Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1659: Five thousand words review (two more)

   Chapter 1659 Five thousand word review (two more)

  The Ferrari owner doesn't pay much attention to the entertainment industry, but Ruan Qi is so famous that he has several friends around her who are her fans, even if he doesn't know him.

  For this reason, Ferrari owners are very aware of how influential Ruan Qi is in the country.

   With Ruan Qi's fame and influence, if she sent out that video, it would definitely cause a stir. Not to mention the Liu family, even the Cheng family may not be able to control public opinion.

   He kicked the iron plate this time.

  The Ferrari driver's face became more and more pale, and his legs couldn't help but want to kneel on the ground.

   Ruan Qi's face turned cold and he kicked his calf.

   "As a descendant of a scholarly family, do you still have any hard bones? Kneel if you say kneel, are you a slave?!"

   How could her grandmother have such relatives?

   is simply sullying the surname Liu.

   Ruan Qi looked disgusted.

  The Ferrari owner screamed when he was kicked, and his already pale face became bloodless.

   He said shiveringly: "You, you can't post that video, the Cheng family and the Cheng family won't let you go!"

  Ruan Qi raised his eyebrows: "Do you think I would be afraid?"

   Ferrari owner: "..."

  The Ferrari owner doesn't pay attention to gossip, nor does he dabble in CP, and he is not clear about the relationship between Xi Jiu and Ruan Qi.

   But he heard about Ruan Qi's multiple identities from his friends.

  Academia tycoons, famous musicians, e-sports experts, special consultants of the Cyber ​​Security Center, with so many high-profile identities, even if the Cheng family wants to move Ruan Qi, they have to weigh them.

  The Ferrari owner is completely dumbfounded.

   Today this thing is probably not good, but no matter what, that video can't be exposed!

   The Second Ancestor, who was used to showing off his powers on weekdays, was soft for the first time. He asked with a sad face, "You, how do you want to keep the video from being exposed? As long as you say it, I will do it!"

  Ruan Qi saw that he was subdued, and rolled his eyes with a smile: "Don't be nervous, I'm a legal citizen, and I don't do anything illegal."

   Ferrari owner: "Then you..."

   "Write a five-thousand-word review in the circle of friends."

   Ferrari owner: "???"

"……What did you say?"

"I said, write a review." Ruan Qi spoke word by word, with a clear accent, "A five thousand-word review plus an apology letter. After writing, take a photo and send it to the circle of friends. In addition, the traffic police will come and punish you if you should. You will pay for it. You have to pay me for the injury on my forehead, as well as the mental damage."

   "..." The Ferrari owner was speechless for a long time, and his face was blue.

   Being fined by the traffic police and deducting points can be accepted. But write a review letter and an apology letter and send it to the circle of friends?

   What are you kidding?

   Does he still want to mix in the circle?

  The Ferrari owner refused. Seeing him like this, Ruan Qi slowly clicked on the video again.

  Suddenly, all kinds of arrogant words came out from the video, and the Ferrari owner's face was ashen.

   "Don't go too far!" He gritted his teeth and hated.

   Ruan Qi was not afraid of his warning and said with a smile: "Either expose the video, or write a review letter and apology letter and send it to the circle of friends. Choose one of the two, you decide."


  The main Ferrari vomited blood.

  But Ruan Qi has a video to pinch him. Even if he wants to hit someone again, he has to hold back.

   Ruan Qi's identity is too complicated, he can't provoke her.

   In order to prevent the exposure of the video, even if you don’t want to, you can only choose the second method – write a review letter and an apology letter.

   "I'll write!" The Ferrari owner's voice came out of his teeth, "I'll write when I get home!"

   Ruan Qi shook his head with a smile: "What are you going to write when you go home? Write it now, and I can give you technical guidance by the way."

   A broken review book asking for Nima's technical guidance!

  The Ferrari owner wanted to curse, and said with a dark face: "I don't have a pen, so I can't write now!"

   Ferrari owners struggle to find reasons for themselves to procrastinate.

   But Ruan Qi ruthlessly shattered his luck.

   She opened the messenger bag, took out two water-based pens and a few sheets of A4 paper, and slapped them on the Ferrari's hood.

   "You have both pen and paper, just write."

   Ferrari owner: "..."

  The back road was completely blocked, and the Ferrari owner could no longer find an excuse and could only reluctantly pick up the pen.

   Ruan Qi took out his phone and checked the time.

   There was still an hour and a half before the interview program, and there was plenty of time for her to finish writing the review while staring at the other party.

   "Uncle Hee Hee, look at him and don't let him run away. Sister Lan, let's go back to the car and wait."

  The imperial capital in November has entered the early winter, the leaves are withered and yellow, and the cold wind is blowing.

   Xixi is an ancient warrior, wearing a wool coat will not feel cold. But the Ferrari owner is an ordinary person. After five minutes of blowing outside the car, the hand holding the pen began to tremble.

   Xixi glanced at the dog crawling characters he wrote and frowned: "The characters of elementary school students are better than yours."

  The Ferrari owner made a move, gritted his teeth and didn't let himself scold.

   Xixi stared at it for a while, then suddenly asked, "What's your name?"

  The Ferrari owner shivered with cold: "Liu, Liu Feng."

   Xixi gave a 'um' and looked up at Ruan Qi in the car.

   Ruan Qi silently recited the word Liu Feng in his heart and let out a sneer.

   "The name is nice, but it was ruined by the owner. The word Feng means unrestrained, unrestrained and elegant. But where is this man so unrestrained? He is full of bones."

   Mo Lan knew that she was angry with the Liu family, and silently allowed her to vent.

   But Ruan Qi was too lazy to talk too much about Liu Feng and asked, "How long until the traffic police arrive?"

  Mo Lan: "Just made a call, seven or eight minutes. Already on the way."

   Ruan Qi nodded and did not speak.

Mo Lan turned her head and glanced at her, hesitated for a moment, but still asked the doubts in her heart: "Xiao Qi, why did you let Liu Feng post in the Moments? You are a public figure, if he sent the review book to Moments, his circle would be Don't you know it all?"

   "Just to let that circle know." Ruan Qi laughed.

  Mo Lan frowned suspiciously, not quite understanding her intentions.

   Ruan Qi: "Sister Lan, the Liu family and the Cheng family are in-laws."

  Mo Lan was stunned for a moment, and then his mouth opened.

  Although Liu Qiuyu has been dead for many years, the in-law relationship between the Liu family and the Cheng family cannot be changed. There is a lot of overlap in the social circle between the Liu family and the Cheng family. Liu Feng sent the review letter to the circle of friends today, and the Cheng family will definitely see it.

  What Ruan Qi wanted was for the Cheng family to see.

   "When the junior Cheng family saw Liu Fengfa's review book, out of curiosity, he would definitely ask him what happened. Sister Lan, how would he answer Liu Feng's temperament?"

  Mo Lan thought for a moment and understood Ruan Qi's ultimate goal: "Liu Feng remembers hating you, but he can't deal with you. So he will tell the Cheng family what happened today, and he will focus on your video recording."

   In that video, Liu Feng repeatedly mentioned that the Cheng family can cover the sky in the imperial capital.

   If this is exposed on the Internet, the Cheng family will be in danger.

   Therefore, the Cheng family will definitely contact Ruan Qi so that this video will not be exposed.

   And this is exactly Ruan Qi's purpose.

   There is another chapter to make up for yesterday.



   (end of this chapter)

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