Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1662: She even let me hug! (one more)

   Chapter 1662 She asked me to hug her! (one more)

   He took the mobile phone and looked at it again and again, and after repeated inspections, he was sure that the injury on Ruan Qi's forehead was really okay, and the frowning brow slowly dissipated.

   "After recording the show, let Mo Lan help you apply some ointment to reduce swelling."

   Ruan Qi nodded his head obediently.

   Xi Jiu looked at her, remembered Liu Feng's incident again, and asked, "Baby, did you ask Liu Feng to post a review letter in the circle of friends to draw out the Cheng family?"

   Xijiu didn't know what happened between Ruan Qi and Liu Feng, but he knew Ruan Qi very well. The little girl is not a flamboyant person. In the past, when someone picked something up, she would finish it after cleaning up. She would never make a big fanfare for people to send the review book to the circle of friends.

  So, the reason why she did this today must be intentional.

   Thinking of the previous relationship between the Liu family and the Cheng family, Xi Jiu could easily guess Ruan Qi's purpose.

   Ruan Qi didn't hide it when he saw the man asking, and briefly explained what happened between him and Liu Feng.

After listening to    Xi Jiu, a faint smile appeared in his cold black eyes.

   "Baby is so smart. Liu Feng is an impulsive revenge, so he can really take advantage of it."

   Ruan Qi was praised, and the invisible bunny ears above his head shook happily.

   Xi Jiu stared at her as if she couldn't see enough, and asked, "Are you going to go home after recording the show later?"

   Ruan Qi shook his head: "I have to go back to Jinhua after the show, and the MV for "Wanted" needs to be negotiated again. After the MV is discussed, I will go home."

   Xijiu: "Okay, baby, work obediently, I'll bring you something delicious at night."


   The two finished the video, and the TV station arrived.

   Ruan Qi is going to participate in a famous music talk show today.

   This program is the main music project of Imperial TV on Internet TV this year. It is a live broadcast mode. The guests who come to the show need to show their talents and singing voice in all directions during the live broadcast. No fake playing or fake singing is allowed. The host will also raise professional questions related to music from time to time. Whether the guests can answer them depends on their own knowledge and professionalism of music. There is no instinct to provide reference.

   This is a mirror show.

   Whether a singer's musical level is professional, whether his singing skills are solid, his strengths and weaknesses, good or bad, will all be exposed on this show.

   So far, although this show is a mess, there are not too many singers who dare to participate.

   And most of the singers who dared to participate in the show have real knowledge. And the small number of singers who have no real talent and real learning basically want to go the black and red route, and want to make a fool of themselves on the show to attract attention.

  The elevator soon reached the twelfth floor.

  Under the leadership of the program staff, Ruan Qi and his party went straight to the dressing room.

   "Mr. Ruan, do you need to bandage the wound on your forehead?"

  The staff immediately saw Ruan Qi's reddened forehead.

   Ruan Qi touched his forehead and declined his kindness: "I will be on the show soon, and the dressing will affect the visual effect. Fold it with concealer first, and I will disinfect it after recording the show."

   When the makeup artist heard this, he immediately chose the one most suitable for sensitive skin among the many concealers.

   "This concealer contains botanical ingredients, which are gentler on the skin. Sit down and let me apply your makeup."

   Ruan Qi noticed what the makeup artist called him, and blinked her beautiful eyes, "Miss, are you Marshmallow?"

  The makeup artist didn't expect her to be so sharp, so she pouted and smiled embarrassedly.

"I'm a big sister fan. Yesterday I knew you were coming to this show, and I was so excited that I didn't sleep well all night. Ruanbao, I really liked your "Blade", and I've watched it several times. can give it to me later Sign it?"

   As a fan, it’s a little embarrassing to meet idols face to face. The makeup artist's nervous face flushed.

   Ruan Qi noticed that her hand holding the foundation brush was shaking, and she couldn't help but smile a little.

   "Okay." She nodded, her voice soft, "Miss is so cute, you can ask for a few autographs, you can also hug~"

   Makeup artist: "!!!"

   The makeup artist, who has always been as steady as an old dog in the professional field, shivered, and the foundation brush fell on the table with a bang.

  Ahhhhh what kind of fairy baby is her soft treasure!

   This is too cute!

   She even let me hug her!

   How can I, He Dehe, have the opportunity to hold such a cute soft treasure?

   Am I worthy!

   Am I qualified to hold this kind of fairy cutie! ah? !

   The makeup artist roared wildly in his heart, shouting 'I don't deserve it', but shyly refused to greet him: "Then, give me a hug, thank you Ruanbao."

   Ruan Qi said with a smile that you are welcome.

   The makeup artist was so cute with blood from the little girl that she finally calmed down, picked up the foundation brush and started applying makeup.

  She helped Ruan Qi cover the wound on her forehead first.

   "The forehead is a bit red, so you need to cover it up a few more layers. But it won't affect the makeup effect. I promise to make you beautiful. You can rest assured, Ruanbao."

  The makeup artist took the concealer and used a brush to spread it on Ruan Qi's forehead skillfully.

   Ruan Qi raised his head obediently, his eyes were half closed, and he was allowed to play with it.

  Suddenly, there were loud footsteps and voices outside the door.

  The sound came from far to near, and soon, the door of the dressing room was pushed open.

   A large group of more than a dozen people walked in.

   "Why is the dressing room so small? Imperial TV station is too rude."

   "Why are there only two dressing tables? Not even a couch for sleeping?"

   "Where's the makeup artist? There's no couch, so there's no arrangement for the makeup artist?"

  The quiet atmosphere of the dressing room was suddenly shattered, and the noise suddenly filled the entire room.

   Ruan Qi was physically uncomfortable because of the noise. She raised her half-closed eyes and looked behind her through the vanity mirror in front of her.

   This large group of people should be assistants and bodyguards. They picked the dressing room, and a woman who looked like an assistant took out a bottle of perfume and started spraying it into the air.

  Suddenly, the whole room was filled with the pungent perfume smell.

  Ruan Qi has trained his sense of smell since childhood and is more sensitive to smell than ordinary people. She couldn't stand the smell of such a strong perfume, she pushed the makeup artist's hand away, turned her head and sneezed several times.

   Mo Lan, who was sitting beside him, immediately got up and walked over.

   The makeup artist asked worriedly, "Are you all right, Ruanbao?"

   Ruan Qi shook his head, took a breath and was about to speak, when the pungent perfume smell shot straight to the top of his head again from his nose.

   She couldn't bear it anymore and started to sneeze again.

  Sneezing continuously is not a good feeling, Ruan Qi was choked to tears.

   Mo Lan looked at the little girl's red eyes and nose, frowned slightly, and looked up at the assistant-like woman who was still spraying perfume.

   "Stop spraying, the smell is too strong, my artist can't stand it." She shouted to the woman.

  The woman who sprayed the perfume made a move, and then continued to spray the perfume bottle in the room as if she didn't hear it.

   (end of this chapter)

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