Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1782: Ruan Qi is suspected of participating in "Lord of the Rings" (one more

  Chapter 1782 Ruan Qi is suspected of participating in "The Lord of the Rings" (one more)

   This conjecture made Xi Jiu's heart tremble.

  X organization's "hunting plan" is to increase the limit of the human body through injection of drugs, and then make these drug people the killing tools of X organization.

   This potion is very abnormal. It can amplify a person's combat power countless times in a short period of time, but after the potion expires, the person will completely become a disabled person who cannot speak or move.

  The killers of organization X that Ruan Qi met in Country Y, have now become immobile puppets, who can only rely on infusions and nasal feeding to maintain their vital signs.

  Jiang Chunian's physical strength has suddenly become so strange, which is indeed somewhat similar to the effect of X organization's medicine.

Ruan Qi: "According to the interrogation statements of the former killers of the X organization, the medicine developed by the X organization is only a semi-finished product. The real finished medicine can not only improve the limit of the human body, but also control people's consciousness. Jiujiu, are you here?" During the battle with Jiang Chunian, did you find that his mental state was abnormal?"

  Xi Jiu thought about it carefully, then nodded slightly.

"Jiang Chunian is indeed a little excited, and his eyes are very red. But I don't see any signs of him turning into a puppet. His vital signs are very strong, which is completely different from the killers we met in Country Y before. "

Ruan Qi frowned, tilted her head to think for a moment, and guessed: "Is it possible that the X organization has developed a more perfect medicine? The person who injects this medicine will not become a puppet in the end, or will become a puppet for a prolonged period of time." Puppet time?"

  Xi Jiu thinks this guess is also possible.

   But no matter how they guess, there is no evidence for everything. Jiang Chunian is gone now, and the X organization's trace is erratic again, and everything is back to the original point.

"It seems that I have to meet Xu Qingya as soon as possible to find out the truth about Organization X. Also," Ruan Qi took a sip of fruit juice and said to Xi Jiu, "Jiu Jiu, Jiang Chunian was seriously injured by you. If he didn't inject It will take a long time to recuperate from the medicine of the X organization. But if he is injected with the medicine, his body should recover soon. Let's pay attention these days and see if Jiang Chunian will show up again."


   In the next few days, Ruan Qi has been filming on the set with peace of mind.

  The movie "The Lord of the Rings" is a big production. In addition to the famous director Edward, the actors in the crew are also internationally famous actor and actress. Ruan Qi learned a lot from the crew, and with everyone's guidance and help, her acting skills have been improved again.

"Dear Ruan, you are really the most talented young actor I have ever seen." Director Edward checked the clip that had just been filmed, and couldn't help admiring Ruan Qi, "With your current level, even in the international arena No less. I believe that after "The Lord of the Rings" is released, the oriental fairy you played will definitely become the white moonlight in everyone's heart."

  Ruan Qi was a little embarrassed by the praise, and thanked Edward with crooked eyebrows.

   At the same time, news of Ruan Qi's participation in the movie "The Lord of the Rings" spread quietly on the domestic Internet.

   These news did not attract the attention of netizens at first. But soon, there was a marketing account, and the matter was posted on Weibo.

  At this moment, everyone knew that Ruan Qi was suspected of participating in the movie "Lord of the Rings".

  【Entertainment porter: Ruan Qi is suspected of participating in the new movie "Lord of the Rings" by the famous director Edward, which is currently being filmed. What do you think about this matter? 】

  Everyone’s first reaction is disbelief.

  Who is Edward?

  Internationally renowned director, has directed countless classic films, and even won the statuette several times.

  With such a powerful director, which actor cannot be hired? Although Ruan Qi is well-known internationally, she is just a young actress. How could Edward invite her?

  Netizens shook their heads one after another, feeling that this matter was unreliable. Ruan Qi's fans didn't dare to eat such a big cake, so they quickly refuted the rumors in the comment area, and took Ruan Qi away to express their disapproval.

   Everyone didn't take this matter seriously, and they forgot after seeing it twice. But for some reason, more and more marketing accounts began to repost the relevant Weibo, and some even stated convincingly that Ruan Qi played a lot of roles in "The Lord of the Rings".

   This time, everyone's attention was completely attracted, and more and more netizens began to believe that this melon was real.

  【Ruan Qi won't really participate in "Lord of the Rings", right? Her resources are also great, she can eat this kind of fairy pancake! 】

  【Edward's "Lord of the Rings" has been in preparation for nearly five years, and the team configuration is all the best in the world. If Ruan Qi can really act in this movie, her status in the entertainment industry will be completely elevated. 】

  【Looking forward to "Lord of the Rings", looking forward to Ruan Qi! 】

  More and more people on the Internet began to discuss Ruan Qi and "The Lord of the Rings", and public opinion seems to be developing in a positive direction.

  But not long after, a large number of sunspots and trolls flooded Weibo, and the one-sided praise instantly turned into overwhelming ridicule.

  【Jinhua's navy is almost done. Your master only dared to boast about participating in Edward's movie after taking a domestic TV queen. This wave of marketing is really shameless. 】

  【Participating in "Lord of the Rings"? Ruan Qi's family really dare to brag. With so many movie kings and actresses in the world, Ruan Qi is not even qualified to carry their shoes. Can Edward fall in love with her? 】

  【Ruan Qi's suspected participation in "The Lord of the Rings" has spread to the Internet. Fuck, it's embarrassing to go abroad. 】

  A large number of sunspots and sailors ridiculed Ruan Qi wildly on Weibo, ranging from small things like Ruan Qi's popularity, to big things like Ruan Qi's embarrassment for the country, cursing and so on.

  Netizens who don't know the truth are led astray by these public opinions, and gradually feel that Ruan Qi is just chasing the popularity of "Lord of the Rings".

  #黑琼疑着参演《白银》# This topic quickly climbed to the top of the hot search list.

  The public relations department of Jinhua Entertainment has been paying attention to the dynamics of public opinion on the Internet. After this incident broke out, manager Tang from the public relations department called Shen Wenqian immediately.

  At this time, Shen Wenqian was watching Ruan Qi filming on the set of "Lord of the Rings". After receiving Manager Tang's message, he opened Weibo and swiped around, his brows slowly furrowed.

   "Cut! Oh dear Ruan, your performance is really perfect!" Edward yelled praises on the set.

  Shen Wenqian raised his head, just in time to see Ruan Qi finished filming a scene and walked out of the camera wearing a coat.

  Shen Wenqian walked over immediately.

"Xiaoqi, something happened in China." He handed the phone to Ruan Qi, "Someone broke the news that you participated in the movie "The Lord of the Rings", and many sunspots didn't believe it. There was a commotion on Weibo."

  Ruan Qi took the phone and glanced at it.

   It may be that there have been too many hackers on the Internet before, and now Ruan Qi doesn't take this little trouble at all. She swiped through Weibo, without moving her eyebrows, and said very calmly: "It's a small matter, just clarify it."

  (end of this chapter)

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