Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1757: A nightmare that can't be escaped

   The hypnosis room was eerily quiet.

  The three of Nie Beilou didn't speak, only Ruan Qi's rapid breathing made people's hair tighten.

After a while, Chu Yujiang sorted out his emotions and asked Ruan Qi the next question.

   "Then how did you choose? Xiao Qi, No. 11 and those children in the 'Junkyard', who did you choose?"

   "I...I chose..." Ruan Qi's voice suddenly stopped.

   A look of pain suddenly appeared on her face, and her whole body trembled violently.

   "I don't choose! Don't force me! I don't want to kill! Help me! Help me!"

  The sleeping Ruan Qi began to struggle violently.

  Chu Yujiang's expression changed, "Not good! Xiao Qi's subconscious is starting to resist! Patriarch Xi, you should quit her sea of ​​consciousness!"

   The moment Chu Yujiang finished his words, Ruan Qi's suppressed mental power in the sea of ​​consciousness swept away to Xi Jiu out of control.

  Xi Jiu, who had been paying attention to the little girl's mental state, immediately pulled his mental power away. At the same time, Nie Beilou waved his hand and pierced several silver needles into Ruan Qi's body.

  Ruan Qi's body trembled violently, and then the whole person fell into a quiet sleep as if acupuncture points had been tapped.

  Chu Yujiang pinched her wrist to check her pulse, and breathed a sigh of relief after a while: "Stabilize. I will light the soothing incense in a while and let her sleep for a few more hours. Patriarch Xi, are you mentally alright?"

"It's okay, I pulled away quickly, Xiao Qi didn't hurt me." Xi Jiu said, looking down at the sleeping little girl, and asked worriedly, "Senior Master Chu, how did Xiao Qi suddenly lose control? "

Chu Yujiang: "It should be her subconscious resistance and defense. You have heard what she said just now. If I guess correctly, the memory of Jiang Chunian making her choose is likely to be her heart knot. She didn't want to remember this memory, so she subconsciously resisted my hypnosis."

  Nie Beilou and Xi Jiu had a serious look on their faces when they heard this.

  Why is Ruan Qi so resistant to this memory?

   Is it because she listened to Jiang Chunian's words and made a choice between the children on the 11th and the "Junkyard"?

  If she really made a choice back then, who did she choose?

Number eleven? Or the kids in the 'junkyard'?

  Xi Jiu suddenly thought of what Su Yao said last time he and Ruan Qi went to see Su Yao.

  Su Yao said that there was indeed a big fire in the 'garbage dump' in Xiaoyao Village ten years ago, and all the children in the 'garbage dump' died in the fire.

   And this fire had appeared in Ruan Qi's dream several times.

   Xi didn't think much about it before, but now, a guess suddenly popped up in his mind—

  Will the fire in the 'garbage dump' have something to do with Ruan Qi's choice?

  Jiang Chu Nian asked her to choose between No. 11 and the "Junkyard". Suppose Ruan Qi chose to let No. 11 live, then those children in the 'garbage dump' would surely die.

   So how did they die?

   Was he killed by the people of Xiaoyao Village, or was he burned to death?

   Xijiu suddenly didn't dare to think about it any longer.

   He has experienced too many lives and deaths, and is used to seeing too many lives and deaths. For human life, he has long had a kind of indifference.

   But at this moment, he was extremely hopeful that the fire in the 'garbage dump' had nothing to do with Ruan Qi.

  Because if the fire was really caused by Ruan Qi's choice back then, then for Ruan Qi, it would be a dream that he could never get rid of.

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