Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1695: Ruan Qi went out of the mountain to cure the disease (three shifts)

   Chapter 1695 Ruan Qi came out of the mountain to heal (three shifts)

  The third hospital of the imperial capital, the dean is named Monsan, and his son Meng Boyi is the deputy director of Lemon TV. As early as when Ruan Qi first came to the imperial capital, she had treated the leg disease for Monsan's wife. Later, she was invited by Monsanto to give an academic lecture at the Third Hospital of the Imperial Capital.

   Therefore, Ruan Qi was very familiar with the Third Court of the Imperial Capital.

   Before she was worried about what to say to convince Li Ming's wife that she could cure her daughter's disease, and now this problem has been solved.

   There is no one more authoritative than the head of the House of Three, Monsanto.

   With Monsan as her guarantor, Li Ming's wife should not resist her.

   Ruan Qi walked quickly into the hospital with Mo Lan, Ma and Xi Xi.

  Li Ming's daughter now lives on the third floor of the inpatient department. Ruan Qi went straight to the inpatient department. As soon as she stepped out of the elevator, she saw a haggard-faced woman talking with two doctors in the corridor.

   "She is Li Ming's wife, Lu Hua." Xi Xi reminded Ruan Qi.

   Ruan Qi did not expect to meet Lu Hua as soon as he came to the hospital. She stopped, stood there and looked at the woman not far away.

   Maybe it was the double blow of his daughter's illness and her husband's affairs. Lu Hua's face was very pale, his reddish eye circles seemed to have just cried, and his thin body seemed to collapse when the wind blew.

   She stood in the corridor, and the two doctors in front of her seemed to be talking to her about the operation. Lu Hua listened carefully, one of the doctors said something, and Lu Hua's face suddenly turned pale again.

   Ruan Qi stood far away, but she could barely hear what the doctor said——

   The success rate of the operation is 50%.

   has only half the success rate.

   In other words, half of Lu Hua and Li Ming's daughters may die on the operating table.

  Lu Hua's body was shaky.

   She insisted and thanked the two doctors. After the doctor left, she couldn't stand it any longer and fell weakly on the bench.

  Lu Hua covered his face and cried in a low voice.

   At this moment, a faint fragrance came from the air, and a pack of tissues was handed to her.

   "Stop crying, just wipe your tears."

   The girl's soft voice seemed to be warm, adding a touch of warmth to the hospital full of life and death.

  Lu Hua cried for a while, then raised her head and met a pair of gentle and clear peach eyes.

  Lu Hua was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously took the tissue: "Thank you, may I ask you who are..."

   "I'm Ruan Qi." Ruan Qi took off his mask.

   When Lu Hua saw her face, his expression changed suddenly.

   "You, you..."

"Looks like Ms. Lu knows me." Ruan Qi raised her lips and stretched out her right hand, "Introduce myself, I'm an actor, and I'm currently filming in the "Fire" crew. I was one of the victims of the fire yesterday. ."

   This self-introduction was like a heavy hammer, slamming Lu Hua's heart ruthlessly.

   She stood up abruptly from the bench.

   "You, you... I don't know you! I don't know you! My family is calling me, I'll go first!"

  Lu Hua wanted to leave in a panic, but the three of Mo Lan blocked her way one step ahead of her.

  Lu Hua's face turned pale when he was frightened by the tall and tall Ho Ma and Xi Xi, "What are you, what are you doing? I don't know you, and I'll call the police..."

   "Then report it." Ruan Qi looked at her with a smile, "The police are now searching for Li Ming's whereabouts. You call the police now, just to explain to the police why you panic when you see me."

  Lu Hua's face was pale when asked, and his already thin body looked even more shaky.

   Ruan Qi put his hands in his coat pockets and looked at her: "Ms. Lu, where is Li Ming?"

  Lu Hua pursed his bloodless lips tightly, turned his head aside, and pretended not to hear.

   Ruan Qi had expected her reaction.

She chuckled and said in a slow tone: "According to the laws of China, those who deliberately arson have not yet caused serious consequences shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years. Although Li Ming was not arson, he deliberately replaced water with gasoline, The sentence should not be light. Ms. Lu, when your daughter grows up, how should you answer when you ask why her father is in prison? "

   "Did you answer 'your father almost killed two people in order to save you', or did you answer 'your life was bought by your father with ten years in prison'?"

   "Ms. Lu, which of these two explanations do you think your daughter can accept?"

update completed.

   I got up early this morning to go to the hospital for a review, and I was so sleepy. After I came back, I took a nap. Before my head touched the pillow, I was already asleep. After two hours of sleep, he was full of blood and resurrected.



   (end of this chapter)

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