Chapter 1657 Liu Family

   As a high-paid elite who lives in Xi's manor all the year round, and goes in and out of luxury cars, Xi Xi really doesn't know what it's like to go bankrupt.

   He glanced at the red sports car logo, it was indeed the latest Ferrari, but...

   "Your car is second-hand, right?"

   The sports car owner who was still clamoring suddenly seemed to be strangled by the neck, "You, what nonsense are you talking about?! This is a new purchase! New at the beginning of this year!"

   Xixi laughed.

   "The style is indeed new, but the car is not."

  The owner of the car was furious: "Why do you say that?! You drive an Audi, you know the shit!"

Xixi glanced at him without getting angry, and said faintly: "Ferrari was launched at the beginning of this year, and it is sold in a limited number in the world. There are currently only three in China. The owners of these three cars are a well-known company in Y City. The family, he bought for his collection; the other one is far away in K City in the south; and the last one was bought by Gu Feiyang, the second master of the Gu family in the imperial capital."

  The car owner didn't expect Xixi to know so much about these things, and couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

Xixi continued: "Second Master Gu bought this Ferrari in the first half of the year and lent it to his cousin. His cousin was racing on the track and crashed the front of the Ferrari. Second Master Gu Reluctant to use the damaged car, repainted it and sold it for a low price.”

   Said, Xixi walked to the front of the Ferrari and patted the hood, "This is the position, repainted. Do you have anything else to say?"

   Owner: "..."

   Ruan Qi, who was looking out the window, couldn't help laughing.

The owner was awakened by the laughter. He recovered himself and said angrily, "What if I bought a second-hand car? This is a Ferrari. You smashed my window and sold your broken Audi for compensation. Sorry!"

   His Audi car was insulted again, and Ruan Qi couldn't bear it anymore.

She held the window and shouted to the owner: "My Audi car is more than 700,000 yuan! Are your car windows made of diamonds? What can't you afford? You should think about how to compensate us for mental damage. !"

  The car owner heard the sound and looked at her, "Mental damage fee?! Why should I give you mental damage fee!"

"One-way reverse traffic, motor vehicles are driving illegally on the sidewalk!" Ruan Qi shouted and pointed to his forehead, "I hit it because of you! You will pay for mental damage, medical expenses, and fines for traffic violations. Come on! I'll call the traffic police right away, you wait!"

   Ruan Qi said, he took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call.

  The owner of the Ferrari seemed to have heard a funny joke and laughed out loud from the driver's seat.

   "Call the traffic police? Do you know who I am? Laozi is the Liu family! Have you heard of the Liu family? The in-laws of the Cheng family in the imperial capital! Even if I walk sideways in the imperial capital, no one dares to control me!"

   Ruan Qi's hand paused on the phone.

   She raised her head, her eyes suddenly turned cold: "Are you from the Liu family? The Liu family from a scholarly family?"

"Yo, do you know the Liu family?" The Ferrari owner raised his eyebrows proudly, "Since you know the Liu family, you should also know that there are some people you can't afford to offend. I have something to do today, and I won't follow the money for smashing the window. You care, go first."

  The Ferrari owner said, starting the car and leaving.

  Unexpectedly, at this moment, a hard leather bag flew through the air with a '嗖——', and slammed the door of the Ferrari driver's seat with a 'bang', literally smashing the door into a big hole.

   Ruan Qi retracted his hand, pushed open the car door and slowly got out of the car: "Did I let you go?" [See off-topic]

   I have something to do at home today, so I wrote a chapter on my phone outside. I will make up for the next update I owe tomorrow, and I will go home very late today, so I have no time to write. mwah



   (end of this chapter)

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