Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1689: Intentional murder (two more)

   Chapter 1689 Intentional Murder (two more)

   Ruan Qi is also a doctor, so she knows exactly how to deal with such a degree of burn.

   She nodded, raised her arm obediently, and asked the doctor to disinfect her.

   Soon, the sharp needle of the syringe pierced the blister.

   Ruan Qi's painful little face twisted up, Ruan Munan pursed her lips tightly, and pressed her head into her arms.

The    bubble solution was quickly sucked up, the doctor applied a thick layer of scalding gel to the wound, and then wrapped it with gauze.

   "Don't touch water with your arms, don't eat spicy seafood recently, and don't touch alcohol and tobacco. Have you completed the hospitalization procedures?"

   "It's done." Ho Ma walked in with the ticket.

Doctor   : "Then go to the ward. The ward doctor will give you anti-inflammatory injections later."

   Ruan Munan thanked the doctor, and then helped Ruan Qi out of the treatment room.

  The inpatient department was in Building 2. Ruan Qi and his group took the elevator down. Just as they were about to go out the door, they met Yang Lin and others who drove over.

   Yang Lin saw Ruan Qi and hurried over: "How are the test results? What's wrong with the arm? Burned?"

"I've burnt a blister, and I've finished the medicine. The doctor said that I inhaled too much smoke and dust in my lungs, and I need to be hospitalized for a night's observation." Ruan Qi glanced at the crew who were following Yang Lin and asked him in a low voice, "Director Yang , have you called the police?"

   Yang Lin's face darkened: "I reported it. The police have already arrived on the set and are collecting evidence at the scene. I just went to smell the wine barrel, and it was indeed gasoline. The police said it was a deliberate murder."

   "Then what are you going to do next?" Ruan Qi asked, "Is the online public opinion okay? Will it affect the crew?"

  Yang Lin: "It will affect a little bit, but it's not a big problem. As long as the culprit behind the scenes is caught, the official will report it on Weibo, and it will be clarified naturally at that time."

   After he finished speaking, he patted Ruan Qi on the shoulder, "Don't worry about these things, you can rest in peace. I'm going to see Lin Tingting, you go to the ward, and I'll come to see you later."

  Yang Lin explained and took the assistant director to the burn department.

  Ruan Qi looked at the backs of them leaving, and his eyebrows gradually twitched.

   "Xiao Qi, what are you thinking?" Ruan Munan asked.

Ruan Qi retracted her gaze, her face slightly condensed: "I was thinking, why did the guy who changed water to gasoline do this. His goal is the crew? Lin Tingting? Or me? Also, what is he trying to achieve? ? With the amount of gasoline in the barrel, you can't burn a person to death."

  Before shooting a fire scene, a lot of fire extinguishers should be prepared on the set. Unless it is a raging fire, ordinary fire extinguishers can be extinguished in a short time.

   And the gasoline in the barrels is not enough to constitute a large fire. In addition, she and Lin Tingting were standing far away from the wine barrel, so even if the fire snake came over, it would at most be slightly burnt.

   It can be seen that the people behind the scenes did not want to burn them to death, nor did they want to let the crew die.

   What is the purpose of this person?

   Just to hurt her and Lin Tingting?

   Ruan Qi was thinking when two people rushed in from the hospital gate.

   When the man saw her, his eyes lit up and he shouted excitedly, "Miss Ruan!"

   Ruan Qi came in a hurry and did not wear a mask. At this moment, the man shouted out, and all the patients and family members in the hospital hall all turned their attention to this direction.

   Ruan Qi frowned, raised his hand to cover his face, and hid behind Ruan Munan.

   Ruan Munan's cold eyes fell on the man.

   The man's whole body froze when he was seen, and then his face showed joy again.

   He walked over quickly, saw Ruan Munan's eyes twinkle, and said excitedly, "Mr. Ruan has come to see Miss Ruan?"

   Ruan Munan looked at him lightly: "Who are you?"

   "My dear Liu Zheng, the Liu family in the imperial capital!" Liu Zheng extended his hand enthusiastically.

   Liu's family?

   Ruan Munan raised her eyebrows slightly and turned to look at Ruan Qi.

   Ruan Qi whispered to his ear: "Liu Qiusheng's unrelated grandson, he invested 100 million in "Raging Fire" and is Xiang Fei'er's boyfriend."

   Ruan Munan also knew about the Liu family's troubles, and even more aware of the festival between Xiang Fei'er and Ruan Qi.

   As the son of the Ruan family, he hated all Liu family members except Liu Qiuyu. As Ruan Qi's older brother, he didn't have a good impression of Concubine Xiang or anyone related to her.

   Ruan Munan gave Liu Zheng a cold look, and said in a distant tone, "Young Master Liu, hello."

Liu Zheng didn't care about Ruan Munan's attitude, and praised enthusiastically: "I have heard about Mr. Ruan's name for a long time, and I finally got to know him today. Mr. Ruan is as everyone said, with an extraordinary bearing and a dragon and a phoenix. By the way, Ruan In general, this is my girlfriend Xiang Fei'er, who is a friend of the same crew as Miss Ruan."

   Liu Zheng pulled Concubine Xiang to the front.

   Xiang Fei'er met Ruan Munan's gentle and distant black eyes, and her heart was pounding a few times.

  There are many handsome guys in the entertainment industry, including Liu Zheng who is also very handsome. But it wasn't until she saw Ruan Munan that Xiang Fei'er knew that there were also grades between handsome guys and handsome guys.

If the handsome guys in the entertainment industry are empty and flashy, and Liu Zheng's handsomeness is piled up by money and beauties, then Ruan Munan's handsomeness belongs to the exiled immortals on the top of the clouds, gentle and far-reaching, and noble is heart-warming self-abasement.

   Xiang Fei'er's heart beat wildly uncontrollably.

   She held her hair behind her ears, and said in a gentle and shy voice, "Mr. Ruan, I'm Concubine Xiang, nice to meet you."

After    Xiang Fei'er finished speaking, she raised her head and gave Ruan Munan a shy look.

   Ruan Munan also glanced at her.

   Then, he walked around her without looking sideways, pulled Ruan Qi up and left.

  "???" Concubine Xiang's shy smile froze on her face.

  Liu Zheng didn't expect Ruan Munan to leave as soon as he said he would leave.

   "Mr. Ruan, Mister Ruan, where are you going? Everyone is in the same crew, can I treat you to a meal?"

   Ruan Munan walked very fast, Liu Zheng lacked exercise and chased after him breathlessly.

   While chasing, he said he wanted to invite Ruan Munan to dinner. Ruan Munan's face turned completely cold as she listened to it.

   He stopped abruptly.

   Liu Zheng, who was chasing behind, almost didn't stop the car and slammed into it.

   "Ruan, President Ruan?"

   "Xiao Qi is injured, can't you see?" Ruan Munan's face was cold.

  Liu Zheng, who was about to invite Ruan Munan to dinner again, felt a little bit in his heart.

   He just focused on making friends with Ruan Munan, how could he still remember Ruan Qi being burned by the fire.

Seeing Ruan Munan's icy face at this time, Liu Zheng said 'bad' in his heart, and quickly explained with a smile: "I know that Miss Ruan is burned, this time my concubine and I came to the hospital specifically to see Miss Ruan. Miss Ruan, you have burns. Is it serious? Do I need to be hospitalized? I know the director of this hospital, should I arrange a VIP ward for you? I will cover all medical expenses and hospitalization expenses!"

   Liu Zheng had a concerned look on his face, as if he wanted to offer Ruan Qi as his ancestor.

   There is a patch, at the back



   (end of this chapter)

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