Chapter 1665 You are a fart

   Ruan Qi spoke earnestly and sincerely, and those who didn't know really thought she was worried that Concubine Xiang had a mental illness.

   The makeup artist couldn't help but smile, and turned around and her shoulders trembled wildly.

   Concubine Xiang's face turned blue.

   She looked at Ruan Qi and wanted to get angry, but she was afraid of Ruan Qi's background.

   Yunqi Group and Jinhua Group are two big backers. Ruan Qi is not an ordinary little star. If Concubine Xiang wanted to have a grudge against her, she had to first weigh how much she weighed and whether she could push down these two mountains.

   Xiang Fei'er wanted to be angry and full of fear, so she tangled in the same place and didn't move.

   Ruan Qi is too lazy to waste time on irrelevant people. She smelled it with her little nose, and after confirming that there was no perfume in the room, she asked Xixi to close the window.

  It's very cold, don't let others get cold.

   "Miss, go ahead and make up."

   Ruan Qi turned around and let the makeup artist continue to apply her makeup.

  Mo Lan and Xi Xi also did their own things, and they no longer paid attention to Concubine Xiang.

   Concubine Xiang's group of people stood there like fools, neither anger nor forbearance.

   The assistant who sprayed perfume on the air was angry before, and wanted to get angry at Ruan Qi but didn't dare.

   Just then, the assistant director of the program team came.

   "Why are you all standing in the room?" The assistant director was stunned when he saw so many people in the room, and frowned, "This is the dressing room, you all have to put on makeup?"

  The male bodyguards who came with Xiang Fei'er looked embarrassed.

   The female assistant who sprayed the perfume was already full of anger, but when she heard the assistant director say this, she couldn't hold back her anger.

   "Director Wang, our concubine is a top-notch concubine. In other programs, there are special dressing rooms and special makeup artists. It's fine if you don't arrange special use for us, and you have to chase our people?!"

   The female assistant had a strange yin and yang anger, and the assistant director, who didn't know the inside story, was stunned when he was questioned.

However, he is an old fritter who has worked in Imperial TV Station for many years. After reacting, he smiled and said: "With the reputation of the concubine, a special dressing room should indeed be arranged. However, Teacher Ruan Qi is the winner of the Lemy Award. I am thinking about it. With Teacher Ruan's status in the international music scene, it should be worthy of sharing a dressing room with Concubine, right?"

After he finished speaking, he ignored the female assistant and Concubine Xiang, whose faces were blue and white, and glanced at Mo Lan and Xi Xi, and said "yo" in surprise, "Mr. Ruan Qi, why did you bring two of them? Assistant?"

  Ruan Qi, who was applying eyeliner, opened his eyes slightly, gave the assistant director a meaningful look, and said with a smile, "Two is enough. Why do you bring so many assistants? Are you carrying me with a big sedan chair?"

   When the assistant director heard this, he raised his eyebrows and laughed.

   "Mr. Ruan is so humble, no wonder she has achieved such a high level of achievement. I am relieved to arrange the concubine with you. What do you think, concubine?"

   The assistant director looked at Concubine Xiang with a smile.

   Xiang Fei'er's complexion turned from blue to red, from red to green, and the colors were wonderful.

   Those present, as long as they are not stupid or deaf, can hear the meaning behind the assistant director's spring-like smile——

  What happened to the top stream?

   In front of the Rammy Award winners, ni is a dish.

   Arranged you and Ruan Qi together, it was not your concubine Xiang who was wronged, but Ruan Qi.

   No one is stronger in strength, but the spectacle is bigger than others.

  No one has a high status in the music world, but there is more **** than others.

   Do you really think that hiring two more bodyguards is a big guy?

   Please wake up, please?

  The real boss is sitting in front of the dressing table doing his makeup. No one said a word, you Xiang Fei'er is a fart!

   I'm sorry to you, the family has been living too much these two days, and I ran outside for another day and asked for another leave. I'll make it up tomorrow, woo woo... The third shift I promised you yesterday will also make up, burst into tears.



   (end of this chapter)

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