaxed her face unchanged: "Of course not. You have accompanied Yan Gang for decades. If he blames you for such a trivial matter, is he still a man? Besides, He has lost his job and his reputation has been disgraced, and Yan Gang has no other choice than you."

   Tang Ru listened to Yao Xue's analysis, and the last trace of worry disappeared.

   She hooked her hair behind her ears and said happily, "Then I'll wait for Yan Gang to come back at the hospital. By the way, Miss Yao, what will happen to that Ruan Qi?"

"What will happen to the third party." Speaking of Ruan Qi, Yao Xue's eyes showed strong hatred and pleasure, "ruining other people's families, Ruan Qi should be scolded by the whole world, get out of the entertainment circle! I can't stand up again! "

  Tang Ru thought of Ruan Qi's young and beautiful face, and she also showed a bit of jealousy like Yao Xue.

   She completely forgot who rescued her when she was in a coma this morning, and she was full of eyes and could only let Ruan Qi, the third party, get retribution.

   Yao Xue saw that Tang Ru was being coaxed by her, and her red lips hooked up with satisfaction.

   A stupid woman like Tang Ru, who is full of men, can be fooled by a little sweetness and stimulation. She believes whatever she says, without any IQ at all.

   Yao Xue sneered in her heart as stupid as a pig, then took out her mobile phone, ready to enjoy the grand occasion of Ruan Qi being reviled by thousands of people.

   But at this moment, a little assistant hurriedly slammed the door and rushed in.

   "Sister Yao is not good! Shen Wenqian took out the real hammer evidence and started to fight back! Ruan Qi's brother is Ruan Munan, the boss of Yunqi Group!"

   Yao Xue's smile froze.

   "...What did you say? Who is Ruan Qi's brother?!"

   "Ruan Munan! The boss of Yunqi Group, Yan Gang's immediate boss! That Mercedes-Benz belongs to Ruan Munan, and Jinhua Entertainment has restored the data recording of the in-vehicle surveillance recorder!"

   "It's impossible!" Yao Xue stood up abruptly, "I asked Tang Fang to take the surveillance recorder and threw it into the water! Tang Fang, did you throw it away?!"

Sister Tang Fang nodded quickly: "I really threw it away. I stole my brother-in-law's car keys that day, went to the garage of Yunqi Headquarters to find the Mercedes-Benz, took off the surveillance recorder as you said, and then threw it away. into the river."

  Tang Fang has thrown away the surveillance recorder, why does Jinhua Entertainment still have the data video inside? !

   Even if Ruan Qi is a special technical consultant of that network security center, but the recorder has been destroyed, how much ability does she have to retrieve the data? !

  When Yao Xue was with Dong Qicheng before, Dong Qicheng mentioned Ruan Qi's identity as a special technical consultant several times.

   But Dong Qicheng looked down on Yao Xue and never told her in detail what the Cyber ​​Security Center represented in China. So Yao Xue naively thought that this was just an ordinary technical department, and Ruan Qi was just an ordinary technical consultant.

  In Yao Xue's cognition and vision, as long as the monitoring recorder is destroyed, no matter how powerful the technicians can't restore it.

   She didn't know that there were some areas in this world that she couldn't imagine. Ruan Qi's strength and identity were completely outside her narrow worldview.

  Yao Xue couldn't understand how Ruan Qi recovered the monitoring data. She hurriedly opened Weibo, and the first topic of Weibo's hot search came to her face——

  #Ruan Qi clarifies#

   Click into the topic square, and at the top is Shen Wenqian's new clarification Weibo.

   [Agent Shen Wenqian: The following is the surveillance video of the Yunqi Group headquarters for nearly half a year. Every time Ruan Qi enters and leaves the Yunqi headquarters, it is recorded in the surveillance video. 】

   Immediately afterwards, Shen Wenqian sent another message——

  【Next is the surveillance video of Ruan Qi's garage. 】

  【The last one, the video data of the surveillance recorder in the black Mercedes-Benz, and the surveillance video in the garage of Yunqi headquarters. The video is a bit long, please be patient. 】

  Shen Wenqian didn't talk much, and he threw out more than a dozen surveillance videos.

   Let's start with the video inside the Cloud Seven headquarters building.

  Because the original surveillance video was too long and the date span was too large, the videos sent by Shen Wenqian were all edited and integrated.

   (end of this chapter)

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