Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1678: Ruan Qi vs Xiang Fei'er (two more)

   Chapter 1678 Ruan Qi vs Xiang Fei'er (two more)

  Xiang Fei'er made a lot of TV series a year and a half after her debut. However, these dramas are not big productions, and with the backing of her backing, the directors can't wait to hold her as their ancestors.

   After a long time, Xiang Fei'er felt that directors all over the world were so good at talking.

   Until Yang Lin scolded her in the face with a loudspeaker.

   Concubine Xiang was immediately scolded and dumbfounded.

   She didn't react for a while, and looked at Yang Lin blankly. On the contrary, Xiao Zhang, the assistant who came with her, was quite dissatisfied with Yang Lin's attitude.

   "Director Yang, our concubine is famous and has too many illegitimate meals. It is easy to be in danger if you don't bring a few bodyguards."

However, Yang Lin did not listen to these excuses, and retorted unceremoniously: "If you are afraid of danger, go home and stay! Which actor in this crew is not famous? Chen Han is not famous? Geng Jia is not famous? You have more fans than you, why haven't you seen them bring so many bodyguards?!"

  Chen Han and Geng Jia are the male and female protagonists of "Fire". They are both veteran movie stars and queens with countless trophies, and the top first-line celebrities in the circle.

   Yang Lin said it was rude, and Concubine Xiang's face was torn off.

   Her face was a little ugly, and assistant Xiao Zhang was even more dissatisfied: "Our concubine is top-notch..."

"What's wrong with the top class?" Yang Lin annoyed the stars who only recognized the traffic but not the business ability, and pointed at Concubine Xiang angrily, "Isn't Ruan Qi better than you? Everyone can film well, what big name are you playing? ?"

   Ruan Qi?

   Xiang Fei'er and assistant Xiao Zhang were taken aback for a moment, then turned their heads subconsciously to look at the studio.

   In the center of the studio, Ruan Qi was holding a thermos cup, and there was a mouthful of Ziliu health soup.

   Xiang Fei'er did not expect to see the enemy in the "Fire" crew, and her face changed immediately.

   "Why are you here?!" Her voice was raised unconsciously, a little sharp.

  The conflict between Concubine Xiang and Ruan Qi is known to everyone in the crew. At this time, seeing Concubine Xiang's emotions out of control, everyone looked at her like a lively affair.

   Ruan Qi held the thermos cup, took a slow sip, and then slowly replied: "I'm here, of course, to film."

   "Filming?" Concubine Xiang's eyebrows stood upright.

   Ruan Qi nodded with a smile: "I'm a cameo and I can finish filming in a week. Teacher Fei'er don't have to be nervous, I don't eat people."

   Concubine Xiang's face suddenly turned green.

   She wanted to get angry, but the picture of being pressed and apologized by the brokerage company a few days ago was still vivid in her mind. Concubine Xiang really did not dare to provoke Ruan Qi directly.

   Assistant Xiao Zhang also tugged at her sleeve in fear, "Sister Concubine..."

   Concubine Xiang knew what Xiao Zhang was going to say.

  Because of what happened a few days ago, her boyfriend lost his temper and warned her repeatedly not to be enemies with Ruan Qi.

   Concubine Xiang didn't know that her boyfriend was so powerful, why should she be afraid of Ruan Qi, a little girl. But she has to rely on her boyfriend to be in power, so even if she is not willing, she does not dare to disobey her boyfriend.

   Xiang Fei'er swallowed her anger back in her stomach.

   Yang Lin saw that she was being honest, so he stopped scolding her, and impatiently slammed her into makeup.

   Within an hour of Concubine Xiang's make-up, Ruan Qi completed two more scenes excellently.

  The crew of "Fire" has many experienced film stars, Ruan Qi learned a lot of acting skills, and quickly applied it to his own performances.

  Yang Lin witnessed the perverted comprehension of the little girl with his own eyes, and became more and more appreciative of her.

   Soon, Concubine Xiang came back after putting on makeup.

  Yang Lin glanced at the script and shouted with a loudspeaker: "Next time, Xu Meisunzi will play against each other in the bar."

   Xiang Fei'er's face changed immediately when she heard the words.

  Sun Zi is the female No. 3 in "Fire", and is also the role that Xiang Fei'er wants to play.

   In the plot, Sun Zi is a policewoman who has always suspected that Xu Mei's mother is involved in a human trafficking case. In order to find out the truth, she turned into an undercover gangster in the red light district and had a disagreement with Xu Meiduo.

   In this scene, Xu Mei and Sunzi did not like each other, and the resentment that had accumulated for a long time finally broke out, and the two fought in the bar.

   Xiang Fei'er looked at the props, tables and chairs set up in the bar, and couldn't help but ask Yang Lin, "Director Yang, are you really fighting?"

"Of course it's a real fight." Yang Lin felt that Concubine Xiang's questions were all nonsense, "This part is a shot to the end, you can't borrow a position, when you fight, pay attention to your strength, don't hurt the other party. Are the props ready? "

  The staff quickly put up various wine bottles and dishes.

   Xiang Fei'er's face turned blue when she saw those glass bottles.

   According to the plot of this section, Xu Mei will go crazy and throw Sun Zi on the table. Sun Zi was already injured, so she couldn't bear the fall, and her whole body fell on the table, and the wine bottles and dishes shattered on the ground.

  So, Ruan Qi will drop her into these glass bottles in a while.

   Concubine Xiang felt ten thousand unhappy in her heart.

   She stood there and didn't move, and asked Yang Lin unwillingly: "Director, can I use a stand-in for this part? I'm not healthy and can't stand the fight."

   Yang Lin's brow wrinkled when he heard this, he could kill a fly.

   "Why do you want to take on this drama because you can't stand the fight? What did you think before taking on the drama?"

   Concubine Xiang choked when asked.

   She used to film Xianxia dramas. Any scenes involving martial arts or hanging Weiya will be solved by a substitute. Sometimes she went to record variety shows and didn't have time to return to the crew, and even the main scenes were filmed as stand-ins.

   Xiang Fei'er was used to using a stand-in, so she thought that the movie "Fire" could be done like this. After all, her boyfriend is an investor, and no one should dare to refuse if she wants to use a stand-in.

   I just didn't expect that Yang Lin would not give her face so much.

   Concubine Xiang was unable to get off the stage, and froze in place without moving.

  Yang Lin didn't bother to talk nonsense with her, and shouted directly with a loudspeaker: "Props and lights are in place soon! The actors are ready, and the filming will start immediately!"

   Ruan Qi immediately took off his down jacket and walked in front of the camera in a thin short-sleeved T-shirt when he heard this.

   Concubine Xiang saw that Ruan Qi's brows were heavy as if she had entered the role, and she even more did not want to go there.

  Who knows if Ruan Qi will avenge her private revenge publicly, and use Ruan Qi to throw her **** the table.

   So many wine bottles, what if they break and disfigure her?

  Xiang Fei'er had a look of resistance, standing still and didn't move.

  Yang Lin shouted 'The actor is in place' three times, but he couldn't bear it any longer, and threw the loudspeaker on the table with a 'bang'.

   "Concubine Xiang, can you still take pictures?!"

   Concubine Xiang: "Director Yang, I want to use a stand-in."

   "In the end, you use a fart as a substitute! Are you the female third or the female third? I'll just put the substitute in the cast list!"

   Concubine Xiang's face was a little ugly: "Director Yang, what if these wine bottles scratch my face?"

"This is a prop bottle!" Yang Lin's head buzzed with anger, "It's normal for an actor to suffer a little injury during filming! The degree of injury to these props is within the controllable range! You have filmed so many scenes, no Some common sense?!"

   There are three shifts, turn back



   (end of this chapter)

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