Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1732: Jiu Jiu's learning is broken

   Ruan Qi saw Xi Jiu get up and said quickly: "Ji Jiu, be careful, the light is dark, don't fall."

   Xijiu responded and turned to leave the guest seat.

   Awards ceremony continued.

After    and other awards for Best Screenplay and Best Special Effects, it will be the turn of the two most important awards - Best Actress of the Year and Best Actor of the Year.

   The best actor award was first awarded, and the trophy was won by a middle-aged actor who had accumulated a lot of money.

After    and other best actor awards, it will be the last award of this Golden Star Awards - this year's best actress.

   "There are two presenters invited to the stage."

   In the beautiful sound of music, the two presenters stepped onto the stage.

   At the same time, excerpts from five nominated TV series appeared on the big screen, among them Qi Yixuan, the heroine of "Blade" played by Ruan Qi.

   "The best actress of the year is—"

   The hearts of everyone in the "Blade" crew instantly lifted.

   The barrage in the live broadcast room also stopped for a moment.

   The presenters on the stage glanced at the audience with a pretense of suspense, paused for two seconds, and then announced the answer with a smile—

   "Blade, Ruan Qi! Congratulations to Ruan Qi for winning the award!"

  Boom - thunderous applause.

  The marshmallows in the audience screamed over the entire venue.

   The stagnant barrage in the live broadcast room is like pressing the play button again, densely covering the entire screen.

   At the guest table, Ruan Qi widened his eyes in surprise, with a look of disbelief on his face.

   "I won an award?"

   "Yes, Xiao Qi, you won the award. The youngest best actress at the Gold Star Award, congratulations." Zhan Rong reached out to her with a smile.

   Ruan Qi was still a little confused.

  As soon as she won the best director from Jian Guoqiang, she was ready to accompany her. But she didn't think that the Golden Star Award did not play cards according to the routine, and even gave her the best actress!

   Ruan Qi dazedly hugged Zhanrong Suai and the others, and then walked onto the stage with her skirt in front of everyone's attention.

  The two award presenters stood by with a smile.

   Ruan Qi: "?"

  What are you two laughing at?

   Give me an award!

   Ruan Qi stared blankly at the two award presenters, but the presenters didn't smile, standing aside and didn't give her the award.

   Ruan Qi's face gradually showed doubts. At this moment, the host's voice was heard: "Next, please invite Xi Jiu, chairman of the Xi's Group, to come to the stage to present awards to the winners."

   Ruan Qi: "!


   Everyone in the venue and the live broadcast room: "!


【Who? !


  【Am I deaf? Who is on stage to present the award? ! 】

【Ah ah ah ah ah! Sir! It's Mr. Xi! Mr. Xi gave Soft Treasure an award! My cp is in the same frame again! 】

  【What are you waiting for? Knock it all out for me! 】

   The CP fans in the live broadcast room went crazy.

   Ruan Qi is going crazy too.

   She looked at the man who was steadily walking onto the stage in disbelief, peach blossom's eyes widened in astonishment.

   Xi Jiu looked at the frightened little girl with a smile in his black eyes.

  He took bouquets and trophies from the two presenters and sent them to Ruan Qi.

   "Congratulations." The man's voice was low, with a hint of tenderness and tenderness.

  Ruan Qi's heart was beating violently, and her face that had been decorated with makeup was dyed an intoxicating pink.

   She took the flowers and the trophy, Peach Blossom glanced at Xi Jiu, then blushed and lowered her eyes.

   "Thank you," she heard herself whisper.

   The corners of Xi Jiu's lips were clearly hooked, and he opened his arms, "Hold me?"

   Ruan Qi: "…"

   Boyfriend is getting more and more beautiful.

  Ruan Qi opened his arms and hugged Xi Jiu hard.

   The CP fans in the audience and the guest seats immediately screamed.

  【Ah, ah, ah, I have reached Consummation! 】

  【Mom, my CP hugged me!


  【Seven-Nine CP fans celebrate the New Year tonight! 】

   The CP fans in the live broadcast room are getting more and more crazy. On the stage, Xi Jiu gently hugged Ruan Qi and let go of her.

   Ruan Qi walked to the microphone holding flowers and a trophy.

   She looked at the crowded auditorium and guest seats, took a deep breath, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect to win an award today, I was a little surprised, a little surprised."

   Standing behind him, Xi Jiu watched her intently.

Ruan Qi paused, and continued: "This is the first film and television drama award that I have won more than a year after my debut. I am flattered to win the best actress. This award was not won by me alone. It belongs to all the crew of "Blade". Thanks to Director Jian for giving me the opportunity to play Qi Yixuan, and thanks to Brother Zhanrong, Su Ai, Brother Jiaming and others for their tacit cooperation with me in the play, and also for this play All the staff who have given in silently. Because of your existence, I have Qi Yixuan, and I have achieved what I am today. Thank you, and thank you to the Golden Star Award jury and fans who have always supported me, thank you!"

   Ruan Qi finished speaking, and bowed deeply to everyone facing the audience.

   The cheering slogan of marshmallows sounded instantly in the audience, and the candy-pink cheering lights lit up a sea in the dark.

   thunderous applause.

   Ruan Qi stepped down under the attention of countless people. There was thunderous applause in her ears, and Bai Li's mad scream in her mind.

   "Ow! Faith has started to rise! The speed is so fast! Fast! Hurry up! Don't stop! I can!"

   Ruan Qi almost stumbled down the stairs.

   She quickly stabilized her figure: "Uncle Bai Li, it is forbidden to drive without a driver's license!"

Bai Li didn't hear her words, and her eyes were filled with the skyrocketing belief value: "A best actress can actually increase so much belief value, and if it continues at this speed, this wave can increase her life expectancy for at least two or three years. Oh, oh, Ruan Xiaoqi, you really are the best!"

  Belief value is rising fast, Ruan Qi is also very happy. She bent her peach blossom eyes and returned to the guest seat with flowers and a trophy.

   Zhanrong Suai and others congratulated her again. Ruan Qi smiled and thanked him. As soon as he sat down, Xi Jiu came back.

  Zhan Rong and the others saw Xi Jiu, and immediately shut up and stopped talking to Ruan Qi.

   Ruan Qi glanced at Xi Jiu with frowning eyes.

   Xi Jiu received the little girl's gaze, the corners of his lips hooked, and he walked to her side and sat down.

   "Is the baby happy?"

  "Happy~" Ruan Qi's eyes were sparkling, and there was a hint of accusation in her joy, "It's just that you are hiding such a big thing from me, you have learned badly for a long time!"

   Xijiu gave a low laugh.

   "I want to surprise you. For the sake of awarding you tonight, can the baby forgive me for concealing?"

   Ruan Qi was not really angry. The man put so much effort into making her happy, and it was too late for her to be moved, so how could she blame him.

   The corner of the little girl's mouth lifted uncontrollably: "Then I'll forgive you this time. But as a compensation, I want to eat the soup dumplings from Grandma Zhou's house."

   "Okay, I'll buy it tomorrow morning." Xi Jiu indulged unconditionally.

   The little girl's peach eyes immediately curved into two small crescents. She looked down at the trophy in her hand, and handed it to Xi Jiu like a treasure.

   "Jiu Jiu, touch the trophy for you. My first best actress~"

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