Chapter 1687 Alarm

   At the same time, the staff on the set also started to put out the fire with fire extinguishers.

   When everyone saw Ruan Qi and Lin Tingting rushing out of the fire, they immediately stepped forward and poured cold water on them with a water pipe.

  The skin that was sore from the high temperature touches the cold water, and the pain is relieved a lot. Ruan Qi put down Lin Tingting who was on her shoulders, and director Yang Lin and others immediately came over.

   "How is it? Burned?"

   "Where's the crew doctor? Come check it out!"

   "Is the ambulance here? Ambulance!"

  The surrounding army was in chaos, only Ruan Qi remained calm.

   She blocked everyone's sight, lifted the quilt and glanced at Lin Tingting's body, then turned to Lin Tingting's assistant and said, "Sister Tingting's clothes are burnt out, please help her get a new one."

   After she finished speaking, she looked at the doctor in the crew again: "Sister Tingting has burns on her body. Prepare cold water to cool her down, and treat the wound with gauze after cooling down for 30 minutes. How long until the ambulance arrives?"

   "About half an hour." Yang Lin replied.

   The studio is relatively remote, there is no hospital nearby, and it will take a while for the ambulance to come.

  Ruan Qi nodded, raised his eyes and instructed Mo Lan: "Sister Lan, I have a purple box in my bag, which is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic ice ointment. You can apply it to Sister Tingting."

  Mo Lan immediately ran to the lounge to get her bag.

   At this time, Lin Tingting's assistant came back with a long wool coat.

   Ruan Qi took the coat, raised his head and said to the people surrounding him: "Don't crowd around here, keep the air circulating. Especially male friends, please turn your head away."

  Lin Tingting's clothes have been burnt down. If she wants to treat her wounds, her body must be exposed.

  The **** men on the set immediately turned around in cooperation, and a few girls pulled up a few pieces of cloth around Lin Tingting.

   The doctor of the crew began to cool Lin Tingting with a cold water pipe.

   When the temperature was almost over, Ruan Qi and Lin Tingting's assistant helped her put on the wool coat.

   Everyone was busy for half an hour, and the ambulance finally arrived.

  The medical staff lifted Lin Tingting into the car, Ruan Qi stood up from the ground, not knowing whether it was because she squatted for too long or was inhaling too much black smoke, she fell forward with a black body in front of her.

   "Little Seven!"

  He Ma quickly supported her.

  Yang Lin was also startled, and quickly held her other arm: "How is it? What's wrong? Did you hit your head? Hurry up! Get on the ambulance and go to the hospital for a full body check!"

  Yang Lin shouted to help Ruan Qi into the car.

   Ruan Qi raised his hand to stop him.

   "Director Yang," she shook her head, trying to dispel her dizziness, and whispered to Yang Lin, "Call the police."

   Yang Lin was stunned: "Report, call the police?"

Ruan Qi nodded and said in a slightly cold tone: "The wine barrel is not filled with tap water, but gasoline. The fire was not accidental, it was man-made. I have asked Xixi to guard the scene of the fire. ."

  Yang Lin had always thought that the sudden increase in the fire was just an accident, but after hearing Ruan Qi say this, he realized that the barrel of wine turned out to be gasoline.


   Such a big barrel, so much gasoline spilled out, no wonder the fire suddenly became bigger!

  Who wants to hurt Ruan Qi and Lin Tingting? Want to harm the entire crew? !

  Yang Lin was only stunned for a moment, and what followed was soaring anger.

   He took a deep breath and gritted his teeth: "I'll call the police right away. This matter can't be left alone!"

   My dears, I'm sorry, I went out to work today and only came home. I don't have time to write, I will update it today and make it up tomorrow. Make up for what you owe before.



   (end of this chapter)

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