Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1650: The first hypnosis (one more)

   Chapter 1650 The first hypnosis (one more)

   "Master, I had a dream last night that I had never seen before."

   Ruan Qi repeated last night's nightmare carefully, and Nie Beilou and Chu Yujiang both looked solemn after hearing this.

   Especially Nie Beilou.

  When Ruan Qi was arrested in Xiaoyao Village, he single-handedly rushed in and rescued her. When Nie Beilou rushed into Xiaoyao Village, Jiang Chunian tortured the two children to death in front of Ruan Qi.

   The blood splashed from the child's body sprayed Ruan Qi all over his face, Ruan Qi looked at it blankly, and his mental state seemed to have collapsed.

  Nie Beilou always thought that Ruan Qi was hit so hard in that incident because Jiang Chunian tortured children in front of her.

   But now it seems that the torture that Ruan Qi experienced during the few days when he was trapped in Xiaoyao Village was more terrifying than he imagined.

  If the fire in Ruan Qi's dream was real...Nie Beilou couldn't imagine how Ruan Qi faced all this back then.

   He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to suppress the anger and violence in his heart.

"I called you here today to try to hypnotize you. You are in a special situation. Ordinary hypnosis cannot awaken your memory. You can only use mental hypnosis. You should all know the dangers that may be encountered in mental hypnosis. "

   Ruan Qi nodded solemnly when he heard Nie Beilou's words.

Nie Beilou: "Your mental power is very strong. Your master will likely be attacked while hypnotizing you. In order to prevent him from getting hurt, I will use medicine to suppress your mental power to the lowest level. This medicine There are no side effects, but a sudden drop in mental strength can make you feel dizzy and weak, so you need to be prepared."

   For ancient warriors, spiritual power and strength are equally important. If any of these two things are gone, the ancient warrior will lose his crutches like a broken man, becoming weak and helpless.

   Forcibly suppressing mental power with drugs is by no means a comfortable thing.

   But Ruan Qi knew that this was the only way to get her into hypnosis smoothly.

   Her mental strength is too strong, and her subconscious defenses are too heavy. When Chu Yujiang hypnotizes her, she will most likely be attacked by her.

   Only by suppressing her mental power to the lowest value can the damage to Chu Yujiang be minimized.

   However, the sudden reduction of mental power is like a sudden failure of an organ function to the ancient warriors, which will cause great pain both mentally and physically.

  Headache and dizziness are only one of the adverse reactions. Whether or not he will vomit and coma in the future depends on whether Ruan Qi's physique can handle it.

  This hypnosis is destined to be torture.

  Nie Beilou finished all the precautions in the hypnosis, Xi Jiu's face was so gloomy that she could wring out the water.

   "Isn't there a way to make Xiao Qi feel more comfortable?" He couldn't help asking.

Nie Beilou glanced at him and said, "Senior brother Chu and I have been deliberating for a night. This is the hypnotic plan that has the least impact on Xiaoqi's body. Her subconsciousness is too stressful, and she doesn't need drugs to suppress her mental power. Brother Chu will be hurt."

   Xijiu naturally understood this truth, but the adverse reaction of the sudden decrease in mental strength was too scary, and he couldn't bear to let Ruan Qi suffer this crime.

   Xijiu wanted to discuss with Nie Beilou again, but Ruan Qi tugged at his clothes and interrupted him. ,

   "Jiujiu, I'm fine. The drug that suppresses mental power is only effective for eight hours, and it will recover after I sleep. Don't worry."

   How can Xi Jiu not worry.

   He grabbed her hand, his brows knitted tightly, his whole body exuding cold air.

   Ruan Qi smiled and touched the top of his head, "I'll be out soon. I want to eat Zhouji's shredded chicken tonight, Jiujiu, remember to buy it for me."

After    finished speaking, she kissed him on the cheek, and then followed Nie Beilou and Chu Yujiang into the hypnosis room.

   Xi Jiu got up and wanted to follow him.

  Nie Beilou kept him out of the room, "You can't have too many people during the hypnosis period. Use this if you want to see what's going on in the hypnosis room."

   He threw a tablet into Xi Jiu's arms.

  Xi Jiu clicked on the tablet, there was a monitoring software inside, the software could see all the movements in the hypnosis room through the monitor.

The door of the    hypnosis room was tightly closed and locked.

   Xijiu was sitting outside the door. Through the monitoring software, he saw that Nie Beilou gave Ruan Qi medicine, and then lit a soothing incense in the room.

   Ruan Qi was lying on the soft sofa.

   It didn't take long for the drugs to suppress mental power to work.

  Ruan Qi's brows furrowed slightly, his head subconsciously tossing and turning on the pillow on the sofa.

   She is suffering.

   But soon, the soothing incense lit by Nie Beilou also began to work.

  Without his strong mental power, Ruan Qi's consciousness was quickly eroded by the soothing incense, and he gradually fell asleep.

The first step of    hypnosis went fairly smoothly, Chu Yujiang and Nie Beilou both breathed a sigh of relief.

   Next, Chu Yujiang began to formally perform mental hypnosis.

   Different from ordinary hypnosis, mental hypnosis does not require language or physical guidance, but directly invades through mental power to achieve the purpose of manipulating the opponent's consciousness.

  Chu Yujiang's right hand was attached to Ruan Qi's forehead, and his mental power penetrated into her brain like a drizzle.

  The sleeping Ruan Qi seemed to feel the invasion of foreign power, and his eyebrows wrinkled again.

   Chu Yujiang did not dare to startle her, and waited quietly for a while before continuing to deepen his spiritual power.

   But soon, he felt the rejection from Ruan Qi's spiritual power.

   She was resisting him from probing her subconscious.

   Ruan Qi's resistance was a little serious. Chu Yujiang patted her forehead rhythmically with his hand a few times, and said warmly, "Don't be afraid, Xiao Qi, I'm Master Chu, don't reject me."

  The sleeping Ruan Qi seemed to have heard Chu Yujiang's voice, the frowning brows stretched slightly, and the spirit of resistance gradually calmed down.

   Chu Yujiang saw that she was calm, so he continued to infiltrate her subconscious.

   At the same time, he began to guide Ruan Qi to speak.

   "Little Seven, where was the summer when you were fifteen years old?"

  The sleeping Ruan Qi was awakened by the subconscious mind and answered, "In country M, accompany my brother to college."

   Chu Yujiang turned to look at Nie Beilou, who nodded, indicating that the answer was correct.

   So, Chu Yujiang asked again: "What did you do on August 21st when you were thirteen years old?"

  The subconscious mind is a very magical thing.

  Many things that we can’t remember on weekdays and things we never care about will be remembered by our subconscious mind.

  The sleeping Ruan Qi thought for a while, and quickly gave the answer: "I accidentally dismantled the chicken coop at home that day, and all the big flowers ran out. I caught chickens for a day."

  Chu Yujiang: "..."

  Chu Yujiang didn't expect this kind of answer, his eyes were a little strange when he turned to look at Nie Beilou.

  Nie Beilou had a cold face and nodded again.

   The answer is correct.

   Chu Yujiang's expression was even more strange.

   I went to eat a grilled fish, I will write a second update immediately



   (end of this chapter)

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