After breakfast, Ruan Qi and the others left Yuyuan by car.

   Today’s schedule is quite full. I have to shoot a mobile phone advertisement in the morning and a magazine in the afternoon. In the evening, there was a small meeting at Jinhua Entertainment, and Ruan Qi, as the largest shareholder, had to attend.

  Ruan Qi looked at today's schedule, only to feel black.

   "When will the meeting at the company start?"

   "Five o'clock in the afternoon." Mo Lan replied, "Brother Shen knows that you have a job during the day, so you deliberately moved the meeting time to the afternoon."

Ruan Qi nodded: "Today's work during the day is really hard to do, and I'm bothered that Jinhua's senior management will accompany me to work overtime for a meeting. Sister Lan, you will call Brother Shen later and tell him that I have invited everyone to dinner today. "

   Mo Lan responded and immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Shen Wenqian.

   Ruan Qi thought of another thing at this time: "Is there a decision from Director Edward? When will I join the "Lord of the Rings" crew?"

"It's fixed, the day after tomorrow's flight ticket can be filmed in about a week." Mo Lan put down her phone after sending the message, looked up and said to Ruan Qi, "In addition to Director Edward, Anne Dylan also contacted Brother Shen the day before yesterday, she thought Another set of magazine covers for you."

  Annie Dylan, Ruan Qi's good friend at the Come to America Awards, the founder of a well-known magazine, and a top photographer in the European and American fashion circles.

   After Ruan Qi won the Come to America Award last time, Annie Dylan photographed a set of covers for her, and that issue of the magazine was sold out of stock.

   Ruan Qi did not expect that less than two months later, Anne Dylan actually wanted to take her photo again.

   She raised her eyes in surprise: "Didn't you just shoot it more than a month ago? Why do you want to shoot again?"

"Brother Shen didn't tell you?" Mo Lan laughed, "Your new song "Wannabe" has dominated the charts abroad. Recently, there have been many overseas magazine endorsements that have been invited by you. Brother Shen has picked a few and will wait for you to go abroad. After filming The Lord of the Rings, I threw out these announcements along the way."

  After "One Thought", Ruan Qi's new song became popular abroad again. Naturally, Shen Wenqian would not let go of this opportunity to open the door to the world, and directly filled Ruan Qi's schedule.

   Ruan Qi glanced at the itinerary record in Mo Lan's phone, and his eyes darkened again.

   The donkeys of the production team are not busy with her.

  Brother Shen is just a skinny week!

  The car arrived at the place where the advertisement was filmed while the little girl had no love on her face.

  The next day, Ruan Qi finished filming commercials and magazines. She changed her clothes and makeup one after another. She was so busy that she didn't even have time to eat lunch.

   By the time she finished taking the last set of magazine photos, it was past four in the afternoon. Ruan Qi didn't even have time to take off her makeup, so she changed her clothes and hurried back to Jinhua Entertainment by car.

   Today's Jinhua Entertainment has moved to the headquarters building of Qianfeng Entertainment Group.

   Ruan Qi immediately caught everyone's attention as soon as he entered the lobby.

   "Miss Nguyen."

   "Hello, Sister Ruan Qi!"

   "Little Seventh Sister is here?"

  No one who worked in Jinhua did not know Ruan Qi, and they all came forward to greet her.

   Ruan Qi nodded politely to everyone and was about to take the elevator upstairs when the lady at the front desk suddenly stopped her.

   "Miss Ruan, you have a courier."

   "Express?" Ruan Qi stopped in surprise, "Mine? Are you sure?"

  The lady at the front desk nodded: "Yes, it's your name. Miss Ruan, take a look."

  The lady at the front desk said, and took out the express box from the counter.

   Ruan Qi glanced at the delivery note on the delivery box, and the recipient was really her name.

   But she never left the address of Jinhua Group, and even the letters mailed by fans are elsewhere. How could this courier be sent to the front desk of Jinhua Group?

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