Chapter 1667 Two more

  【? ? ? 】

  【What does Concubine Xiang mean? Why doesn't it sound right to me? 】

  【Is Concubine Xiang scolding Ruan Qi? 】

  【Can you not over-interpret it? Is the concubine praising Ruan Qi's talent? Now people will be scolded for complimenting? 】

  In the studio, Ruan Qi couldn't help laughing when he heard Xiang Fei'er's tea ceremony.

She hooked her lips and said humbly: "Sister Fei'er has won the award. Whether it is a talented artist or a hard-working artist, who can create good works is an excellent artist. It's like catching mice. Catching a mouse is a good cat. I'm afraid that this cat has talent and doesn't work hard, or that it's useless. Sister Fei'er, what do you think?"

   The smile on Concubine Xiang's face froze.

   The live broadcast room burst into laughter.

【Ha ha ha ha! Ruan Qi's online mouth is a real hammer! "Work hard to the point where it's useless", is she connoting Xiang Fei'er love to step on it? Hahaha! 】

  【Ruan Qi said nothing wrong. No matter the talent type or the hard-working type, the one who can create good works and don't mess around every day is an excellent artist. What happened to the talented artist? Are you talented at breaking the law these days? 】

   [The most annoying phrase in the fan circle, "Do you know how hard your brothers and sisters work?". I'm not her mother, I don't want to know how hard she works, I just want to know if she has good works. 】

  【+1. As a singer, your job is to create great songs, not to tell people how hard you work. Who in this world doesn't work hard? The sea of ​​people who work harder than you is gone! Aren't the migrant workers working hard? Don't 996 office workers work hard? Born as a human, who doesn't work hard? 】

  【You can show how hard you work, but this is by no means the reason for you to step on others. No matter how talented or hardworking, no one is more noble than the other. 】

  The audience are not fools, they all heard that Xiang Fei'er's yin and yang strange words were pulling and stepping on Ruan Qi.

   And Ruan Qi's response was very beautiful.

   The barrage was full of mockery at Concubine Xiang. The concubine fans couldn't scold if they wanted to.

   In the studio, Concubine Xiang was speechless by Ruan Qi, and her face gradually sank.

The host was afraid that she would make trouble, and quickly changed the topic: "Xiao Qi is right, as long as he can create good works, he is an excellent artist. Then Xiao Qi, as an excellent singer, can you show everyone your own? strength?"

   Ruan Qi knew that the host was in the cue process and nodded with a smile.

   "Okay, I'll sing my new song "Wishful", I hope everyone likes it."

   This time on the music program, Ruan Qi came here to promote the new song, and the audience also expected her to sing "Wannabe".

  The lights on the stage slowly dimmed.

   Ruan Qi sat in front of the microphone with a guitar on his back, and the melodious tune of folk ballads flowed slowly between the strings.

  The studio was quiet, only Ruan Qi's full and nostalgic emotions dispersed along with the singing.

   The barrage of the live broadcast room, which was originally noisy, gradually turned into praise and exclamation.

  Everyone is immersed in the nostalgic and warm tune of "Wanted", forgetting the anger and remembering the original intention.

   Gradually, a song came to the end, and the memory also came to an end.

  The melancholy guitar sound came from string to string, and the final song slowly disappeared in the dim light.

  The audience was quiet.

   Immediately afterwards, the lights on the stage were all turned on.

  Ruan Qi pulled away from his immersed emotions, jumped off the high stool, and bowed to everyone with a smile.

  Suddenly, the audience burst into applause.

   The barrage in the live room turned into a sea of ​​howling and screaming.

  【woo woo woo... This song makes me cry every time I listen to it. The feelings of those years will never come back! 】

  【It sings so well! What kind of fairy voice is this? Open whole wheat actually sounds so good! 】

  【Ruan Qi's singing skills are really nothing to say. My elders in their 10s and 40s all cried. 】

  Everyone is infected by "Wanted", even the host is no exception.

   She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said with a smile: "Xiao Qi's singing is really beautiful. When I get home from get off work today, I must recycle "Wannabe" countless times!"

   Ruan Qi said thanks with a smile, her peach blossom eyes sweetly curved into a small bridge.

   The host was softened by her laughter, wiped the corners of his eyes, and forced himself to continue the cue process: "Xiao Qi's singing is over. Then, is it time for Concubine's turn? Concubine fans have been looking forward to it for a long time."

   The concubine fans at the scene immediately screamed.

   Concubine Xiang's face was slightly sullen when she saw the fans cheering so much, and she stood up from the sofa with a microphone.

   "Below, please ask Concubine Xiang to bring us songs and dances - "Fire"!"

  The stage lights went out instantly, and the dynamic and ambiguous prelude of "Fire" sounded.

   This song is **** and charming. Concubine Xiang sang and danced very well, and she quickly heated up the stage with a few backing dancers.

  The audience watched it very seriously. But looking at it, some remarks gradually emerged in the live broadcast room.

   [Is Xiang Fei’er broken? 】

  【The panting is too bad. I listened to it with headphones and it was full of breath sounds. 】

  【Let's learn about the lead singer of the Teaone girl group. The concubine is a high-pitched vocal, and of course she will have aura while dancing and singing. 】

  【The dance rhythm of this song is so fast, it's good to be able to sing like a concubine, right? Singing and dancing is definitely not as stable as Ruan Qi's sitting and singing. 】

【that is. Let Ruan Qi dance and sing, maybe it's not as good as the concubine. 】

  【Is Feifen sick? Can you protect your master not to bring soft treasures? What's wrong with my soft baby sitting and singing? Occupy your home? 】

  【Is it serious that Ruan Qi can’t sing and dance? She skipped the song "First Love" from beginning to end, without even breathing, don't compare Xiang Fei'er with Ruan Qi! 】

   In fact, Xiang Fei'er's singing skills are considered good among traffic stars, otherwise she would not stand out in the talent show and become the lead singer of the team.

   But her good singing skills are still far from real singers.

   The variety shows that Xiang Fei’er participated in were all tuned by tuners, and her shortcomings in singing skills were covered up. But the show "The Strongest Music" never fakes or pads the sound. No matter how good or bad your singing skills are, all of them are on whole wheat.

   As a result, Xiang Fei'er's true singing skills were exposed.

  As the rhythm of the song quickened and the pitch rose, her tune ran more and more, and the treble broke several times.

   In addition, the lung capacity is not enough, and the singing skills are insufficient, and the gasping sound almost overshadows the singing.

   A proper rollover scene.

  The barrage in the live broadcast room was full of ellipses, and even the audience at the scene were embarrassed to applaud Xiang Fei'er again.

   Concubine Xiang also heard that she had overturned. She gritted her teeth and finished singing the song, and when the music stopped, she immediately turned to look at the female assistant Xiao Zhang under the stage.

  Xiao Zhang shook his head with a white face.

  The reason why Xiang Fei'er came to "The Strongest Music" is to set up a wave of "powerful singers" through this show.

   After the third shift



   (end of this chapter)

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