Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1619: Ruan Qi doesn't have to feel wronged (two more)

   Chapter 1619 Ruan Qi doesn't have to wrong himself (two more)

   Ruan Qi didn't know that he had a brother out of thin air.

   At this point, she had returned home from the game. Ruan Munan went upstairs to change her clothes wet with alcohol, while Ruan Qi sat on the sofa and listened to Shen Wenqian's report on the public opinion on the Internet.

"It's basically under control. Xi's legal department sent a lawyer's letter. In addition to Yao Xue and Tang Ru and Tang Fang, there are more than 100 marketing accounts and black fan keyboard warriors, all of whom have sued. Oh yes, fish in troubled waters end If you step on your peers in the circle, Xi's legal department will also sue in court."

Ruan Qi didn't expect Xi Jiu and Shen Wenqian to sue so many people in one go, so she couldn't help but worry, "Will it be a waste of time to sue so many people? Xi's legal department is so busy every day, will it delay their work? ?"

   Before getting married, Ruan Qi was worried about his fiance's subordinate employees.

   But he didn't know that the Xi's legal department had already gained a notorious reputation a few years ago, and few people dared to come to fight against the Xi's.

   Therefore, the huge legal team has no one to tell, and is idle to dig their feet every day. After finally encountering such a big list as Ruan Qi, not only were they not annoying, but they also enthusiastically encouraged Shen Wenqian to report a few more.

  Shen Wenqian recalled that when Fan Qi, Minister of Legal Affairs mentioned the lawsuit, Nawa's bright eyes couldn't help but complain to Ruan Qi.

   Ruan Qi laughs until his stomach hurts.

"You can't imagine how belligerent Fan Qi's gang is. I feel that the entire Xi clan is a belligerent, the kind who bites the enemy and doesn't let go." Shen Wenqian beeped softly, "But that's fine. You take After the Ramy Awards, many people in the circle want to deal with you. Xi's killing chickens now, and those people should not dare to attack you again."

   Actually, Shen Wenqian didn't plan to sue so many people.

   After all, in the entertainment industry, you can't do things too seriously. He was worried that too many people would sue Ruan Qi, which would affect Ruan Qi's future connections and stardom in the circle.

   But Xi Jiu told him that Ruan Qi didn't need to feel wronged for his connections and career.

   Behind her are Mrs Xi, Yun Qi, and Feng Yu, who she snatched from Dong's mouth with her own hands.

   She is not an entertainer, but a capital.

   No matter which circle in this society, the strong prey on the weak. As long as the strong is strong enough, someone will naturally come after her. Therefore, Ruan Qi does not need to feel wronged.

  Xi Jiu's overbearing remarks are like inspiring, completely reversing Shen Wenqian's previous inherent thinking.

   Shen Wenqian has always placed himself in the position of being a social animal in the entertainment industry. Since he is a social animal, he has to try his best to have both sides, be kind to people, and greet him with a smile even if he is a little wronged. Only in this way can he go on for a long time.

   However, since Ruan Qi joined Jinhua Entertainment, his and Jinhua's positioning in the entertainment industry has gradually changed.

  Jinhua Entertainment is no longer the mid-sized company that was inferior to the previous one, it has become one of the new four giants in the entertainment industry.

   And he himself has also unknowingly changed from a gold broker to the third largest shareholder of Jinhua Group.

   Xijiu is right, he and Ruan Qi are no longer just managers and entertainers in the entertainment industry, they are now the powerhouses at the top of the pyramid.

   Therefore, the old rules for dealing with the world are no longer applicable.

   They don’t need to wrong themselves, and they don’t need to worry about offending too many people, which will affect their starship and connections.

   They already have enough power. If you don’t have connections, you can create your own connections. If you don’t have a star path, then you can create a star path yourself.

   Inherent thinking was completely shattered, and Shen Wenqian's eyes suddenly opened up.

He looked at Ruan Qi in the video with a burning gaze, and said to her: "I'm going to talk about two endorsements tomorrow. One is the world's top luxury, and the other is blue blood jewelry. I will definitely grab them all. You wait for my good news. ."

   Ruan Qi nodded with a smile.

   "By the way, Brother Shen, what happened to Yao Xue and Tang Ru?"

"Already arrested." Mentioning Yao Xue, Shen Wenqian pressed down the corner of his mouth, "I called the police directly, and the police cymbal went to the hospital to block Yao Xue and the Tang sisters. They were planning to run away. ."

   Ruan Qi: "What about Yan Gang?"

"Divorce, how can I make do with it?" Shen Wenqian pouted, "I heard from the assistant next to your brother that Yan Gang has high blood pressure, and he almost fainted because of this. His daughter and son-in-law have already sent him to the hospital. ."

   "What Tang Ru did not only stepped on Yan Gang's bottom line, but even her own daughter couldn't stand it. Now their family supports Yan Gang's divorce."

   Ruan Qi didn't know whether to sigh or feel sorry for Tang Ru when she heard the result.

   lived to be nearly sixty years old and married thirty years. In the end, her husband didn't want her, her daughter also left her heart, and she spent half her life as a demon with nothing.

  I don't know that Tang Ru has no regrets now.

"I heard Fan Qi say that this time the incident is too big, Tang Ru has already constituted a crime of defamation, so she will definitely go to jail. But she is not the main culprit, the sentence should not be long, and it is estimated that she will be released in about a year. But Yao Xue is miserable."

Shen Wenqian raised his eyebrows, looking a little gloating, "She and Dong Qicheng have been tossing around for more than a year and have done a lot of side-scrolling things. Mr. Xi asked Fan Qi to collect evidence of Yao Xue's crime, punished for several crimes, and put her in jail. Wait three years and five years before coming out."

  Xi Jiu exhausted all means in order to make Yao Xue's life judge. Ruan Qi even felt that if it wasn't for the law, Xi Jiu might have thrown Yao Xue into the moat to feed the fish.

  The little girl couldn't help laughing.

   Shen Wenqian said two more things related to work and hung up the phone.

   After a while, Ruan Munan, who had changed her clothes, went downstairs.

   Ruan Qi moved her little butt, patted the sofa beside her, and motioned him to sit here.

   Ruan Munan walked over with a smile and sat down next to the little girl.

   "Brother," Ruan Qi tugged at his sleeve, "What will you do with Yan Gang? Will you fire him?"

   When Ruan Munan heard the words Yan Gang, the corners of her raised lips immediately pressed down a bit.

  Ruan Qi saw his reaction and knew that Yan Gang had been angered. She quickly shook his arm and said softly, "Brother, Yan Gang is also a victim of this incident, don't be angry with him."

  Yan Gang was tortured by Tang Ru for 30 years. Seeing that he was about to retire, he was so harassed that he almost lost his reputation.

   Intellectually, Ruan Munan sympathized with Yan Gang.

   But emotionally speaking, he couldn't keep his anger out.

   Yan Gang had caused so many troubles in the company because of family affairs. Ruan Munan was very considerate and never thought of firing him. But this time, Ruan Qi was actually implicated and was stigmatized as a third party.

   Ruan Munan couldn't bear this.

   But he also knew that Ruan Qi would not accept that an innocent person was fired because of her.

   Ruan Munan thought for a while, then said solemnly, "I don't have to fire Yan Gang, but he made such a big deal this time, not only you, but also Yun Qi's reputation will be damaged. It's hard to convince the public not to punish him."

   Ruan Qi: "Then brother, do you want to..."

   "Let's transfer to the subordinate company." Ruan Munan said, "He is the vice president now. He went to the subordinate company and let him be the general manager. After a few years of work, he will be transferred back to the headquarters."

   Today is a transitional chapter, and the plot will continue tomorrow.



   (end of this chapter)

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