Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1637: Restore memory as soon as possible (two more)

   Chapter 1637 Restore memory as soon as possible (two more)

"Yes, not all." Zhuge Lang replied, "Transferring merit to ordinary people will only make ordinary people's life smooth, but they will not encounter big opportunities. The reason why you encounter big opportunities is because of your master. The reason, and more importantly, is that you are also a meritorious person. The merits of the two of you have undergone a chemical change in you, which has attracted the opportunity of heaven and earth."

   Ruan Qi always thought that it was just a random chance that Bai Li hit her in the head more than a year ago.

   But I don't know, it turns out that no one's head can be smashed by the artifact.

  Bai Li is an artifact born from heaven and earth, and all his destiny will follow the breath of heaven and earth.

   He is able to perceive the merits of the heaven and earth, and will also be attracted by the merits of transport. So more than a year ago, he would fall from the sky and land on Ruan Qi's head precisely.

   All this is not a coincidence, but a trace of fate.

   And the beginning of this fate was that Nie Beilou transferred his own merits to Ruan Qi.

   After figuring out the ins and outs of the matter, Mr. Xi couldn't help sighing with emotion: "Mr. Nie loves his disciples! Zhuge, since Xiaoqi has merit, can the crisis of the thirteen blood-colored stars be resolved with merit?"

   Zhuge Lang shook his head.

"She has already survived a death catastrophe, and her merits have already been transformed into opportunities, and there is no way to resolve the second crisis. Moreover, she is now a dead person. Both fate and merit belong to the living, and it is not for the dead. People can't work."

   "Where can she find her life?" Mr. Xi asked.

   Zhuge Lang: "People who are already dead naturally have to find life in the dead."

   "On the dead?" Mr. Xi's eyes widened, "What are you kidding? How can there be life on the dead? Did you miscalculate?"

   Zhuge Lang glanced at him lightly: "It took me half a month to calculate the result before I came, are you questioning my professional ability?"

   Mr. Xi choked when he was asked.

   "...I don't mean that either." He whispered, "It's a bit of a nonsense just to find life in the dead. We can't dig up their graves."

   Zhuge Lang: "I just asked you to find life, not to dig your grave."

   "How can you know that life is in the dead without digging graves?" Mr. Xi asked back.

   Zhuge Lang didn't want to talk to the old man who didn't understand. He turned his head to look at Ruan Qi and said, "In your past experience, have you ever had a deep entanglement with a dead person?"

   "... entanglement with a deceased person?" Ruan Qi frowned, the first thing that came to mind was Brother Bingshan ten years ago.

  In her scattered memories, Brother Bingshan was finally thrown into the lake.

   But if brother Bingshan is Xi Jiu, then he escaped from the dead and survived safely.

   But what if he is not Xi Jiu?

   Will Brother Bingshan still be alive?

   Ruan Qi has an incomplete memory and can't think clearly about the past. She turned her head to look at Xi Jiu, and asked tentatively, "Jiujiu, do you think Brother Bingshan survived?"

   Xi Jiu's dark eyes flashed slightly.

   He looked at the little girl, and the little girl's eyes were cautious and somewhat expectant, as if waiting for him to tell the truth.

  Xi Jiu felt a trace of guilt in his heart.

   In order to prevent Ruan Qi from being stimulated, he did not dare to reveal the true identity of Brother Bingshan. Otherwise, with the cleverness of the little girl, he will definitely find out that he has been in a vegetative state for two years.

   Ruan Qi's mental state has been very unstable. No one can guarantee that she will be stimulated to collapse after knowing that he has been in a vegetative state.

   Xi Jiu could only hide it.

  But now the matter of brother Bingshan involves Ruan Qi's vitality.

   Brother Bingshan is not a dead person, and life cannot be on him. In order to prevent Ruan Qi from wasting time on wrong guesses, Xi Jiu hesitated for a moment, then said in a deep voice, "Jiren has his own celestial appearance, and he will live."

   Ruan Qi's eyes flashed.

   Xijiu's words made her a bit more certain about the identity of Bingshan's brother.

  Brother Bingshan is Xi Jiu in all likelihood.

  Since it is Xi Jiu, then Brother Bingshan is not a dead person, and he will not have her vitality in him.

   Who will be the dead person who holds her life?

   Ruan Qi thought for a while, and then thought of another person—her grandmother Liu Qiuyu.

   But soon, Zhuge Lang rejected this candidate.

"When your grandmother died, you were not yet born. It is your parents who are entangled with her. You and her are only bound by blood, and it is not a very deep entanglement. The deceased who attached your vitality must be People you have had an encounter with. If you recall your memories carefully, what happened to you in the past caused you to have a death entanglement with someone?"

   Ruan Qi was stopped by Zhuge Lang.

   She only lived for twenty short years, most of the time she stayed in Qingyun Village. The only thing that involved her life and death was that Yang Liu almost had a miscarriage, and the incident ten years ago.

   Willow's nearly miscarriage doesn't involve dead people.

   And ten years ago...

   Ruan Qi frowned and said apologetically to Zhuge Lang: "Mr. Zhuge, I lost some memories ten years ago. Many people can't remember many things."

   Zhuge Lang nodded understandingly.

"From the point of view of fate, you did have a great disaster when you were nine years old. This calamity is full of blood and evil spirit, and it will tie you down for many years. Girl, if you really can't think of who the dead person is who is deeply entangled, then I suggest you restore your memory as soon as possible."

   "Perhaps the dead person with life is in your missing memory."

  The sun gradually moved from east to overhead. After Zhuge Lang completed his task, he left.

  The study was empty, Ruan Qi sat by the window with his right hand on his cheek.

   She was thinking about Zhuge Lang's words.

  The door of the study was suddenly opened.

  The slow footsteps sounded from far to near, and a cool crystal cup gently touched Ruan Qi's face.

   Ruan Qi returned to her senses, turned her head, and saw the man standing behind her.

   "Jiu Jiu."

  Xi Jiu let out a 'um'. He pulled over a chair and sat down, then handed the crystal cup to the little girl, "Yogurt ice cream, Lao Chen just made it."

  Ruan Qi looked at the milky ice cream, and his heavy heart was relieved.

   She took a bite with a spoon and asked Xi Jiu, "Where's Grandpa Xi?"

   "After sending Mr. Zhuge off, he went to the kitchen." Xi Jiu replied, "He asked Chef Chen to add a few more dishes for you."

  Ruan Qi's eyebrows and eyes twitched unconsciously.

   "How can I eat so much? Is Grandpa Xi going to feed me into a little fat pig?"

   Xijiu rubbed the top of her head, and said in a low voice, "It's not bad to feed it into a little fat pig. It's white and tender, and it tastes better."

  A man drives a car without saying a word.

   Ruan Qi blushed a bit, and said fiercely, "Qingtian, Baishui, can you be serious!"

   "Maybe not very good." Xi Jiu chuckled and pinched her cheek, "Little fat pig is too cute, what should I do if I can't control it?"

   Then eat it.


   The update is completed today, and I will give you a refill



   (end of this chapter)

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