Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1630: Xi Jiu is blind when he likes you (one more)

   Chapter 1630 Xi Jiu is blind when he likes you (one more)

   Xijiu knew about the relationship between Ruan Qi and the Cheng family. At this time, when she heard that Cheng Jinyan had something to do with her and Ruan Munan, she had some guesses in her heart.

  He protected Ruan Qi and opened the door of Ruan Munan's car. Ruan Qi was about to sit in when she heard Xia Ying call Ruan Munan again.

   Ruan Munan turned a deaf ear, opened the driver's door and got in the car.

  Xia Ying stomped her feet angrily, and wanted to step forward, but was pinned to the spot by Xi Jiu's eyes.

   "If you harass Xiao Qi and her brother again, I'll let Cheng Qi clean you up personally." Xi Jiu's tone was cold.

  Xia Ying's whole heart is like falling into an ice cellar.

   She looked pale as Ruan Munan's car drove away slowly, her hands and feet were cold.

   Cheng Jinyan turned his head away, his indifferent gaze fell on her.

  Xia Ying subconsciously wanted to be called 'Big Brother', but before she could speak, Cheng Jinyan pushed up her glasses and said blankly, "You are shameless, other girls in the Cheng family want it."

   "..." Xia Ying's face changed slightly.

Cheng Jinyan showed no pity for this cousin, with indifference and alienation between his eyebrows: "Don't pester Ruan Munan and Ruan Qi, they are not something you can touch. Let me know if you do this kind of thing, I don't mind helping you. Mother educate you well."

"Education" in Cheng Jinyan's dictionary includes but is not limited to a series of civilized behaviors such as breaking legs, sending them abroad, confinement, and freezing property.

  Xia Ying remembered that he had locked Cheng Yan in the suburban villa for nearly a month, and finally showed a look of fear on her face.

   "Big brother, you can't do this... I am your sister, they are just outsiders..."

   "Then I'd rather not have your sister." Cheng Jinyan straightened his tie, "Shame.

   After he finished speaking, he turned back to the car and drove away quickly in a black Bugatti.


  Xia Ying was angry and scared, her face was red and white, and she stared at the direction where Bugatti disappeared.

   Cheng Yan, who was beside her, suddenly let out a laugh.

  Xia Ying turned to stare at her: "What are you laughing at?!"

"I laugh at some people who don't have shame." Cheng Yan likes to see Xia Ying deflated and ridiculed with yin and yang, "Hot face sticks to other people's cold ass, people don't want it. Big cousin, are you short of men? You are so hungry. "


Xia Ying's chest kept heaving and heaving, "You are embarrassed to talk about me? Even if I chase men, at least I know shame. But what about you? In order to seduce Xi Jiu, you took off your clothes and climbed someone's bed. What happened? I didn't touch you, and I broke your leg and threw you out of the country! If you're not ashamed, you're the meanest one!"

   Xia Ying's words directly stepped on Cheng Yan's sore foot.

  Cheng Yan suddenly jumped up: "What did you say?!"

"I said you don't want Xi Jiu even if you take off your clothes!" Xia Ying held back for a long time, then frantically vented, "People would rather have a little star in the entertainment industry and treat Ruan Qi as an ancestor, rather than you, the daughter of a daughter! Oh yes! , Ruan Qi is not a small star, there is also a brother who is the chairman of Yunqi Group. But what do you have? Your brother Cheng Jiahui is still in prison! "

  Cheng Yan: "You compare me to Ruan Qi?!"

   "I'll compare, what can you do! You're not as good-looking as Ruan Qi, your figure is not as good as Ruan Qi's, your weight is bigger than hers, but your **** are smaller than hers."

   "Oh and also, he is a distinguished professor in the Imperial Capital, and he is a musician, what are you? He was thrown abroad by Xi Jiu and went to a pheasant university, and he didn't even get a degree certificate!"

   "No wonder Xi Jiu doesn't like you. Xi Jiu is not blind, and she doesn't like Ruan Qi, who has a high degree of education and good looks. Do you want to like you, a fish who slipped through the nine-year compulsory education?"

   "When I'm with Ruan Qi, I can talk about music, finance and physics. What can I talk to you about? Whose hyaluronic acid is doing well, or which luxury goods can be discounted?"

   "It's so funny! You keep saying that you are a rich lady, take a mirror and look at yourself. How can a mad woman have a temperament like a lady? You stand with Ruan Qi, you are the grass! Root!"

   Ruan Qi scolded Xia Ying just now, but now Xia Ying outputs all to Cheng Yan.

  It may have been a long time before, Xia Ying's scolding was extraordinary, and the knife stabbed Cheng Yan's heart, stepping her into the mud.

  Cheng Yan hated the most when someone compared her to Ruan Qi, and her anger burned directly into her head, and all her little rationality was burned to slag.

   "Ah—!" She screamed in anger, and rushed towards Xia Ying, "I'm going to kill you!!"

  Xia Ying didn't expect Cheng Yan to do it when she said she would do it. She was unprepared for a moment when she pulled a strand of hair off.

  Xia Ying's hair was not much. She looked at the big strand in Cheng Yan's hand, and her eyes instantly turned red.

   "You dare to pull my hair? I'll do it for you!"

  In an instant, the two rich ladies huddled together and pulled their hair down one by one.

   The lords hurried up to stop them. But Cheng Yan and Xia Ying were both Cheng's family members, so they didn't dare to use force, so they could only pull their arms out as best they could.

   It was like this for seven or eight minutes, and everyone's eardrums would be pierced by these sisters. The captain of the lord, Arthur, couldn't bear it anymore and shouted: "The paparazzi are here!"

   Xia Ying and Cheng Yan, who was frantically pulling her hair, moved in unison.

   Everyone took the opportunity to quickly separate the two.

   "The paparazzi are really here, neither of you should want to be popular, right?" Arthur said.

  Cheng Yan just lost the game, if it is revealed that she is fighting with others again, then no matter how rich she is, she may not be able to stop Youyou's mouth.

  She weighed the pros and cons, reluctantly slapped a harsh word, and let Arthur drag her into the nanny car.

   "Xia Ying, wait for me!"

   Monarch and the others shut the car door in a hurry, and the nanny car drove away as if running for their lives.

  Xia Ying looked at the **** of the nanny's car and scolded 'slut' with an ugly face.

  Cheng Yan's little madman is not very strong, but he often fights with people when he goes to school abroad, and he is very experienced. During the fight just now, she used her fingernails to dig Xia Ying's head and neck, and the bloodstains were shocking.

  Xia Ying was sore and angry, she covered her neck and wanted to leave. She turned around and walked towards her car, when suddenly, there was a 'clack' under her feet.

   seems to have stepped on something.

  Xia Ying lowered her head and stepped back with her right foot. A red USB flash drive was lying on the asphalt road.

  This USB flash drive…

  Xia Ying bent down and picked it up. There is a sticker on the red U disk, and the character on it is a star that Cheng Yan has been chasing for several years.

  So, this U disk belongs to Cheng Yan?

  Xia Ying looked up in the direction where the nanny car was leaving, pondered for a moment, and then returned to the car with the USB flash drive.

   She took the laptop, opened it, and inserted the USB flash drive.

   In the huge U disk, there is only a video of less than ten minutes.

  Cheng Yan made such a big U disk just to save a video?

   Is there a baby in the video?

  Xia Ying was extremely curious, she moved the cursor with her fingertips, double-clicked gently, and opened the video—

   (end of this chapter)

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